Things you Dislike about Mists of Pandaria Remix

I have just had to wait for other people to attack a regular quest mob as it was killing me on my own!
Ive died more times in this then I did in MoP the first time!!
I thought we were supposed to be super powerful, able to solo dungeons, etc…I cant even solo quest mobs!
Also Im earning bronze at a rate that means this event needs to be up for about 5yrs for me to get all the rewards.

I mean its not PVP, so its better then Plunderstorm…but still, not as advertised at all.

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I may have already said this but I can’t remember.

We have no farm :frowning:
With the rep buffs it wouldn’t take long either, I loved my farm and getting dog. He’s a good boy.


I like questing and am doing every quest in Remix-Mop. They reward chests. I’m lvl 70 now.
I upgraded one gearpiece to iLvl 360 for a lot of bronze and the rest of my gear is 346. Quest reward chest only drop 346 gear. Am I questing for nothing? Questing is hard. Mobs are way stronger than I am.

Id like them to keep their promise of “Overpowered” “fast levelling” “accountwide shared power”, instead of changing their advertisement the day of the patch.

When the entry to the event costs re-subscribing, and all advertisements have described stuff that were changed once the event was released, this is not fine.


Class ensemble locked per class, so if you want to buy all of them you have to do the achievement on each class

thats super annoying

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Levelling is far too slow, it feels like retail speed

Gems are a nuisance, every new gear I have to shift right click and remove gems then shift right click and find the gems in my bag and re attach then to the new gear

Bags full of stuff, gems and cogwheels and metas and scrolls and potions and green items and bronze cashes are frustrating to sift through

I get weaker as I level, i thought that you would become powerful in this mode but I seem to be getting weaker

That’s all really for me
I guess if levelling becomes much quicker and I get much more powerful then I will just endure the other issues and have fun


For the gems just use narcissus. That’s like an all you need buffet. Seriously this addon and others from the same author are some massive QOL

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I keep pulling gems over gear with gem slots - Can’t equip that.
Too much Diablo 3 I guess.

I’ve long accepted that a 1on1 is easier at level 10 than 60 = getting weaker.
XP bonus can get counterproductive since we get fewer upgrades so we get even weaker.
Otherwise the cloak is roughly green quality, it mostly has stamina.

Magic find sounds better - more / stronger items, maybe higher item level. Could even help with the “bronze upgrade” complaints (by having to upgrade less)

So WOW is an elitist game favoring Exploits ?

The ones that got to 70 in Remix and farmed Frogs for upgrades using an exploit - and 98% of the rest of us, now not being able to …
Ban or Roll back all exploiting players and their buffs - or give them all to the rest 98% of us.

Otherwise Remix is a joke !!

Mr. Ion Hazzikostas is this engaging content ??

After missing out of the chance to farm the frogs as i was out with family, I just wan to transfer my 70 timerunner into normal retail but I’m forced to wait? It’s really killed my desire to play the game at all. It feels like I got punished in the game for spending time with my wife and kids on a weekend. What is it, 3 months until this is over? I can easily level again to get the class, but I deleted a level 28 warlock to do Timerunning, now I have to wait? About to tap out, man.

What I did was just use slowfall toy (like umbrellas) and tag it with heroic throw. I got tp’d out but group killed it and I got my thing. It’s really bad that I needed to cheese it for a stupid achievement, but hey it’s the blizzard that we know.

Got to the infamous To the Skies! bug. I am really peeved because apparently it has been around for ages and they still haven’t fixed it
Not only that, the class arsenal is locked behind the achievement.
I could go do the other campaigns but I want to do the story in order, I like order, I like feeling like I’m progressing naturally.
So it’s kinda ruined the character for me until they fix it.
They have 3 months so I sincerely hope they fix it -_-

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Frogs … freaking frogs … idiot’s will say oh they are nerfed, well it dosen’t matter. Damage has been done. People running around 1 shotting raid bosses. For me this whole event is ruined untill they adres that … however we all know how out of touch blizzard is, and how unlikely is that ever happens.


I would have liked to do it on my existing characters (like a Timewalking-Thing). I dont like making throwaway-characters. Since Accountwide stuff is so bad in this game, I wont be playing that Char after the event is over.

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The thing I hate is the currency system. Who in their right mind would make the currency for upgrading the gear the same as the one we use to buy all the cosmestics/mounts?

A collector of everything like me is destined to be stuck on the base ilevel because I have to buy all the collectables first? I would have had two different currencies for gear and cosmetics.

Also what’s with certain vendors being removed from the game? I went to buy the rep mount with operation shieldwall and couldn’t because the vendor wasn’t there. I need to wait until it gets moved to retail, why?


you can cut it down a lot if you connect this event with normal retail transmog farm though.

either way - yeah it will be grind - its not meant to be free instant mop full catch up :slight_smile:

That’s actually not true. Was able to buy the Priest, Hunter and Mage one on my Monk - you just need to enable “all” instead of only “Monk”/your class at the vendor; at least for the non-weapon sets that worked. I’ll find out today if it’s the same for the weapons.

While I usually don’t care about exploits, the frog farm hits hard.
Usually I am chill because I have all the time in need to catch up. There is an upper limit that I’ll only reach later.
Now we have a limited time event and people being massively overpowered with no way to catch up in sight since the farm was nerfed and there is no upper limit.

I am main tank. Threat is a mess.
Even without the frogs I need to do the same damage as DPS to keep Aggro until my healer uses a heal and all mobs are turning onto him. Sometimes even my full burst is not enough.

Oh and on top of it: with threat being a mess I also have to encounter Froggers? I have been tanking for a long time, but tanking in remix right now is a mess. Even if the Aggro wasn’t bugged, having people with millions of DPS in LFR is no fun.


IKR! I upgraded my stuff once and it cost a fortune, and I could have just bought mogs with that.


I wish they had advertised that it was the mobs and not us who would be overpowered.

They probably didn’t want us to blow through this event, and they only believe normal players deserves 0-1 items from garrosh and a handful of the obtainable mounts.