Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

The endgame is busted. So many scaling issues in raids and bugged world bosses. Timeless isles worldbosses reset if someone use meta gem ability, people without the original legendary cloak on their account cant reach Oridos.

While the idea is fun, it feels incredibly untested. If a single QA looked at this they couldnā€™t greenlight itā€¦ anytime soon.

  • Scaling issues in raids (and for some classes on higher levels in open world)
  • Bugged quests
  • The same currency for power upgrades and cosmetics
    • Andā€¦ the currency only optimal source is frog farming where if youā€™re not a druid or a similar farming class, youā€™re out.
    • The upgrade costs areā€¦ way too highā€¦ or the other income options are way too inefficient
    • (just for info, thanks to another post for the numberā€¦ upgrade cost from 346 to max is around 500k bronze), are we supposed to frog our way there, Blizz?
  • Ordos is accessible only with seagulls, I mean come on, it shouldā€™ve been accessible for everyone by now

Please, Blizzard, hire some QA team for another event next time, or have people test it on PTR, if you cannot afford QAā€¦

((Sometimes I wish Blizzard released an expansion that is not publicly tested, like FF does it, no PTR, no datamining, etcā€¦ But then we have this, and I am reminded that itā€™s not the best idea.))


There is certainly much to be appreciated in this event, but it also comes with some problems, and these problems are relevant because they concern some of the main points they mentioned over and over to sell the event:

  • Levelling super fast is just not super fast at all.
  • Levelling an army of alts thanks to the account bound super cloak is not there because the ā€œsuper cloakā€ is not actually shared: I am fine with it working based on the achievements, but then boost the bonus that the achievements giveā€¦
  • Feeling super strong does not feel super strong because of the problematic scaling and the steep price to upgrading your gear (why should people even waste so large amounts of money on upgrading it if they need the same currency for the permanent cosmetic unlocks?).

So, yeah, these issues definitely need to be addressed, otherwise this cool idea they sold us is unfortunately not entirely thereā€¦


I am enyojing very much leveling in Pandaria but there are many big issues that make this mode a disspointment and must be fixed.

  • Reduce upgrade costs
  • Fix all issues with scalling
  • Make cloack stats (including experience) being trully account bound
  • Increase bronze drops
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ā€œThe stronger i get the weaker i become.ā€



  • Unusued items making in to the game, that is always positive to see.

Oh boy where do startā€¦

  • Scaling a big issue, at times makes no sense. Donā€™t get me started with 65-70

  • Expected to level an alt but turns out the cloak is dumbed down. Werenā€™t we supposed to have fun, certain classes to level are just so boring.

  • The upgrade cost why is that even a thing with high prices??? I have been given a choice between cosmetics or upgrades Hella sure I wonā€™t go for the upgrades since it already makes you bankrupt.

  • The weird loading freeze not sure if some of you experience it or not but itā€™s there the only way so far is to disable all addons and then reenable once in the game.

In the end, i just donā€™t understand why Blizzard needs to micro-manage everything to make sure it goes against having fun.

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I donā€™t like how much it costs to upgrade the gear. Itā€™s insane.

I decided to figure out the cost of every single collectible and cosmetic that can be bought for bronze and landed at 1,565,900. Maxing out a single character costs 517,200. So you could either max out a character or buy 1/3 of every available collectible at the vendors.

So I could either max out just the staff on my priest for 135,000 bronze, or buy 3 extra rare mounts mounts and be only 19000 bronze short of a 4th one.

I liked the power progression while leveling and getting more sockets for the gems, but once I reached 70 and found out that I have to choose between getting something permanent out of this or having some short lived fun that I could get elsewhere, I kinda lost interest.

Hope they nerf the upgrade costs by a ton.

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Yeah. Upgrade costs are insane. It should be reduced by a factor of 10. And then have the price be reduced even more for additional characters. For example 50k for the first character and 10k for alts.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s far too low, wouldnā€™t want to overcompensate.

Depending on how difficult heroic and mythic raids are with well geared character are, having the gear upgrades too cheap might make it just a bit too trivial to farm further bronze.

There needs to be a balance. Maybe 150-200k for a full set. But 135k just for a weapon is absolutely insane.

So many thingsā€¦ Cant wait if players reported for blizzard.
When Tuesday/Wednesday ā€œresetā€ game and fixs every damn bugs and more chill play.

Let hope.

I dislike that Blizzard hotfixed frog farm.
frog farm, best farm.
frog farm love, frog farm life

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Pres evoker magic dispel not coming in until level 59ā€¦

Basic sanity check and internal testing required. Got kicked from a pug raid for not dispelling. I literally canā€™t. Knock it down to level 19 for MoP.

To add to the list of things: why on earth is there a mythic raid type lock ID on NORMAL raids? Itā€™s such a kick in the nuts for pugsā€¦and that in a game mode where most people go in soloā€¦what the hell blizz?

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Oh, another thing that I had forgotten, we both seem to constantly be in combat.

Like Iā€™ll pull big and we nuke everything down and then we are just stuck in combat then.

Doesnā€™t matter if we run far from the combat zone it doesnt help. Then weā€™re forced to just run everywhere and hope it goes away.


Yup, me too. Mind you, it is a bit authentic, since I remember Mists as the most stuck-in-combat expansion.

Also, as Warlock, the Postmaster sent me an invite to a quest in Stormwind - which you canā€™t, ofc, get to from Remix. :roll_eyes:

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a shadow priest can 2 shot a raid boss

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Quest bugsā€¦

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That they havenā€™t fixed the age old bug that has been reported thousands of times in the past for the quest Devastation Below where the event wonā€™t reset. So now Iā€™m stuck on this quest again until weekly reset and hopefully get in fast enough to get kill before it bugs out again for the remainder of the week.

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Had fun at first but got progressively less motivated to farm out bronze for the bigger rewards. Main issues for me are:

  • Scaling is even worse than in retail, becomes a massive slog fest past lvl 40 and at this point I donā€™t even feel like getting to max lvl. If you have a bunch of higher lvls in your group dungeons will take ages, and mobs hit like trucks so canā€™t do mass pulls either. I also constantly see higher lvl DPS die pretty much instantly to any AoE/unavoidable damage done to them. Killed a lot of my motivation to do dungeons, at least once I got my char to a higher lvl, which was the main way I planned to farm bronze.

  • Gems with random abilities sounds cool on paper but in practice just ends up being kind of underwhelming if you have bad luck. Or maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m playing a tank, but most of the ones I got are just something that helps with defense or very minor DPS increases. Kind of reminds me of azerite powers, and speaking of those, the cloak kind of reminds me of the necklace as well. Just a soulless grind to empower a boring legendary that doesnā€™t add much other than the stats you need to not feel weak.


Wait, itā€™s really? How i dont noticed

Itā€™s a shadowpriest that spend a lot of time farming Lesser Charms on Frogs to get insane high stats, he did something like 4-5 million dps while everybody else did about 150K dps, sadly with Blizzard now having removed Lesser Charms from the loot table of the frogs, anybody that didnā€™t grind frogs will ever catch up in pure stats of those that did unless Blizzard hardcaps stats and nerf those that did frog farm.