How is SL the same as BFA? Be specific. Lots of handwaving in this thread about “the same crap” yet nobody gives details smh.
Also re: TBC different target audience. If you think TBC classic is gonna lure SL people away when some people are complaining SL is too “hardcore” and has “Nothing for casuals” you must be high. TBC, the expansion that had attunements galore and if you didn’t do raiding or ranked PvP you got trash gear, and by trash, I don’t mean “equivalent to normal raiding just about” I mean literal trash gear.
You think the people in this thread complaining there’s nothing to do, are gonna sign up for that? The people who like M+ because affix and climb are gonna sign up for a game where the dungeons don’t scale, and stop at heroic and if you outgear heroic but don’t have time to raid, well tough crap, there’s nothing left for you to do except do maybe 3 daily quests a date for obscure faction X to a get a Netherdrake?
Yeah, I ain’t buying it.
TBC was good don’t get me wrong, I loved it. You know why? Because it was very similar to Shadowlands. Chore crap was at a minimum and the “added extras” you could do offered only small power stuff (like Ador+Scryer or SSO) rather than something your entire spec works about (like essences) but rather you’d have “a bit more crit+sta” for example.
The majority of the game gearing beyond this was based around heroic dungeons (if that was your ceiling) but also raiding and rated pvp/casual pvp. Just like Shadowlands. TBC is more like Shadowlands than you realise the only real difference is the thematics and the class design philosophy but the approach to the endgame is remarkably similar except SL has more stuff casuals “can” do if they choose to as opposed to them being restricted to grinding reps or crafting 1-2 semi-decent items with a tradeskill.
Obviously raiding was different as difficulties didn’t exist as well, rather u had to progress them (Gruul’s lair to start for example) and then go through- this is all stuff that would probably make TBC less attractive to those complaining SL isn’t casual friendly, because TBC had no catch up. You not geared for black templte but wanna raid it? U gotta find a guild willing to either hard carry you (unlikely) or one that is progressing/farming Gruul and work your way through. That takes loads of time and is probably a huge turn off for a player looking for casual raiding. Whereas in SL if you wanna do X raid at difficulty Y, it’s much easier to do so.
Not saying one model is objectively better than the other as I don’t really raid anymore, but the point is a majority of the “Unsubbing” crowd are complaining that SL doesn’t give u enough unless you invest loads into it, and TBC offers exactly the same experience as that, albeit the raiding is instead of being gated by low drops, it’s gated by lesser drops in general and raids having to be done in sequence. Ie if u miss the “first round” you are screwed.
You see this in classic already. Everyone and their mum is aiming for AQ and Naxx. U come to the game now and wanna raid Naxx? GL finding a guild that’s still interested in running Molten Core etc because you will struggle to find one that is and is seriously considering pushing to Naxx as well.