Theres a new wave of premades

The Horde doesn’t say “Oh no a Jay premade.”
That’s not a thing.

People misidentifying everything as a premade that isn’t a premade and the defeatist attitude that results from it is just as much of a problem and an even bigger one because you fight a “premade” far more often than an actual premade as alliance.


Yes it was a thing, like I said.
You have no clue abt it because we almost never meet in an epic, due to your low participation in it. :slight_smile:
It LUCKILY goes less and less since I also lose many epics and people see I AM NOT premading anymore since a long time, but they thought it for years after I changed to alliance and also before when I stopped and still played hord.
STOP denying something you have no clue about, thanks!

And now turn it around, if Zado, Zenie, etc would only play alliance, you would have the exact same mentality on hord.
Just stop talking it is an alliance only problem.

Edit: For the future, and your “book” of BG strategy bla…learn to check your boss in Ashran if you totally stomp your enemy and this is the only chance to still lose, instead of grinding the enemy grp afk infront of their base.


And somehow everyone seems to know me as a “premade leader” when all I do is write strategy calls for random teams while nobody even pays attention to you.

Your flex with the backdoor win in Ashran is also completely besides the point. You won because we didn’t pay attention this time. Normally I always ask people to check the boss regularly. Well played there. What does that have to do with the discussion? Do you just want to flex that you beat me once? Congratulations. I made a mistake by not paying attention this one time and you defeated me.

This is exactly the difference between a sync premade and just a leader. When I see Zado with Zenie, I know they are in a sync premade because Zenie leads sync premades.
When I see Zado alone, I know he is leading a random team in a small group and I can defeat him.

This will not stop the alliance team from pissing their pants when they read the name Zado, but we can defeat him anyway. In fact I have defeated him 3 times when he was not with Zenie in the last few weeks alone. In Alterac, in Ashran and in IoC.
If you want, I can dig out the screenshots and show them to you.

Would I have beaten him if he was with Zenie? probably not because they sync too many strong players in and you wont be able to win a single fight.
Can I beat Zado alone? absolutely.

People need to learn to differentiate between what is a sync premade where you likely stand no chance and who is just a strong player or a leader making strategy calls, without syncing. Sync premades are hard to beat and basically cheating, the latter category you can beat.

But sadly, many players mistake the latter category for the former, which causes confusion and defeatism. This is my point.

Remember: there are only two sync premade leaders! Larkus and Zenie. If you see one of them, it is a sync premade. If they are absent, it is NOT a premade you are fighting.

I NEVER heard from you in ANY epic or normal BG, thats first, so no idea what youre talking abt. Attention problem i guess.

I dont care for “flexing” abt anything, you just started over the last weeks to annoy me with how you write, like you are the “All known BG strategy god” who can write a perfect tactic guide to every single BG.
Saying you are against epic sync premades, but make a big difference between the different groups and always trying to be nice when you write abt a specific group of them.

And Zado played synced premades for YEARS over YEARS, it is about the effect it has on everyone.
Even if all of them stop completely, it will take YEARS until people dont think they do premade anymore.
Think about that and then about that people that call its a premade if its not a premade.

THIS^, you cry now about that I linked a screenshot where you completely stomped alliance but were unable to check your boss as the only possibility to lose, but then constantly have to mention everywhere how great you are and how you beat everyone and every premade bla bla.

Then just tell them that people like Zado dont do sync premade anymore, and have patience.
Complaining now about the complaining people who got stomped too often by these names, has ZERO value aswell.

Dude I know that, but many people who have no contact, no clue about who does now what and for how long, DONT.
They just know either from years ago still or from others who did, that many of these names do this stomp fiesta.


Some new player asked to explain how bgs work and I did exactly that a few weeks ago. Not even a strat guide. Just how much points you get for stuff. They thanked me for it.

Ask a random epic bg player if they know me and most will say yes. And some who do not know me that well will erroneously tell you that I lead premades.
Ask a random epic bg player who Jay is and they will be like “Who?”

Actually do it under a different character name and see for yourself.

I dislike all syncing period. I want to offer a solution to the problem by hosting war games, which are premade VS premade epic bgs so sync premades can fight among each other. Zenie agreed to participate and I still think what he currently does is bad sportsmanship, but if I want to work with them, I’d better be diplomatic and not write too many bad things about them, or they wont cooperate.

What do you do about the problem of sync premades, apart from complaining?
I thought so.

That is exactly why I make these posts. To show them that they aren’t always syncing and that you don’t have to immediately give up when you see them. That their reputation for being unbeatable sync premades is no longer accurate and that you too can beat them if you try. But for that, you would have to lay aside your wrong assumptions about them and see what they do accurately.

Or keep being a defeatist crybaby and keep seeing premades where there are none. It’s up to you.

  1. I make mistakes sometimes
  2. this is not about me, but about everyone. If I can beat Zado, so can you. Just stop being a defeatist and try to put up a fight.

My message couldn’t be clearer and I don’t know why you are so upset.

Of course it has value, If you laid aside the defeatism and saw them in a more accurate light, you would win. So it has to be said.

So lets tell them how things actually are nowadays? Clear out some myths and help people get a better understanding? Am I evil for doing so?

I see, you have to say “Premade bad, cheaters all, ban them.” and other perspectives are not welcome.
Well sorry, I say what has to be said.

Every Alliance Player knows who Jay is probably because he is quite good as a paladin,as a healer i like to follow him around,the few times we meet, because i know i get peels and mana won’t get to waste :heart_eyes_cat:


You literally wrote that you could write a perfect tactic guide to every BG etc.
And its not only the first time you want to mention at any opportunity how much knowledge you have and how great you can lead all pugs.

Most people who play since years epics know me, and even if not, it was not me who cares so much abt that everyone knows what I do and how good I am.

I dont mean Zenie. :slight_smile:

Reporting them! :slight_smile:
Besides that, did I ever create a topic?
No, I just came here and read all this crp from people defending them or trying to argue abt it, and tell them that what they do is sht.

And you think that so many people that play epics come here and see this?

I am not, and I also dont complain abt these people who are, thats your part.

Not the point.

Also not the point, I told you why I linked this screenshot, and you started to complain abt it and that I would brag with it.
YOU are the one who repeats himself over and over how you can beat everyone and how good you are, thats it.

I wrote it, your attitute crying for attention and making yourself so big, annoys me after reading your latest posts, the last weeks.

Again, almost no1 reads this here, go play some more epics on alliance side and tell them, prove them, and dont complain abt them.

No, I didnt say this, you just dont do it.
You just come here to complain abt them not knowing.

??? I dont say anything like this at all, besides that I have the opinion epic sync premade players are not good players (while they play in these premades), nothing of this is my opinion.
No1 needs to get banned, they should just stop it, thats it.

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i never met you in bg?dont even know who you are but genuine question, do you stay or leave when u encounter premade?

Against a normal premade I stay, against or with a synced premade from Larkus or Zenie I leave.
Genuine question back, how is your character name that you play on retail, I dont like to write with people who hide everything.

Okay then. People know you. People know me. What does that have to do with the discussion? Nothing.

Who do you mean then?
Pandora’s people? I respect them for their skill. I found some of the GY camping they did in epic bgs disgusting and pointed it out. It’s also no surprise they are the strongest premade community when they have minimum quality standards unlike many others. They’ve stopped playing epic bgs and play random bgs nowadays.

You know that nobody ever gets banned for syncing alone?
So how far does that get you?
Because syncing is not a bannable offense, even though it should be.

Who is defending sync premades here?
I’m not.
I point out that people mistakenly think that some opponents are premades when they really aren’t premades and the problems it brings, which is a topic worth discussing.

Does it hurt when only a fraction of players reads it and gets a better understanding?

I bring up the topic of defeatists who see premades where there are none because they are the reason some games that could have been won are lost.

To dispell the myth that they can’t be beaten.
It was never, at no point, about bragging.

Likewise do your latest posts annoy me. I brought up the topic of premades that are premades only in the perception of the opponents and aren’t actually premades which is related to the discussion.

You somehow deviated the topic and made it about me as a person?
Can we talk about premades and related stuff please?

It would be helpful if the attitude of some alliance players shifted, which I aim to do with the posts.

Go and make them stop.
Reporting them wont stop them.

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Magedog is my retail name.

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No idea, I just gave you a personal experience of why hord is the same as alliance, you later on wanted so much to mention everyone knows you but not me.


Yea to this I dont need to say anything anymore. xD

I dont care, its abt that I feel better with it and can continue playing epics.
How far do you come with your posts here?


And I never said its you, I said that the last posts from you seem like shifting the blame or problem to other people, thats it.
But yea I think you read the hundreds of posts from people who argue abt that sync premades are nothing bad.

Make one then?

No, but then stop complaining abt all the people on alliance side in epics who dont read it and still think many people who dont do premade anymore still do it.

Maybe then it just sounded to me like it, but if you say it was not then I will believe you at this point.

Like I told you, because how you wrote here about “Its an alliance problem” etc, sounded like you want to shift the problem, and it annoyed me.

If you think this posts will help, your thing.
But if you start like the sync premaders aswell with how everyone is whining for no reason etc, I doubt they will get it.

Tell me how, with wargames?
Larkus already confirmed he gives a damn, and thinking this will bring anything then you can go on dreaming.

Horde cries premade when they see Larkus who is a premade leader.
Alliance see a premade around every corner, even though Zenie is nowhere to be found.

I bring a new perspective to the topic and make some people rethink their attitude when facing a “premade”. Some agree with me.

Reporting premades for syncing on the other hand…you might as well not bother.
They won’t get banned.
Although considering how people mix up actual sync premade leaders with random raid leaders and small groups, it probably is better that way.
I just wish the devs would finally make a factionless queue so synced groups get split.

Why make a new forum thread when what I say is related to the ongoing discussion?

I play both factions and I encounter people who cry “premade” at the beginning of the round far more frequently when playing as alliance. And often times these “premades” are just players like Emegenceree or Laota, people who play at most in 5-groups. And I’ve been told multiple times that they do the same when I am on the horde team myself.

This needs to stop.

Zenie agreed to participate though. The community keeps growing, more and more players join so events and war games can be hosted more frequently. It will draw more and more attention.

Weird, emeg was playing today and we won why didnt we win the other 50 times,maybe because its not just a small group but multiple 5 man Groups? Could it possibly be that all these boomkins holypriests monks and mm hunters queue at the same time? In a “dead” bracket and therefore enjoy the excuse “we just friends playing in a small Group” whilst technically syncing. Is it maybe possible that these people sit in each others bnet and in the same big and mid communitys and can therefore see when the Queue button is pressed? Its not entirely out of question but whatever :thinking:

Today is Friday more Players are online and guess what less Infested Maps. Played more Pug v Pug or actual small grp vs pug/other small group than in the last 1 1/2 weeks combined. Let that sink in.

I hope everyone has a good queue and can make up for lost time and wasted deserters,lots of love. For Lorna Shore :sparkling_heart:


I get into a group with him frequently and never on purpose. There aren’t that many lobbies opening at the same time. Chances are you will end up in the same game without even trying.

Yea to this I can say again, I play far more epic BGs, especially on alliance and it’s comepletely bullsh*t.
Like I wrote, even if alliance complains a bit more as hord and calls more often that there would be a premade and its not one, its simply due to the fact that on alliance you encounter thousand times more often one as on hord (atm).

This was not the point, show me how many people you reached that you complained about.

What is related to the discussion?
That you say “its an alliance problem” and that they lose every epic mostly because they are already pissed when they see the common names from syncers and premaders in bge?
You literally blame people to be the problem cuz they have an attitute which is created through the thousands of stomp BGs.

Explained already why this is the case atm.

Then play more epics, tell THEM.

And at this day, where Zenie and the other sync premaders stop doing it and only playing Wargames or in one group, I will believe it.



if randoms defeat a premade, I let you imagine how bad the premade is.

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Care to explain this or you not going to elaborate?

Come on mate, by saying this you prove that you are just a clown.

3 sync group on vocal can defeat 40 randoms in epic battleground

I once queue with a premade alone and you just spam AR during all the game and random like me are just following you so it’s like a 40 vocals against 40 no voices.
If you lose when you can coordinate all of your team, the problem is the premade.

See ? If you loose, the premade is a problem
If you win, the premade still a problem because you ruins the game of 40 ppl who just want to chill in epic battleground.

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The attitude I call “we face a premade - we are doomed” is the reason why you are stomped in the first place. And the “premades” you face aren’t premades unless it is Zenie.

I hope you will learn that one day.

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