You’re just theory crafting about bad RP with make believe guilds while you also deny the HoC / RG their guild fundament which is guard RP by stripping them off authority
You could have just cut it short and called them vigilante, that’s the usual insult tossed
It appears that Baine is taken away by some grunts but maybe I’m watching an outdated video
I would argue that just as it is appropriate for a faction leader to condemn a racial leader, it is appropriate for a guild-level group to do the same to another guild-level group
I’m not sure that anyone should be roleplaying characters that are so lofty that only Sylvanas can come after them - unless you’re just against any kind of guard/authority/whatever RP in general in which case there isn’t a massive amount to argue
IDK what that even means
So the issue isn’t that there was no warning, the issue is that it happened at all? A weird sentiment
I believe (ie. acccording to Apawi) that that has happened a single time - and you might be surprised that I/(an officer) have been in contact with Rogmasha in various forms a little more than that
So yes, yikes. If OOC contact is a big thing for you, you should absolutely practise what you preach. I expect a full request form mailed to Apawi to be signed off in duplicate from now on if there is any conflict going on
Exactly. Obviously we’re roleplaying the lawful authority (until Sylvanas goes) but ultimately that’s just based on consent, if you’re really anti-guard etc RP you can just walk through us and pretend we’re not there
You’re not making much of an argument out here
About as chaotic as it’s shown in the setting, I guess
Player guild, player characters, hitching onto the power of the current Warchief. Where, basically, if you oppose them/don’t like what they do? That’s ‘against the Warchief’. Which, as we’ve all seen, usually doesn’t end well.
“Why do you care, you’re just a (human) Paladin!” [Thank you for that snark, Perroy ] - Well, sure. On my forum main, maybe? It’s not like I don’t have Horde alts, characters I would like to play without running into massive drama everytime I dare to log in?
Also, mainly, because we’ve been here before. Well, ok, the tabards are different this time. It’s more Forsaken than Kor’kron. But that wasn’t a great time either, if you didn’t want to partake but didn’t get much choice because if you went by ‘don’t have to participate’ then you are basically forced into being a hub exile which… is a problem, not of someones choice? If you stay and do ignore it then you get accused of ‘bubble RP’ or whatever. And if you DO contest what’s happening IC, then you tend to be outnumbered about 40 to 1? Sorry, it might be ‘fitting IC’ but OOC that’s not fun to have to deal with.
Trying to have a reasonable discussion about this. I don’t have much in the way of preconceived opinions here, other than the IC convos I’ve had on character with HoC characters have been characterful and enjoyable. So I don’t quite see why I’m getting snarked at with replies…? :<
When it’s on the individual level I mostly agree. It’s best to keep that fluid and organic (I like buzzwords), in the vast majority of cases.
But when it comes to multiple guilds contending with multiple other guilds, there has to be some kind of OOC cooperation and cohesion or it becomes a mess.
Not that I’m saying it’s the case here; as Perroy’s said, he’s been in contact with Rogmasha. The spontaneity of it might be a fair cause for concern for some of the players though.
You KNOW I’m opposed to oppression of Gnomes, because Blizz do it more than enough (i.e. at all) but I can and will bring out the Monkhammer, so help me…
Hey, I’ve seen enough people stirring excrement over “Don’t post on alts, coward!” that I’m not even chancing it except on IC posts. Blame the system, not me
I don’t understand your beef with us, you know we don’t go around setting bounties and killing people willy nilly, right?
Rogmasha’s bounty was set after months of RP and repeated offenses.
Usually when someone commits a crime in RP we just take them to the cell, do some questioning, then an officer decides their fate, which more often than not results in just spending the night in the cell or some corporal punishment.
You should probably all keep in mind that Rogmasha, as a player, can choose to ignore whatever role-play she wants if she didn’t want to do it/be involved in it, rite?
I know where you’re coming from Loras and you are almost definitely correct that talking it over beforehand OOC will make for a smoother experience, but I love being chaotic evil at ALL TIMES in my life
Natural RP tends to feel more in character and, usually , more exciting since it isn’t scripted
I’ve been mugged three or four times in the past few weeks while just walking around Stormwind or Ironforge on various characters. If at any point, I had been whispered about it prior to the mugging, then it would have been nowhere near as entertaining, and would have been a poor use of my time.
It’s like reading the entire script for a movie before you pay to go and see it. Why bother? And okay, maybe I’m being too literal there, but at the risk of sounding somewhat facetious, I’m generally smart enough to determine how a typical situation is going to progress based on minute details and of course, experiences prior.