Things you'd like to see return!


Top of my list:

Ranged SV spec for hunters.

The specialization we had between Cata and WoD which focused on abilities like Explosive Shot, Black Arrow, Serpent Sting etc.
(WotLK had them as well, just that it wasn’t a specialization like those we have today).

And just to build on my top wish a little more, I’m posting a link as to provide specifics towards what I want the modern version of RSV to be like, or at least what it’s general direction could be about, and why I want it back.
(Full concept, including some suggestions for spec specific bonus traits/set-bonuses)

"[Suggestions updated] Pre-Legion Survival [4th spec]

Apart from the above, here are some other things I would not mind seeing(or not seeing).


  • Tier Sets - specifically for the set bonuses.
  • A Glyph-system - like what we used to have before it was made entirely about cosmetic changes. As this was a good way to add in further ways to customize your abilities/effects to be more useful in particular types of content(PvE - raids/dungeons/open world, PvP - BGs/Arenas/open world).
    Why? Not all these bonuses can be added as baseline functions or even as talents(simply not enough room). But depending on the type of content you engage in, you want ways to improve your character there, beyond simply gearing up.

Hunter-specific things:

  • Tranquilizing Shot - instead of the pet based version which we now have. And, those pet-abilities remade to being defensives(removing harmful magical effects from friendly units)
  • Distracting Shot - just for situations where it’s useful, like on Archimonde in HFC during WoD. And, you should be able to combine this with Misdirection to reliably misdirect(taunt) a single enemy/stray mob back to the tank.
  • Master’s Call - baseline again. Simply put, if I have a pet, then I should be able to use Master’s Call, no matter what pet it is. Not just with Cunning-pets.
  • Aspect of the Fox(WoD-version) - just with a type of Sated-debuff like from Bloodlust or Timewarp, maybe with a 30 second timer or so. It has the potential to make Hunter’s more desirable in general, without heavily promoting “class stacking”.

Not seeing:

  • Pathfinder-achievements - If people want to fly around in this game, let them do so. Forcing people to grind reputations and such, just to be allowed to fly in the world?
  • Titanforging - or similar systems. Or at the very least, allow for the highest difficulty(mythic) to be the difficulty which holds items who are by default, capped in ilvl for the tier. There should be nothing above that.
  • Azerite armor-systems - which promotes grinding to re-acquire the same bonuses over and over again. Legion-artifacts/traits were okay, as, once you got the trait(s), you had it/them.
    Also, no more systems, like Azerite-armor, where we are required to grind certain resources just to be able to use items that drop in the dungeons/raids/etc.
    (Explanation: “Oh, you got a mythic Azerite-piece? Awesome! Now go grind some more AP, or you wont get much out of it…”)

This will do for now.

Did you even play from classic to wod ? the imp gave a stam buff to everyone within 40 yards please read up before posting .

It was removed in Legion not BFA so your comment is false .

It would be nice to have baseline buffs to make a return, including pet buffs like blood pact, it seems like Blizzard wants to remove as much “prep” as possible to make items “exciting” enough to equip instantly.

Just Quivers

you should probly read up yourself, because my guild was using loot master in antorus, which was the last raid of legion, so yeah it was definately a change made between legion and BFA

I just looked up your armoury I see you were not playing when imp gave group wide stam buff so I let you off .

the main issue i can see with that is that its just reusing old content, which is giving people a reason to complain, i think personally that the corrupted system is probly the best way to go, it gives you the ability to get some gear thats better than default, while at the same time mixing up the gameplay so that it allows players who are more confident or better i guess to take more corruption debuffs without having as much problem, more skill expression i guess,

the main issue i have with titanforging is that it just causes frustration in raid teams, specifically from a guild standpoint as someone who has been an officer/GM of a guild since early mop, i have heard throughout legion specifically and earlier in bfa people not being happy about getting high titanforges because there is always a hope it was on a better item, or people getting frustrated that 1 or 2 players get more titanforges, or as in every guild there are some platers that are not as good as others that still get brough along to raids and they end up getting really “good” gear without having the skill to actually make use of it,

as well as it causing issues with item level limitations on trading gear in raids, the amount of times i have wanted to trade gear to someone else because its useless for me but its 5 or 10 item level higher than what i currently have is just stupid game design

Having trade off is a great concept, but I think it’ll be better executed if it can attribute to some styles of play.

Having different styles of play can really only be done if there were a way to customize your character to achieve different play styles, i.e. the old talent system, so you can build your character from the bottom up in an image of how you like to play on any given class.

I agree with everything on this list

Sometimes it’s hard to find the stats you want, this would really help.

That’s true, no idea where they removed it when they removed hit and expertise in MoP, it’s much better now.

I could go on for hours about big things like classes and realms and professions and their interaction with gear, but limiting myself to a couple of discrete points with limited complication

  • Our view distance, so I can stay comfortably watching the screen for more than an hour.

  • Our original faces, at least, if the bodies are impractical.

I want see Arthas once more.

Above all what motivates me to stay subscribed is having fun.
As far as I can see many of the mechanisms that frustrate me are there to try and keep us subscribed. Rather focus on making the game fun, and people will stay subscribed.
We play games as an escape, not as a second job.

Grinding and RNG. There is too much of it, it needs to be minimal.
While its good to work towards a goal, it defeats the purpose if you’re burnt out by the time you achieve it.
While it is fun to be surprised by something nice once in a while, it defeats the purpose if you end up being disappointed and frustrated almost all of the time.

Faction Balance. As long as faction is a factor in any aspect of the game, its critical for the population to be close to balanced, else the systems fail or the experience is ruined.
Queue times, war mode, finding players for high end content are all victims of this problem.
You have to commit to either fixing it, or removing it. You can not leave it in this broken state.

Classes. Class means almost nothing anymore, every spec is essentially its own class, and everyone can do almost everything.
The emphasis should be on class, not spec. In fact I’d be as bold to say that there should be no spec, just a class with a lot of customization. Neither the old nor the new talent systems are good enough imo, as they both force you down a spec tree to some degree. I think it should be more open.
Every class should not be able to do everything. Everyone does not need a heal, stun, interrupt, root, fear, battle res, etc. The whole point of having classes is being good in one way while being limited in others.
Every class should have something unique and useful that no other class has, that moment you get to shine because you’re helping the group in a way nobody else can.
Class quests and things that only specific classes can do. Fond memories of obtaining my Succubus, Aquatic Form, and running for Barman Shanker with another rogue. Something I loved about Legion as well.
Call me crazy but back in BC I used to like Strength Leather for my Bear/Cat.

This is up to preference and I think class customization should provide some options in terms of the intensity.
Personally I like the following:
I like to be pressing buttons all the time, but the abilities must all be meaningful. Using a filler ability with no impact/damage is as bad as auto attacking while everything is on cooldown.
That said, I don’t want to be staring at my action bar all the time, it should be natural and only require a glance once in a while.
I want to have a manageable amount of abilities, that is everything that needs key-bind speed to fit into 12 buttons, and then a few more situational/buff/res/big cool-down type of abilities.
I don’t like multiple abilities that do the exact same thing. We saw a few of those creep in since Cata for the sake of adding more spells every expack, and that is the bloat that should have been pruned, not the iconic abilities from before.

PvE and PvP
Back in the run-up to Classic I remember an interview with Kevin Jordan where he mentioned that mobs were designed to be as strong as players to accommodate the challenges when designing for both. This makes a lot of sense to me, and as a bonus gave us a more challenging leveling experience.
While I understand the attempted to keep PvE and PvP gear the same, and would have very much liked it to succeed, you don’t seem to be able to tune it properly. Perhaps its best to go to a system where PvP gear is always superior for PvP and adequate for PVE and vice versa.
In terms of classes, healers are too powerful, we need to go back to a state where they are vulnerable and need to be protected. Too much CC, want to actually play the game, not watch it. Fixing classes as suggested before should help address this issue.
I would also suggest that if balancing classes is too difficult, that you change to a system of counter classes. Rock, paper, scissors, eg Rogue kills Mage / Mage kills Warrior / Warrior kills Rogue.

More visual customization of your character. Seems to be in the works though, but worth mentioning the more the better.
Special request for fixing the lower eye lid on male night elves. I cant use the Night Warrior skin because of that, and if the new eyes are going to expose it even more then its going to become unbearable. The model is already ugly enough as it is.

Weather. I can’t explain why but I used to enjoy this.

For me quiver are a crucial part. It looks weird to wield a bow without a quiver. Even on this character I have a quiver equipped. It gives a scout feeling to my warrior.

Back in 2014 the art team posted these quivers and ammo pouches. They look amazing but unfortunate never saw the light of day. Really a pitty

http:// eyesofthebeast .com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/quiversomgs.jpg

I also think we could have class quests make a come back, it was nice to have a campaign to work on, almost like you’re witnessing the heroes do hero stuff and see behind the scenes that normal soldiers and civilians don’t know about.

But the reason why I think class quests should make a return, is it would be nice for you, as a character to learn something that otherwise you didn’t know about, whether it’s for an ability or something cosmetic, like the night elf cosmetic but it would be nice on a class by class basis.

This was one of the reasons why I enjoyed playing alts more in Legion - the class halls and class campaigns meant that the experience was different on different characters. In BfA the only way to get a different experience is to play the other faction, and even then that’s only 2 experiences as opposed to 12.

No flying like in Vanilla WoW.

1 Like
  • Pvp gear thats actually useful, with pvp bonuses etc + vendors
  • Raid set bonuses
  • Old style talent tree
  • No artifact power gear stuff, I just really want normal gear again :frowning: