This “guy’s” been here for at least 3 hours straight.
Lvl 20 hunter, grey shirt, grey boots.
So, bots tagging your quest mobs, bots taking your mining nodes, bots taking your plants, bots farming raw gold and destroying the economy, bots crashing the fish market, bots everywhere …
Are you gonna do something at some point ?
How hard is it to get rid of them, you realise we’re paying a monthly subscription for this game, right, so it MIGHT be appropriate to hire actual GAME MASTERS for this kind of things, I don’t know … ?
I see often that people suggest that Blizzard profit off bots (Credit Fraud/Stolen accounts etc)
Do other games like Runescape or CSGO also “benefit” from allowing (aim)bots, using them for inflating sub counts or purchases?
Some accounts also get stolen with phishing methods or used with fraudulent credit cards, that incur chargeback merchant fees for Blizzard. The “paid” amount plus penalty costing Blizzard a lot more not to mention the damage the botters do ingame.
But wait “credit card fraud doesnt exist for games!!” Some people forget, that Visa stopped processing payments for Runescape because the occuring fraud was just that extreme at a certain point in history.
One of their last public numbers revealed close to 271k banned in December 2023 alone. I don’t think it was even the majority of them.
Poster mentioned fast bot instant removal problem and low currency accounts
Another poster mentioned they remove bots every few days after a report. They return ofcourse, proving that instant bot removals isn’t going to work.
Video 2 in this post mentions that the alternative to chargeback or stolen account type frauds is “currency fraud” where they pretend to be in that region and buy very low currency accounts to bot onto.
Better solutions?
There’s no game so far on a similar scale that has a solution. This problem is literally everywhere and anti-cheat development has yet to outpace the illegal bot development.
Kaivax statement on countermeasures against botting
The bot situation is crazy on Spineshatter, I play in the early hours of the morning and every spot that isn’t populated by players is populated by bots.
Like Tanaris desert full of hunters killing all the mobs and skinning them and avoiding stuff required for quests like the ogres and bugs.
Plenty of 20+ level bots in Tanaris, Feralas. Just type /who Feralas 20-20. But what can you do? If you gank them they’ll report you and you’ll be banned. Bots have power. Blizzard does not care.
It’s profitable for Blizzard, People who buy gold are the “whales” of classic wow.
They usually have more than one account and pay for all the stuff on the store.
and noone ever saw or heard of any of these people.
It’s like having a secret police that does absolutely nothing; no bite, no bark, no point…
Blizzard just doesn’t care enough about the issue, because they don’t want to spend money to lose money, simple as.
I just drowned one with MC next to Azshara and reported over 10 on my journey to level 40 on 2 characters. These bots are not everywhere but quite common. I implore everybody to assist in the fight against these people.
Try using preformatted text instead - it’s easier for us to use It’s the </> formatting thingy (or CTRL e)
… but this sure looks fun.