They promised classic forever servers?

Play. I’m still not level 60.

Obviously bu that’s not what I meant.

If you start Fresh you can live the experience that’s not present anymore and it will just get worse, although you’ll have to level to lose your character and level again.

They should definitely introduce Classic-only servers for people who want to keep playing Classic only, and separate servers for The Burning Crusade.

I personally would like to play them both, because I think they’re both really excellent, probably not seriously but just for the enjoyment every now and then.


they want to force all the goys to go through all the expansions again and end up back in tr@nnycraft, no surprise that they sent shills here to pretend that they want to see their hard work ruined twice. but why did blizzard get away with it in the first time? violation of natural law, in my opinion. people should have defended their rights


Leveling all classes specs and types is basically a lifetime of work for the average dad/non-boaster. Especially if you go for all the race combinations, rep grinds, quests, challenges like hardcore mode etc, or weird setups like dwarf-ret or spell-power ret or arcane shot spellpower spec. it’s basically several lifetimes of content. no point putting people on an eternal treadmill if they have one game to master


Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately I asked an incomplete question.

By TBC live I meant that Classic will lose players and we are already at the point where finding things to do is more and more scarce. Dungeons are increasingly harder to find, BGs are not that played anymore and so on.
After Blizzard will merge servers this might solve the issues but you never know.

Also what about Fresh?
Surely there are enough ups and downs here too but the there might be a more viable solution. I guess anyway.

Nostalgia lovers wanted classic back and they got it.
It was garbage then and it’s garbage now, at least TBC was “fun” when you wasn’t grinding dailies, reps, key attunements, mounts.

Oh and I forgot mace stun in Nagrand arena behind a pillar.

Well that’s just life in a nutshell, isn’t it?

Just wondering why you want a forever classic realm

What do you plan on doing there? :open_mouth: Is it just to look at your toon every once in a while ^^

You know it yourself ,you can never trust Blizzard with what they are doing

Those slurs are really uncalled for and offensive.

I agree.

And all of these things are still there even if you get to keep your characters. Less servers In sure, but still…

I too want to know before they launch Classic TBC ,
Will they leave some servers on phase 6 and I can move characters to them?! cause I don’t want to play TBC I have done it all.
ppl were playing vanilla in illegal servers for years for a reason, TBC had much less illegal servers
I want to play other classes in classic level them up to 60 gear them up and join BG wpvp that is why I play this game.
If they wont do it let me know now so I can stop wasting my time.


This has less to do with Vanilla’s superior popularity and more with the prolonged lack of a well-scripted TBC server. Until Nostalrius boomed in popularity around 2014-15, Vanilla servers were not even a relevant actor on the pserver scene, compared to TBC and WotLK. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if WotLK Classic turned out to be the more long-term popular of the three versions of the game, followed by TBC and then Vanilla - especially if they don’t do fresh reruns of the games or only rarely (Vanilla last phase is much less sustainable and newbie-friendly than TBC/WotLK)

That being said, you’re free to play wherever you like, and I do expect Blizzard to leave some Classic eternal servers (maybe even alongside fresh ones). I also hope so because, if they didn’t, then people would infer the same would happen for TBC and this would have a very negative impact on TBC’s last phase.


The idea to reboot classic, was to replace private servers, that were proven to be successful.
Thats the exact same reason why they’re rebooting TBC/WOTLK, to fill already existing niche, of millions who wish to play it by could not officially.

Classic online will go down significantly at TBC launch, but soon you will see recovery to healthy condition so that it could peacefully last for long period.

While time pass, Classic may become more natural and not as meta oriented and therefore fun.

I have leveled more than 10 - 60’s through classic, many of same class, and I surely can find myself coming back from time to time just to experience “the journey” once again.


This is actually an interesting take here. I agree with you but it got me thinking: the hc grew had been playing classic for years on private servers. Would they leave now?

Yep. There is a reason they are farming Naxx so hard now. It’s not to waste it all away in a couple of months.

It’s to be able to one shot and farm newcomers / players hoping to find a less toxic Classic in pvp with fully decked toons later on after the exodus to TBC happens.

And to “dominate” the server forever with the largest e-peen, gear, black qiraji tank etc.

They also said that it would remain unchanged as a museum piece so that you can jump in and see how it was back then.

Then they added extra backpack slots. And now are reducing spell batching.

It was obvious that Blizz will change some things, same goes for tbc.

Yeah but most of the stuff Blizz changed was to handle pop issues or combat certain bugs or unintended behavior (like with that q item from the T0.5 chain that generated lots of threat). People who expect Blizzard to change drums, add SoB to Alliance paladins, introduce dual spec or introduce (lol) personal loot or w/e are gonna be disappointed.