This should be punishable

That was “guys got to go” or something like that.

I know he wasnt offline, as he was moving around and using dalaran-heartstone after leaving, which was at the same time as me whispering him “what’s wrong?”

He must not have you neccesarily put you on ignore jesus Fing christ. Go and do your test again. Whisper someone from a different realm. Then let them log off. You get the same message. Thats what we meant with you learning to read.

Because he doesnt owe you, a stranger, any more.

It is the very same irl.

Learn to read. I cant repeat it often enough.

Because you totally logged his realm blackhand and checked him with a character that can access said area. Because youre totally playing on a german realm as well.

Would have pressed HS as well after leaving. Then logged off. As in logging off while its casting. The cast goes through regardless. That way when i log back in im not in god knows where and you also can reset the instance that way.

Obviously you aren’t reading, and that’s why this is my last reply to you.


He was MOVING when i WHISPERED him. Jesus christ, what’s not to understand here? I don’t get it.

I’ve provided you with evidence, that this is the error message you get when you whisper someone from another server while they have you on ignore and i’m telling you, that i whispered him while he was moving around in the dungeon.

There’s quotes to when it was put in place but mention that it may or may not be working at the time of creation of that topic.

In other words I can’t say. It used to work at least.

And you posting stuff like this is deemed acceptable. Do you think you are someone special? Im beginning to think that you got ignored for a reason.

You were lucky to get what you got because at the end of the day nobody owes you anything.


10 chars

Its also the same message you get if someone from a different realm logs off. Period.

Great. Prove it. But then ok, he was a d-head. Cool story. Nobody cares. So you want to punish everyone with a legitimate reason because of some cu… that behaved like that. Good job. God youre so mature. Sod off.

If you behaved like that in your dungeon then dear god i can understand why he left. I couldnt bear having to deal with such a wallhead in my group.

The system you suggested could A: Be abused on so many levels and B: Wouldnt affect the current aholes in any matter. Great job.

Ironically, I don’t think you’re the person to speak of behaviour online. I already told you that nothing was said throughout the entire dungeon run, but you obviously have the tinfoil hat clenching your head or something.

You’re also not the one to talk about maturity or telling others to read, as you’re clearly ignoring every point i’ve been trying to make.

Yes, it’s the same message, no, it wasn’t the offline message in this scenario.

You’re condescending and honestly, you’re pointless talking to, as you bring nothing further to this debate, so goodbye.

Hm, if the movement and action cannot be explained as lag-action after logoff (like when you hearth out and your char stays visible until it loads the destination), then you still have to consider that their actual two messages take time away from safe logout. Although that course of action makes the hurry a bit less urgent, not emergency-type but other kinds of pressure that could still be unexpected.
I am now wondering whether their act of leaving the group led to the offline message, possibly in relation to still being in an instance, but detached from the group. On the other hand, the system seems to allow messaging other players on other realms if one has just played with them, after group disband and port-out and all.

In any case, if you want to know for sure, you’d probably have to try and contact them via a fresh char on their realm (someone else if block is account-wide), provided they don’t autoblock messages from lowlevels.

If it was a deliberate ignore, then they were probably trying to avoid a long drama-full debate later, with you understandably upset regardless of the reasons for the leave - it’s disappointing of course. Maybe they have made past experiences with someone ‘stalking’ them for such.
Or they are aware that ignore also means LFD queue block and they want to avoid auto-grouping with you in the future and you then going “Hey, I remember your name”. Maybe even avoiding that out of feeling of guilt.
So many possibilities.

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That article doesn’t exist on the support database so I would suggest that information is not relevant. Ignoring is not account wide. This is the FAQ

Maybe i’ll do that. I was also thinking that there could be some sort of weird coding going on, but can’t be sure.

Either it was some sort of delay or lag in that case, as he, like i already stated, was moving around when i sent said message.

oh yeah, and messages to people from other servers is always allowed. Regardless of them being grouped, not grouped, in an instance, not in an instance. If i so desired, i could whisper you right now, granted that your’re online.

I know how to behave in groups. You obviously do not. I do not have to fake politeness towards you. Or respect. You get the minimum amount. Thats it. And i dont talk in pugs, because its not needed in my groups aside from when said pug wants shroud.

Aha. And what point would that be?

Prove it. Because the people in your screenshot are still in your group as visible from the highlighted blue (included the elf infront of you). And lets say i believe you that he did move around then what i said the post above still applies. Something you havent adressed at all because youre incapable of doing so as that would make you admit that your suggested system is flawed and pointless and disrespectful.

Youre someone that wants to punish everyone because a selected few behave like dheads. Sounds like the regime of certain countries to me.

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What do you know about my behaviour in keys, you’ve never even played with me?

Not gonna lie, i don’t know what your point is here? Yes? There’s still people from the group inside the dungeon? One of them being my girlfriend, the other person a random. The 2 people missing in that snapshot, is the leaver (Tank) and his friend (Dps)

Then explain to me how a system such as this would punish a single person that is not a repeat-leaver. How many keys have you left in the past week seeing as you think this is a bad idea? Do you leave 10 x keys weekly or?

Judging from this thread and your posts neither are you. You are very toxic.

I’m at work, just did a quick google search and linked the topic I found.

Which is why i don’t preach behaviour.

Yet you reprimand others.

I ask for common courtesy when getting in the way of other people’s happiness, yes, that is correct.

Sadly, that article is not explicit on whether ignoring is account-wide or not. And we also have to distinguish which account it affects. It is one thing to ignore a char and thus block that whole account with all its chars and another thing to block someone on one of your chars and have that be in effect on your other chars. The latter is probably even less likely, and I have to ask: What’s the point if I can only prevent grouping with e.g. a very rude person if I add one of their char names on every single of my chars. That can become so tedious that we could consider it a deliberate incentive not to do it.

Generally the whole social management system with specific focus on ignore management is horribly crude and obscure and not worthy of the year 2019, but hey, WoW has always had that construction site smell. (Often reminds me of Star Citizen ALPHA.)

I can tell you categorically it is NOT account wide.

I’ve had to ignore a person on every char who sends mail requests to every female blood elf asking if I ‘wanna smash’.

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