Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

Luckily, there aren’t that many gems, and it’s quite likely you’ll have all of them by level 40 or so, although that’s assuming you keep them all as duplicates aren’t possible.

I think the only thing that this mode really needs is adding barber shops, having them in the infinite bazars would be perfect imho

They exist already.

Go to your faction capital, there’s barbers chairs beside the rostrum of transformation.

The ‘‘faction capital’’ is in vale of eternal blossoms to make it clearer :slight_smile:


Game got me into a weird state of mind.

My 2nd character became my main and is now 56. I am told that I should have gotten my heroic dungeons/scenarios out of the way before 60. No chance I can make that happen, so I’m doomed to hard mode. Also there are basically no in-game prompts about this being a good idea to unlock extra item slots.

Meanwhile, a brand new alt is starting with more stats than the level 19 I had already made before the 2nd character existed. Idk whether to delete the 19 or slog it out, whether to push the best character to 70 fast or do heroics first, etc.

I kind of don’t want to play rn.

Everything feels like a bad choice and I have decision paralysis. Some of it may be bugs that will be fixed in a few weeks, which makes me feel really stupid for taking time off work now when it’s all so messy.

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You can delete it and get a massive boost to your stats on a new character, yeah.

Honestly? Just do something you’ll enjoy. If you think you’ll enjoy experiencing the endgame at 70, do that. If you think you’ll enjoy leveling, do that. Too much planning and thinking about it will only make it less fun for you. There’s no perfect option but you might as well try and have some fun.


Not for the first time in MoP remix, I find myself asking “WHYYYYYYYyyyy…?”

Why would it snapshot at character creation? Why wouldn’t the most progressed character set a baseline amount and all others can build their own stats on top? :pensive:

This is my problem, I’m not sure any more. My usual is zoom to level cap and back-fill when my character is strong. Yesterday I was running pug normal raids to boost my exp gain, after which I was getting a level every 3 quests. But only at level 56 did I find out about rings/trinkets needing achievements in heroic dungeons/scenarios, which are significantly easier when done before 60 due to crazy scaling…

So a) the game failed to communicate what I should have been doing, and b) it feels like a buggy untested mess whereby the glory days are levels 25-59. Can’t help but suspect that none of us are experiencing Remix at it’s best. I feel like a beta tester.


I was able to to get the kill on Ordos atleast get credit/ach for a kill by waiting for a group to start fighting it. I then used a combo of Meteor Chip to get some hight then Golden Glider and Divine Toll to tag. I may have being very lucky the boss was low enough health when i got a tag then teleported out as i glided to low and the ach pop all in about 5 secs but ya that’s how i did it.

Disagree, at 60-64 I was overpowered. Maybe even 65. Get your items at 220 ilvl as soon as you’re 60. Defensive and healing gems like vindication will make people love you. You can do it!

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Interesting… others have said 60 is where you get a huge power droop. I will give it a go and see what happens!

One of my big reasons for annoyance is that pres evoker only gets magic dispel at 59… I got kicked from one pug raid yesterday for not dispelling, meanwhile I literally do not have that button. Lesson learned, bought 100 dispel scrolls. 30 second cooldowns, but better than nothing.

Although it is still annoying me that it’s self-defeating to spin up alts until you have really maxed out a main character. I would have liked to have a few going side by side, but the game really isn’t encouraging that at all :pensive:

Likely if you’re a tank because the tank life is hard now. But you yourself said you’re a dracthyr so I’m tailoring my answer to you. At 65 you will feel weaker though, yeah. Slowly but surely from there on you’ll have trouble, that being said with a good enough party it likely won’t be felt in dungeons since they already fixed plenty.

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That there doesn’t seem to be an option for passenger on dragonflying mounts. Or maybe I’m blind…

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There :slight_smile:


Ooo thank you!

  • Gear not scaling past level 70, imo you should continuously get gear drops a tier above your current gear so you can continue to naturally progress and reserve the bronze uograde method as an optional skip.

  • Alts not getting access to your full cloak upgrades, seems utterly redundant that my lvl 70 cloak has over 200% exp bonus that my alt will only see 100% of.

  • Exp bonus should also increase bronze yields, would also solve some issues with the above, making the exp bonuses have a function at level cap

  • Scaling, this mode was sold as a fun, fast, power trip. Garrosh currently has a combined total of 650 mil ish efective hp on RAID FINDER. And heavens forbid an MCd player gets a heal off. I sat and grinded him down for over 20 minutes the other day, there was no threat of failure, just the prolonged wait of victory.

This mode is a farce of what it could be in its current state, you can quite literally have faster progress and end game gear in retail right now. That seems backwards.


Well I just crushed my first heroic at level 56-57… though 3 guys did seem to be maxed out on gear already. Lucky I guess.

That said, the healing seems fine unless people ignore mechanics and get oneshot. The level 35 guy did least damage, but didn’t die. For now, I can LFD some heroics and hopefully not hit too much of a wall when I inevitably hit 65.

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I have 179% and my alt gets 16% :pensive:

Leveling didn’t feel much faster than retail, though it was a nice change of pace at least. I guess the scaling issues might have played a part in it though.

Can’t finish Townlong Steppes or Isle of Thunder questlines because of bugged quests.

manually change gems every second I get fresh upgrades x.x save me…