Visable quivers. I know these were promised a long time ago but here we are still waiting ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This +1000
If you go into classic, use any class that can use a bow, you will notice a quiver is visible on your character, if you’re a rogue, sometimes the quiver stays on your back and you look like a ninja or a heavily armed bandit.
Despite the ranged weapon slot being removed, the fantasy of using a ranged weapon and having the quiver (and imagine if they did ammo pouches!) visible was really cool to see.
i miss every single talent in ‘WOTLK talent tree’s’ that was removed from the game.
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why? because some ability’s was gone forever when Blizzard removed the whole tree.
the stam buff from the imp still exists, it just isnt linked to the imp anymore, its a permanent buff that you just get, so putting it back on the imp would be stupid
there is already an LFD tool for mythic+
the main thing i would like to see change is loot master to come back and give us the choice for our raids, easily the worst change that they made for raid guilds in BFA, nothing worse than the choice being taken away from players and making raiding more and more frustrating
I’m a bit late reading this thread but yes I agree with everything you’re saying here, prior to legion we were able to progress the main story without being funnelled into dungeons and raids and then it went to hell in a hand basket!! Then seemingly endless grind…
No it would not especially for groups that dont have a priest also it used to stack so it is far from stupid thanks.
You mean since Legion right.
Exactly, my dude!
Quite a few things.
I want more abilities, useful abilities, rather than flavor abilities, better toolkits for all specs, i rather have every spec feel overtuned rather than undertuned, i wanna feel like i’m playing with a god.
If every class is overtuned, no one is, but you still feel more powerful, and that is what matters.
Doesn’t mean every class has to feel the same, but every class should have good utility, and right now some specs are really lacking on this.
I want new and past good damage abilities, especially artifacts, i find that blizzard handled the transition between legion and bfa terribly, artifact abilities should have become baseline abilities, legendaries could have become talents, so many things they could have done.
They have so much choice that there is no excuse for not making new talents or even baseline abilities. Tier sets, leggos, trinkets, artifacts, you name it.
I want every spec to have some cool thing to break the monotony of the rotation, for example, fire mage has a very cool 100 level talent that sometimes allows you to fire a hard cast pyroblast for much more damage, those are things i absolutely love, which is why fire mage is probably my most liked ranged spec in terms of fun, of course they should not all be identical, but 123 rotations are really not fun.
I want blizzard to stop taking this approach of, let’s replace something with something, whether it is rng, or cool old mechanics, for example, blizzard is replacing titanforging with corruption in 8.3, what is the point? I understand it’s thematic, but honestly, you are just trading a problem for another problem, and you know what, at least titanforging didn’t have drawbacks, corruption has rng and drawbacks, this pisses me off for many reason, but most of all because the better solution is right around the corner.
Could have given us a currency to upgrade our gear to the max lvl of titanforging, which means it should be capped at no more than 30 ilvl, they could make professions more useful by allowing socket and tertiary stat infusion into gear, just a thought… And you can still keep titanforging rng socket etc, but this way you would make both the sides happy.
There are so many things that could have been done better, and many of them just come to mind as i think about it, new ideas, there is just no excuse for how things currently are.
And finally, new specs or a new class, that would also be enjoyed, there are a few that would be quite nice, for example, tank shaman, focusing on earth, a priest dps spec focusing on light rather than void, it makes perfect sense to be honest, the light can be used for both healing and damage, you could reintroduce the old survival spec as a new spec for people who liked it, could make a 3rd dh spec, your choice.
It simply cannot happen because of the evolution of the general playerbase, but the game to return to a non-seasonal state.
More gear customisation with meaningful stats using more enchants, reliable sockets and other methods to accomplish it, preferably with soft and hardcaps so gearing requires more thought rather than “equip your best stat”.
Every professions needs to have gameplay use, and simply not for just buying-and-selling. Engineering right now is the only true example of choosing a profession because of what it offers, rather than “I am JC because to make BOP rings and get good gear early on”.
the stam buff from the imp still exists, it just isnt linked to the imp anymore, its a permanent buff that you just get, so putting it back on the imp would be stupid
No it would not especially for groups that dont have a priest also it used to stack so it is far from stupid thanks.
it makes absolutely no difference if there is a priest in the group or not, the buff called blood pact that we got from the imp in the past was always a personal buff that affected the imp and the warlock, it has never affected the group you are in, so wether there is a priest or not in the group has no affect on this spell
by its very definition a change that is made in BFA is since legion so… yeah… thats exactly what i mean
As far as tier sets and their bonuses are concerned, would it be plausible to be able to pick and choose a set bonus?
It would be cool to be able to do a quest chain to unlock 2 set bonus, then 4 set, then however much, but only as much as the classic tier set design, which I think was about 8 max?
Despite that though, it wouldn’t be feasible to have 8 bonuses if there isn’t much beyond 4 piece bonuses, unless you could theoretically use 2 tier bonuses of 4, 4 piece from one tier and another 4 from another tier to make up an 8 piece, but it’s just an idea on paper kind of thing.
Good Class Design for ALL specs across the board and Server Communities. This game lost all MMO feel and magic when people started to phase in and out. World is empty because everyone is isolated on purpose. And it sucks.
you say that there is no drawback to titanforging which is 100% incorrect, there are plenty of massive drawbacks that make the system incredibly frustrating for many players which is why people have been asking for it to be removed basically since it was introduced, i have some example for you as well
some players will fight bosses every week in guild raids getting absolutely no where with gear, then someone else will log to an alt for a raid and end up with a max level titanforge on a very powerful trinket and then continue to not play that character, making all the mains of classes that could have gotten that trinket feel terrible,
it also means that you can get warforges or titanforges on gear that leads to you getting something thats 5 item level higher than you have but is like a 30% downgrade, but look its a 5 item level increas which means it “better” for you in blizzards eye which means you are not allowed to trade it making it a completely dead piece of gear
you can also get “good” gear because of titanforging even though it has useles secondary stats for you, basically all warlock specs require you to have a good level of haste, i got a 455 set of boots from raid that dont have haste on them and it felt terrible, because i knew it would end up technically being “better” because of its item level and it still had technically “bad” stats on it.
so yeah… there are plenty of drawbacks to the titanforging system, and thank god they have removed it, the corruption system looks like it should be better because you still get the opportunity to get better gear but it also means that you get some kind of negative affect which isnt always a bad thing, will mean that players who try and game the system and use too much will be punished for it, and there is always the option of cleansing gear if you dont like it
as the devs said before BFA they removed set bonuses because they made it very difficult to balance the game correctly, would be okay if it was set to pre legion with there being 5 piece of the tier set like there classically always was, but when it was 6 it was a problem.
that gave you the ability to gain a 4 set from one and a 2 set from another, so people would be pushed into doing older raids over and over hoping for titanforges and such to get the better sets from the previous tier.
would be interesting to see if they bring back tier sets but in order for them to not break the balance of the game they would end up having to be some kind of boring stat buff or something, otherwise its not worth it
The point just went completely over your head didn’t it.
The point was not that the system was good, but rather, that at least a titanforged item does not have drawbacks, while corrupted does, which in my book makes it even worse.
I don’t get people that think trading rng for rng and drawbacks somehow is a better deal, it’s not, it’s basically as bad as it comes.
I honestly never cared much about bad players getting good gear, aside from the fact that it makes m+ score pretty much a requirement for separating the wheat from the chaff, although good score is not always representative of good skills, what separates me from a bad player is in my head, rather than my gear, and honestly, with what i suggested this wouldn’t even be a problem, low end players could get their so dear high ilvl gear, not that they have much use for it, and high end players would have a way to reduce the rng that is so disliked, honestly though, the second point applies to everyone.
i understood the point you were trying to make i just disagree with it, because the way i see it all of the warforged/titanforged items come with all the drawbacks of the system, because there shouldnt be a system in game that should force you to use items you dont want to just because it randomly gained 25 item level, so i just dont seperate the system from specific items, i look at it as a whole thing
No you didn’t understand the point, fundamentally titanforging does have drawbacks, but i was comparing it to corruption.
Which means in short, titanforging, has rng, corruption has rng and also drawbacks, in form of, too much corruption which exceeds a threshold, bad things start happening, so for me it’s not good at all, and worse than titanforging, because at least with titanforging i don’t have to worry about equipping a better piece of gear because it could lead to said drawbacks.
I highly dislike when blizzard just trades a set of problems for another, instead of actually fixing the problem.
titanforging doesnt have drawbacks in the sense that it doesnt give you a debuff, but that doesnt mean it doesnt have drawbacks, thats the point im trying to make
there can be drawbacks to a system without it outright placing a debuff on you
its also very difficult to say that the corruption system is a problem considering its not even been fully iterated on and released yet
@Barry and @Ryura
So what system would you like to have seen instead of either?
I wouldn’t honestly mind to have the old legendaries back where you pick pieces of whatever from the current raid tier, i.e. splinters of Atiesh from Naxx or fragments for the mace in Ulduar over titanforging.
Because at least you know that investing some time to craft something powerful was meaningful, even if the team has to rely on that player sticking with the group and staying with the guild, that to me was the only headache.
Iv’e already made a suggestion.