This expansion will crash harder than any before

If the super old team that worked on vanilla, which was A LOT smaller and had a LOT less resources could pull out zones after zones, then this team can for sure. They just have this flawed design in their heads that we can have max 4-5 zones and have to overdesign it until there is no tomorrow.

I had 8/10 CN HC around christmas. I didnt even complain about the raid, but the rest of the world is EMPTY. Compare it to Legion where there was tons of stuff to do outside of raiding, pvp, m+. This expansion is a joke in terms of content.
And dont come me with that failure called torghast. Worst feature of all expansions. The true instance grind feeling.

Unless you’re into grinding rio/rpvp ranks I see no reason to play this game.
No reason to go out into the world, professions pointless, gear progression is RNG, no reason to farm anything cause gold is useless (no gold sink in PvP wut?)
All there is to do after you’ve done the story content is sit around in Oribos looking through LFG for hours for that next fail PUG.
I’m having more fun playing Heroes of the Storm than WoW currently
at least it has auto queue :confused:

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And please let’s be objective and compare what’s comparable, the old zones in Vanilla for some of them are really bare, remember some horde zones in Kalimdor? I’d wager is also probably faster to create content compared to today, the games are way more detailed.

Covenant related activities
The maw
Story quests
Zone quests

You call that a lack of content? I mean sure I’d love more too but it’s fairly similiar to what we had in previous expansions.

I don’t think they can realistically do more in 2 years, I’m not the dev but from watching some documentaries like NoClip on Youtube you can tell it’s not that easy to make a game. Catalysm was the exception and iirc they started working on it really, really early.

I don’t think SL will kill wow but i definitely had more fun in both wod and bfa by this point.

I don’t know the world just seems disconnected and with time gates i feel like there is no point at all logging in except Wednesdays.

The key selling points of the expansion Maw and Torghast are just not for me Maw i found just depressing looking and without mount its a complete chore for so small rewards that in the next expansion are useless.

Torghast might be fun if i would have choosen some other class to play but on my mage it feels so unfun that haven’t done at all after i got my legendary items that them self are more letdown than selfie camera patch.

They dont do more because they design 4-5 zones over and over and over and over like i said.

Maw, Torghast sucks, you have plenty of feedback from other people on that.
M+,Raid, PvP is the standard and heavily gated in terms of ilvl as we all know which you barely get if you dont play this game like a job.
Zone quests? Really? Oh yea there are new quests for xp so you can actually level. wow.
WQs are not worth anything and often a waste of time.
Story quests are boring, disconnected from wow. 4x instead of 12x class halls or 36x artifacts.
Weeklies aka go into the dungeon on normal mode, gratz.

Truth is the content is either boring, dull, a chore or just unrewarding. And still being completely disconnected from WoW.


Beyond this, what was there to do in BFA for example?

Outside of the “grouping content” there was stuff that was along the same lines of SL stuff (ie stuff you can dip into if u want) like islands and whatnot. The main difference is BFA had a craplaod of “chore” content, where you’d be forced to do this stuff for reason X or Y related to the grouping content, SL has done away with that largely.

Have we really reached the point where we’re complaining that we no longer need to do an hour of world quests a day plus X islands a week plus warfront when up etc etc is “lack of content”??? I remember in BFA most people complained that the sheer amount of crap we had to do every week was arguably the most annoying part about the expo. It left u barely any time to do anything that felt more meaningful.

I didn’t even talk about corruptions and running visions that you faceroll repeatedly each week (and grinding the currency to enter them) because u need it for cloak/corruption because if you don’t have them maxed out you get gatekept out of content. If it were visions alone fair enough, but the whole “slog through an old zone killing mobs that pose no threat until u fill the bar” to actually do the visions? What a yawnfest.

That wasn’t content, that was a to-do list and it was largely uninspired and terrible, because most of BFA’s “have to do” posed no challenge whatsoever, it was simply a time sink of stuff you had to do.

At least Torghast actually involves some brain cells when it comes to late TC for exmaple.

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Less loot is actually worse cos now i have to spam other side 100 times to get 1 item level 200 trinket and do weekly vault on every char just to try get 1 specific item when i normally would be done already, all you do is stall the rewards and increase the rate of burnout.

If u are practicing your drama and descriptive skills it’s a decent post .

Anyways in a mmo like wow ppl can and go , predicting stuff like this is just childish .

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And I just explained you why in the message you quoted, it takes time.

Then stop playing the game lol

It takes time because they spent TOO much time on those zones. If they started to use the old world they didnt even have to put in many new assets, just more questlines and other stuff. Its just bad world design overall. Very bad.

I already did, but id rather tell them why so they can improve and i might return someday to a better game.

Of course it’s effort, and TIME, thus should be rewarded more than 35 Anima. You’re rushing through a key to beat a timer for possible loot, how’s that not effort?

Because I mainly PvP’ed in TBC, Raided in WoTLK, back then we had master loot, and a loot system of our own, where you can save points to gain an item you really want when it drops.

Bring me sources/statistics for this otherwise this thread is pure spam.

They locked gear behind the weekly vault, it’s laughable that +15 gets you so low ilvl gear, and in such small quantities.

What I did enjoy about BFA, was “new season, fresh start” and just spam +8 till I got decked in gear (not perfect, stats where off, but good start) and then work from there. Yes there was many faults with bfa, just pointing out what I did like

Those dailies were tolerable. Yes you had to get a lot of Artifact power for your weapon granted but still the ways to grind it were a lot more tolerable than Shadowlands Anima.

Good for you, have a cookie.

PvP is broken, end of.

You must be easily entertained. Legion dailies or BFA were definitely not worse. I even prefer the turtle quests over the crap we have now.

The Maw is terrible, and so much worse without a mount.

So playing against R1 boosters is not hard? Hmm.


I will respectfully disagree with your points.

Any game’s core content is its endgame. Whatever this may be. “Casuals” as people call them, come and go. People who push the endgame tend to stay longer and care more.

Having said that I fully believe that everyone should enjoy a GAME the way they want!!!

You say “Raid/PvP or Die”. Why is that? What forces you to enter a raid if you do not want to? I was playing on and off in WoD and MoP for example and I did not step foot inside any raid not even once until they were old content. I didn’t feel I had to though. I was enjoying my time a couple of hours/week doing some Tillers farming, a bit of reputation and/or achievements and maybe doing a daily HC dungeon and that was it. Happy and relaxing. Where guilds fighting for World’s first? Of course. Did it bother me? Not one bit.

You say m+ isn’t for casuals (again with this word that I’m pretty sure means something entirely different for everyone
). Why is that? What stops you from entering a normal mythic, finishing it and get your keystone? Nothing at all. You can then make a group and try to do your +3 keystone. Again, nothing stops you.

As far as content goes. You have collectibles, mounts, pets, reputations, titles. Things that don’t require you to be geared or spend a lot of time. I doubt for example you have already captured all SL pets.

As for gearing, while ilvl is harder to increase like the stupid loot pinata BfA was, you have full access to gear for the content you are doing. Loot drought becomes to be somewhat of an issue the higher the content difficulty goes. But everyone can do dailies with the dailies and/or covenant gear. So again no problems here.

WoW has the advantage of being around so long that you can always find something to do either you play 2hours/week or 12hours/day.

There is Raids from LFR to mythic, dungeons from normal to m+ :infinity:, PvP from arena skirmishes and random BGs to Gladiator. Collectibles from appearances to pets to mounts. Thousands (literally) of achievements. Archeology, WQs, World Events. And you can do most of these activities without care about class balance, gearing, add ons, gold

It puzzles me how someone cannot find anything to do. UNLESS you do not like any of this content. In that case, maybe this is not the game for you.

No but I see mandatory grinds within the categories of diminishing returns. In Legion certain content had a higher chance of a legendary, emissary chests were high up, also the M+ weekly chest, and aside from that the harder the content the higher the chance. Spamming LFR raids on all difficulties was the same as running 100 MoS runs a day, it does increase your chance at a legendary but the diminishing returns are huge as you’re actively burning out for very little gain.

Same with Islands, do the 3-4 for the weekly big AP chunk and stop. In Legion you could do a couple of M+ for the week, do all emissaries, clear the highest difficulty of the raid you can, and maximize your chances of a legendary.

Everything after that and you’re actively burning for little in return. I was doing that throughout Legion and had like 8 legos on my main after maybe 6-7 months of playing in total, along with 3 per alt on the 2 alts I had.

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I give it a couple more months until even the last people realize that Shadowlands is even worse than BfA. No idea how this game is supposed to survive this expansion. If BfA was a one time thing then sure, who cares? But Shadowlands is the same exact thing with the difference that almost everything is even worse and there is absolutely no way that the vast majority of the playerbase is going to keep playing this trash as well.

Considering that TBC is around the corner they either have to come up with something mind blowingly good next content patch or you can say goodbye to retail because everything that comes with and after TBC is the better version of the game.


It just didn’t work that way mate. You could have gotten trash leggos cause of rng, and of course you wanted a specific one. So you had to raid or spam dungeons or whatever, just for the bad luck protection to kick in and for the next one to drop.
The real competitive players even made alts just to roll the dice again on their first leggo. It was a horror show.

As for the regular gear, it was just as grindy. Yes there were more loot drops, but everyone hoped for that +30 titanforge, so they even did lower difficulty raids just in hopes of a higher ilvl item they wanted. Not to mention the m+ spam. It was just as frustrating then as it is now.

Much easier just to have a point system

Anima is not needed for power in shadowlands but Artifact power was tied to your power, so all the grind for anima is just some stupid sense of completism and that it needs to be complet now and not when it gets done, you dont need to farm the anima here and now to increase your personal power but you needed to farm AP for personal power.

orI find other things entertaining then what you find entertaining, so it is nothing more then the difference of people, know the saying someone garbage is another mans treasure.

matter of opinion and i dont agree

was more referering to that part saying that getting loot was hard, it is not it is slower yes but that is all it is.
now talking about if that is good for pvp or if pvp is hard or not is a different matter but i was commenting on the obtaining loot part and that is not hard, it is slow trough but as said i dont find that as a problem.

matter of opinion.

but i like shadowlands just because you dont does not mean that it is bad.

Glad you like it. But it’s obvious that you’re a minority. I don’t see how “but I like it” is helping anyone. This game is in big trouble.

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