Things you'd like to see return!

I know Blizzcon has been a while, been going over the things they were planning to do, such as bringing back class abilities.

I would like to see old talent tree system make a return, but work in conjunction with what we have now.

Allow me to explain;

So we keep what we got, with the abilities, these abilities still function as they do now, 3 to choose from per tier and they can have either make a different play style altogether, or are situational etc.

The “new” or rehashed talent system now comes into play, given how after level 115, you start to feel “weaker” because of the power inflation, so you still have the basic “increase stat by X%”, it will be the same model as with Wrath, so you can hybrid without having to spend x points in a tree like Cataclysm.

Obviously a lot of the things will have to change and be removed because some things are built-in when you choice a spec, mixing with having things back, you have class specific, instead of specialization specific abilities, like Slice and Dice being a base line ability, or shadowbolt being a lock base line ability.

So unsure how some of the talents would change, but here’s an addition, in the talents, you can “modify” a base line ability into a themed version, so for example, all spec of rogues can use eviscerate, but the “Improved Eviscerate” talent will be about half way into the tree, instead of first tier, then in the next row, branching off from the imp evis, you can choose from 4 versions, Envenom, Shadowstrike, Death From Above or Eviscerate, each unique.

Sort of like this;

Envenom; deals nature damage that applies a dot that deal nature damage over say, 18 seconds, deals more damage with more combo points or increases nature damage done by all sources by X% for X seconds. (Note: The buff the increases poison frequency still applies)

Shadowstrike; ignore a % amount of targets armor to deal increased damage, amount ignored increases per combo point

Death From Above; Still works the same, except it could either stun the target for 3 seconds with the tool tip implying you hit with increased force on the second part of the damage OR apply a bleed for 8 seconds

Eviscerate; would now mark a weakness on the enemy, increasing physical damage dealt from all sources by X%

I’m no mathematician or anything like that, but I think it would be a neat idea in theory.

What would you guys like to see make a return?

My dad. he went out to buy cigarettes last decade and havent seen him since.


Profession perks and old talent tree.


PvP vendors.


old pvp gearing system (mop), reforging, multiple fixed sockets in items, beign able to enchant whole gear, proffesion bonuses, class tier sets.


Proffesions being relevant.
Crafted gear shoud be as good as mythic+ 10.
It shoud be insanely difficulty to craft but crafting shoud be a good alternative to gearing.

Demonology warlocks having higher tier demons then other warlocks specc.
So demonology would get void lords, 4 armed woman, observers, etc.
Basicly make them beter minnions and less dps pretending to be minnions.

Tank’s being able to pull the entire dungeon and survive.

Class looking armor.
I am a warlock.
I want to look like a warlock and not like i am wearing bones made of stone.
Seriously what was going through the mind of the person designing bfa armor.
Ugly doesnt begin to discripe it.
Pretty much classes looking like there classes again.

Class uniqueness.
I despise the bring the player mentality.
I want eatch class to be good and bad at different things.
This everyone can do everything devaule’s hybrids and removes uniqness.

But above all else:
So we can get a not horrible wow story again.
You got to hand it to blizzard.
Making bfa worse then wod got to be an achievement.


1.PvP vendors.
2.Baseline spells from the past come back.
3.Class fixes and pvp fixes.
4.Metzen and Ghostcrowler.


Class armor sets, seperately for PVE and PVE
dkp system ,badge system, PVP vendors.
Class depth
PvP power/resilience
PvP devs who are in touch with community

  • Tier sets and Class sets.
  • Old Chains of Ice and old Runes system. (a dream).
  • Professions being relevant.

-Professions, more especially crafting ones, being revelant.
-PvE and PvP vendors+currencies.
-A true chief for the Alliance. Seriously, Anduin is a downgrade.
-More spells, for sure.
-Gear reforging.
-Stats like hit, mastery, multi strike.
-Tier sets visuals per class and 4P bonuses.
-A rework for all DPS spec, it usually happens each xpac :upside_down_face:
-Baseline 2 to 3 socket on gear, with color and bonus effects.
-10 man raiding.

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-Pvp vendors

-Actual talent trees with lots of choices there is never going to be balance between classes so give us more customization


-Every talent that has been taken away

-Old spell animations as glyph option for us that like more often better and cooler effects. (shadow bolt as a flying skull please)

-Tier sets.

-Gladiator spec for warrior.

-Fistweaver for monk

-Othmar Garithos as leader of the Alliance and old WC Tyrande/Sylvanas back i would settle for cataclysm Jamaican Tyrande because that voice was hilarious.

-Professions being useful/meaningful.

-Old blizzard employees.

-Class armors that makes you look what class you play because now everything just looks the same from classes to armor type.

-And finally Class design from TBC-WOTLK and for extent cataclysm MoP was ok but it was the start of the “new and improved” talent “trees”.


:bat: Sanlayn :bat:


with WoD’s way of doing pvp gear.
Ok gaer(around normal of current raid,so isnt useless outside pvp either)
but scales up to be late heroic/mythic ilvl inside pvp and disables PVE bonuses but has own PVP bonuses.


Shamans totems for all specs
Paladin blessings for all specs
Druid buffs
Lock imp stam buff
Warrior glad spec and deul wield 1 handers
Fire mage golden balls
Priest shadow and spirit buff
Hunter battle res pet and sv range spec
Rogue combat spec
DK deul wield frost spec.


I really like the list because I actually had the same idea was going to add that they bring back paladin buffs but you got it covered thanks :wink::+1:.

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Reforging and gem slots so that secondary stats can be allowed to have different stat weights depending on profession again.

Also multi strike even if it was just a fancy crit.

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I know others have said it but pvp vendors/resllience. I just want to pvp and gear through pvp.


-I also would like enhancement shamans back because currently the spec is treated like a overflown outhouse nobody wants to deal with it.

-I want 2h Frost dk/enhancement shaman/WW monk back also 1H Fury i really hate that the older the game gets the fewer choices there are.

-Would be nice too to get rid of the forced class armor type i know it was but in place to stop “stealing” from other classes but as we now have the idiotic personal loot there should not be problem with that anymore.

Things I want returned,

  • Nightelfs, relevancy and triumph like in WC3.
  • Classes not divided into spec, instead we get skill trees to boost our stats and regain new form of abilities like PoE.
  • No Rio and add-on for damage meters.
  • Add more bikini armors in game with HD models or overhaul the existing ones like glorious plates, etc…

A motivation to raid and arenas

The harder content we do the lesser world quest grind we have to do in pve

Every 100 rating getting access to better gear in arena, got sad when they removed it. A lot more motivation than a chest with random gear inside.

I agree

This too