This is the first time that I feel like some wow-youtubers are destroying gaming culture itself

I was about to say we should stop taking you seriously, but then I realized we never started.


Was about to say the same thing.

If you don’t like their views, don’t watch. Don’t give them headspace. If you’re enjoying the game, carry on doing so without inviting someone else’s opinion into the mix.

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well if i would be in charge of the social media i would make a change on the content creators.

when guilds had their own small world and felt they were making history people were more content vs when you see all the MFR, AWC, MDI and YTbers which make you feel small and unimportant.

for a health of the game only casual ytbers with entertaining personality should be able to stream game for free.
others should pay % and be on contract which binds them.

also: casual content should be a focus, it should be fun to stream. the elite players arent loyal - they all jumped ship and took all the audience blizz helped them to build with them.

Its every expansion the same story. Wow is dead, runes of magic taking over… rift taking over, warhammer online taking over etc…

People will always cry. And when crying gets you more viewers its even better.

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One day, i really hope someone at Youtube staff makes clickbait part of ToS. That would once and for all kill that can*er trend that every big content creator use.

thats how they cash on the viewers


literaly nobody who plays the game cares

what people do care is gettign content on time

how they achieve it doesnt matter even if it meant having every 2nd day parties with hookers till morning

as long as raids and dungeons are pumping they can do whatever they want.


I guess content ain’t happening either with or without hookers.


If there was no truth there, Blizzard would publish the numbers and shut everyone up.

But where there’s smoke, there’s fire.


It sounds like the biggest watchers are the hate watchers considering they seem to be the ones able to quote things said in these videos.

This is at least the third thread you’ve made about WoW content creators recently.

Maybe, just maybe you’re a part of the problem.


You Tube killed culture in general.

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Clearly you are clueless about his channel if you think that’s his goal.


geez you guys are ridiculus, the only thing that hurts wow is blizz itself with its focus on mobile inspired mechanics.


who cares ?
they are freakin youtubers and streamers.

they were too lazy to get a real job so they take videos and talk and make people think they are special. well, they arent, and very often they speak nonsense.

AT BEST, bad entertainers.

That’s like saying you don’t want any social media to ever shape history

Like blaming the Printing Press on its conception for failing your company in medieval era.
The warnings were there and people told Blizzard how much power Youtubers had in opinions.

They chose to ignore it, thinking nothing would dethrone them.

Again, it’s their fault.

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Shredding files is a-ok until you get caught
That’s also the real world
But yeah sure keep blaming youtubers over the state of the game, I’m sure that if they all quit the game would suddenly become good overnight
It’s like saying your local news here is to blame for the Taliban because they’re reporting on the Taliban


Why put any stock in what the streamers on Youtube or Twitch say about WOW or any other game?? Remember that these people are living off streaming, they will promote and say things that gets them subs, hits, likes, and views.

For years Asmongold bashed FFXIV, but when he finally went over and saw that it doubled his streaming numbers, all of a sudden FFXIV is the best game ever and WOW is the worst one, despite his making his initial streaming career and living off of WOW.

As for Bellular, he is a bit more factual as he does actually back up what he says via actual news reports from sources online and he is right about many things about WOW such as the system bloat and borrowed power.


Wow was always casual. In fact it’s BECAUSE it was casual that it took over everything. The meme was that it was everquest done for normies.

And what’s your point? The game is not what it was 10 years ago

It never stopped being casual (on top of anything else). People were collecting pets in vanilla, people are collecting pretty hats in Shadowlands.