This expansion will crash harder than any before

I think you are talking about the whole mmo process now. To my knowledge they work as the medicin industry meaning they work on new expansion already now to fill the pipeline and future income. That means that you cannot change 180 deegrees in another direction becasue you spend billion of money and hours already to your work.

Deadline with press, patent and rights, etc with suppliers has already been done.

I do agree that legendaries should have some alternative acquisition way other than torghast for people who absolutely hate to do it. With some extra tweaks, i think SL system could be quite good, considering blizz “promised” no extra systems on top in future patches… we will see about dat Ion. Still i think its best to wait for Blizzcon to judge SL better.

ok Cassandra kek

comparing sub numbers is kinda anoing and saying it is not as high as it used to be, factual true but that is looking at a single drop in a oceane, not going to tell you much by looking at the drop, now try add in the amount of different MMO’s there are out there now and compared to how many where out there, how WOW moved the MMORPG genre from a very niche market into a major part of the gaming market(it has moved away from that in resent years).
so sure subs are going to tell something but comparing subs from wrath or the like to now is just flawed if that is all you look at as in wrath wow was close to having monopoly on MMORPG, then came a million new MMORPG’s and the playerbase spread out.

there where many doomsdays in cata, mop, wod(did not pay attention to legion as i only rejoined in late legion because of how bad wod was) and BFA so im not sure where its a new kinda thing is coming from.
it has been here since forever.

and Lynlia(and me, guessing others to) are just showing how many John A’s there is, making your arguement cirkler.

the first for me was wod.
I think SL is a great expansion, there is not a lot of loot but to me that is not really a bad thing

those restrictions are the same as every expansion and is player driven and pretty dam easy to get around, all you need to do is get to know a few people and play with them and the majority of the ilvl restrictions are gone(there are a few very low once for queing for HC dungeons and LFR but guessing that is not the onces you are talking about).

I disagree I like the world and it is a lot better then WoD where it was just sitting in garrison and getting missions then get a summon to raid or que for dungeons, maybe if you really wanted then go trap a few beast once a week for some time then over.
Now there is a hell lot more life in the world and a lot more to do, the story im not happy about but that is more about how it is writen and all and has nothing to do with gameplay, they really should not have made the lichking a pawn for the jailer and gone that way it just fell forced but that is more about the intermision lore and not how the lore in the SL is as the story there is okay, not the best and not the worst(by a long shot).

but Shadowlands is so alt friendly and not really hardcore focused.


WoD landed a hell lot worse

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No this expansion and many expansions before were all cuttering to casual audience thats why it keeps failing. Casual content do not hold casual player interested in the game for long period of time.

“They say that about every expansion…”

Nope. I loved TBC, WoTLK and Legion, so it’s not “Happens every expansion”. Things have changed far too much and classes have become broken.

  • The game feels more of a chorefest

  • Can’t bring myself to leveling anymore alts

  • PvP is massively broken

  • WQs are in shambles, can’t bring myself to doing them.

  • Torghast, don’t get me started, but at least you don’t have to do 1-8 anymore on alts…

  • The Maw, more tolerable since getting the mount but you have to grind 8 layers of 18 floors just to get it with bad RNG luck on decent powers.

  • Mythic+ I used to enjoy, but getting 35 Anima for it? Absolute joke. Barely get loot anymore and feel all the hard work we’ve put in have been wasted.

  • Anima, horrible horrible grind and you have to get sooooo much of it and you get very little for rewards.

  • Hard to obtain loot for PvErs so they turn to buying boosts from hardcore PvPers which make PvP a whole lot worse in general.

I see the OPs points and others that have made threads like this. For me the best expansion was WoTLK, no covenant rubbish or any system, just dungeons, raids and PvP, the way it should be. (Also decent quests at that)

So people should make threads and express how they feel so maybe Devs will listen and take their opinions into consideration. No point flaming people for their views and trolling them. Let them have their say! Shouldn’t bother you at all.


Whatever you say…

Haters gonna hate :sunglasses:

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80% of the community wasn’t even born when this game existed. They can’t relate to what this game really was :slight_smile:


they put game full of timegateing systems to slow down players progression then they still remove loot from M+ so u can get only 1 loot per week from vault if u pve only. they even redused the loots in old dungons aswell not only M+ …

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A hard thing is though to keep things on track and accept different oppinons. I see many selecting the : you cant be serious? Are you stu… , are you rtard… and or getting offended very fast. I cant say that I didnt make some replies i regret, I do, and I have actually once made a tread where I got convinced that my oppinion was wrong even though it is not cool to admit.

but it has happen in every expansion, most of the time it is not the same that make the prediction in the same expansion but that does not mean that there aren’t some that say it in every expansion just because you dont think it will fail every expansion does not mean that the threads spring up in every expansion.

compared to what?
wrath was worse with alle the dailies you needed to do.
legion worse then now same with BFA.

that is you, I dont have a problem with leveling alts

PvP is not broken in and of itself, the balance is screwed but nerfing the burst of most classes would fix that.

some of them are better then legion or bfa WQ’s the rest is just equal to them.
ofc that is my opinion of it.

doing it many times is boring true but doing it a few times is great fun.

The Maw is not really that bad, can be frustrating sometimes but that is more to do with the stygia and how it is set to work.

agreed the 35 anima is a joke, the loot i dont have a problem with and I understand why the loot is 3ilvl under HC.

it is a grind but what you need it for other then complitisem nothing more as it does not give you any power unless you count the 197i lvl gear, rest is cosmetic and other like things like that.

not hard just slower.

What I gate except the awful drop rates is the how the lore is so TOO MUCH . I just want to rerturn to kalindor and easter kingdoms. More earthly zones instead of afterlife


This always blows my mind. You claimg to love TBC yet you dont like current loot desing. TBC had literaly 2 items for 25 people from single boss.

Why in the hell players expect to get items for running severals mythic+? Do you all realize that 45 minute dungeon is in MMO space 0 effort? Yes it is. This is not moba. MMOs are very long and time consuming games. You are not supostu be geared in first, second or third month after release.

Same was said by the other expansions.

This is true too, they went overboard both thematically and story-wise. If it wasn’t for a few familiar characters here and there nothing about Shadowlands would feel like Warcarft at all. I really really hope we return to Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor after SL in a soft or hard old world revamp.


I keep seing claims like:
“Vast majority of players are casuals”
Do you have any data to back that up? Because everything we have available point to the opposite these “casuals” who do not raid or do rated pvp or m+ are minority.

“Sl is designed for hardcore”
This is not true either. The game is more and more catered to “casual” players with more and more content to do outside raids, pvp and dungeons. Also, wasnt there this entire drama between wow devs and class theory crafters because devs design the game for casual play and dont care about the competitive side of wow?

Yeah, for sure i wanted to clear previous raid tiers on all difficulties cause i just wanted to do that and not get leggos.

You’re misremembering mate, or you have a loose definition of ‘do what you want’ . By your standards, nothing is really mandatory, I mean, you don’t have to step foot in torghast now, why would you need a leggo? And why grind out those m+ , you can just raid mythic in wq gear.

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What does more loot help when it’s beyond useless anyway.

Do some m+6 to 8 and in a few weeks time you can only get an upgrade from the vault. Ilvl reward is too wonky for m+. Never been THIS bad.

Even accounting for wf/tf.

In end of BfA a +15 dropped 10 lower than the vault awarded, not 16 lower.

A +8 didn’t grant you better loot in end of week chest than +15 drops.

Yes that’s why WoW is called a Theme Park MMORPG and why it has always been like that…

Reading your OP I think you just expect way too much from WoW, you don’t need to do all the “chores” to complete the base content like Castla Nathria normal.

Every expansion people complain about something and Blizzards response is to over do it.

For example people complained in Legion about the PVP WQ’s so in BFA they were gone. In BFA people complained about titanforging and warforging, so in SL that is gone and it is very hard to get gear in SL.

SL has many problems of course, I do not see it crashing because the monthly user hours will be higher for this expansion for a number of reasons:

  1. Flight time between zones
  2. The time it takes to do WQ’s
  3. Torghast
  4. The Maw
  5. The fact you have so many currencies you cannot even remember what you are grinding or should grind
  6. Linear questline for your main and alts if you do not chose threads of fate (which is not any better than the linear questline)
  7. Covenants

These main things mean that what used to take 30 minutes in BFA now takes 4 times as long as that so people are in SL more but not necessarily having fun, simply doing the chore grind and inflating the numbers for Blizzard.