Things you'd like to see return!

yeah, heart of the wild was cool, once i used it and topped my poor healer in arathi basin, she was so happy, nearly cried in teamspeak

You want too much

Shadow Priest; Devouring Plague
plz slip this post into any management mail :heart:


Actual Good Class design.
Content can be bad/mediocre but still fun cause your class is fun.
Class design is the single most important thing in the game.


WoD DK aswell pls,or or just all classes/specs in mop/wod style with best of legion and bfa(like clawing shadows for uh,amry doiing actual damage unlike say WoD where auto attacks did more,frostwyrm for frost that kinda stuff).

For DK i lost more stuff then i currently have on my bars.

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  • PvP vendors
  • PvP gear with dedicated stats ( resilience for example)
  • Class buffs ( I would love to have my mark of the wild as baseline for all specs and not a pvp talent like it is now…)
  • I want the current talent system expanded or refreshed in some way, because having last talent point at lvl 100 is really disappointing.

Suggestions for implementation would help somewhat, please also be thoughtful about how it could be integrated with game play currently :slight_smile:

Pvp vendors and pvp gear that is actualy works in pvp.


Class campaign, Professions beeing relevant, some kind of tier bonuses that change your rotation tier by tier,

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I would like for stuff like challenge sets , and mage tower to return , with the scaling of time walking this would be fun ! ( dont come for me I have everything I want on my toons) it would just be a fun thing , I personally do not like limited time items !

Getting gear for winning pvp.

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I still cannot comprehend why PvP vendors was removed…
I came back after one and a half year hiatus to find that I missed all the cool looking pvp sets and apperantly I am then punished for it cause there is NO WAY to get it back? Get your s h i t together.


Deep class design.


il say no to challenge or mage tower unless it set satst/scales when expansion is over so ti can stay aviable.
Casue FoM for such things is terrible.
WoW shouldnt remove content.

Mage tower can be solved with okay your gear wont scale down , you need to have high end legion gear without your artifact weapon power or it could be enabled for the mage tower

Looking like heroes we are is enough reasons. There is no reasons for us to look like clowns (like we did in vanilla/TBC/wotlk/most cataclysm) just because upgrades come from different raids or visuals. And if I want to look thematic in a RPG, then why it is suddenly bad ?


i just mainly dont want it to become unaviable after it ends.
and setting to set stats/scaling would keep ti always challenge somewhat.

About old ideas to be back (or in part)

  • Bonus reputation for alts if exalted with a main (like in MoP)
  • Meaningful content doable through LFD, like old HC dungeons.
    • e.g.: badges could be restored
  • No more mythic only dungeons or anything in which you don’t have an option to do it through LFD.
  • Meaningful professions. Crafting professions should be an alternative to raid and m+ to gear up and not a consequence. No more mythic or raid locked essences to craft something. Or at least don’t make them BoP. The WoD system worked pretty well in this regard.
  • No more essences, Artifact Power, reputation locked essences or anything that makes this World of Grindcraft.
  • Old weather system. Nowadays weather seems sudden and compartmentalized.

About possible new implementations. Not sure how many of these are actually doable, but just giving some ideas.

  • Possibility to revert back to old spell animations and/or sounds through glyphs.
  • More customizations for heritage armors in order to make them class oriented or clan/subrace oriented (e.g a Wildhammer version for dwarves, dark iron spell casters, etc.)
  • Easy version of dugneons doable by teaming up with npcs, so people can see the content in solo and learn the basics of each dungeon mechanics before going for the harder difficulties.
  • Seasonal weather in old areas (e.g. snow in Mulgore, autumn in Elwynn Forest, monsoons in Stranglethorn, etc)

I’ll edit if something else comes to my mind.

man, autumn or winter in elwynn would be cool

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Stable servers, they might as well remove and never again make things like battle for nazjatar, to many players at one spot and the lag will be extreme