so we go into hangar, we fight, we lose the fight
games goes into the direction of team winning hangar lets say, yes?
this was df ending season meta at least
we go into, 1 hour turtle, and MAYBE and i say MAYBE we do win that one
its way more often we don’t, and first tf is almost the game (this also applies to many other matches)
next bg, u encoutner a premade, u go to hangar, u get literally run into the ground in 5 seconds, 10 ppl instantly quit
u really think out of trhe 30 everyone is going to do their best to win, im betting (aside from the 5 whom were either entering late or alreeady alt tabbed leeching) that 10 more will be at peace with losing the game, 2-3 will spam bg chat about what to do, all with different plans
its gonna become a 15 minutes defeat
and its gonna repeat at every hangar lost pretty much
this is the same as league of legend, there is many games that starts off even decently, but then they are lost to the most bs at 40 minutes, and most people wont take in the “well, i had 30 minutes of fun at least” but more “this all amount to nothing”
which is why so many people are prone to give up uickly games that are theoretically winnable, i mean, all games technically are if everyone has that mindset, but half team wont have non of it, and some games are legit gonna look unwinnable with numbers, like, first tf, then u check see 1 healer vs 5, half team less than 600IL most enemy team 620+
i really can’t blame ppl that much for giving up, personally, i used to be a never surrender kind of players, but obviously, since most people say im terrible at the game and yet they will literally permatarget me and run at me with pocket healers and cc chains for the next 10-15 mins, i cba too
im not gonna be able to ninja cap anythijng, ppl just always look where im at, what i do, where i go, and often will just sap 3x, blind, garrotte/cheapshot chain, with 2-3 mores im limited by how much nerfs mage ate in this expansion and i cannot even try any crazy play since TWW mage is more about ninjacap than bursting down ppl
so yeah, i confess i do give up games when i see im not gonna be able to change the outcome at all
one thing i agree with you, is factionless bgs which is prob a better way to say “cross faction bg” when i mention it everyone tells me we have it, and i obv don’t mean crosfaction grouping, but literal 1team A or Team B
that and limit groups to 3… and maybe enforce bidgger penalties for leaving matches when game is already started, or force teamcomps to stick to mirrors…