Those who have ran many visions

So it’s ok for a Holy Pala to clear visions with ease?

What about 70k dps as healer??

I’m talking about a healer here - not a dps… also this is Holy Paladin thing only.

You know that madskill is a M+ pusher, streamer, youtuber, high mythic raider. No mortal holy paladin is putting out 70k dps (also do not have that gear available). It would be interesting to see what a resto druid, resto shaman and disc priest (wasnt monk buffed too? ) can throw out for dps on the same skill level, because they can do a lot of damage too. I do feel for holy priests though. i am myself running a friend hpriest with my windwalker through the vision.

The 70k dps I saw wasn’t from that vid it was in a dungeon:

The twitter link is the healer guy from Limit… even he is saying Holy Paladins are stupidly strong in visions.

So blame a dps trinket with intellect (2 minute cd) and infinite stars corruption?

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Whatever the reason Blizz need to sort it out.

This has nothing to do with hpala. This can do every healer. The items are for everyone.

This is the highest damage source


The response on that tweet basically says it’s more fun on the Holy Pala than Shaman… yeah because it’s way too overpowered!

So why are they not getting the same results with a Shaman healer?

Then show at least something of a big pull where the hpala goes wild with glimmer. Where the pala ALSO heals.

Single target is not there, recent ev nerf made things even worse (i even wasted vessel because this time i didnt have dps to bring elite mob down unlike previous week). Now i gotta get some extra vessel since this week requires 3 runs and next 4…

Out of all my chars monk, priest, lock, druid (bear), hunter and dk, lock (aff) has easiest runs, full clear (no masks) with 452 ilvl and stars corruption (borderline useless there), will try with mask when i get last row upgrade. I don’t really have vessels to throw around testing stuff.

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Remember the mdi run where method was already placed and went in shrine with a b-group including a resto shaman? That player was single target doing 40-50k. The presentation was sh i t talking the resto shaman beforehand of having no dps, and then it did this.

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Holy pala have melee and istant damage, while things like shaman need to cast most of the time.

That is why holy paladin fair better than things like holy priest.


Yes melee advantage, with heals on the top.

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Can’t say I feel jealous for them, having to rely on others for this kind of content is always bad.
Especially in group, where healer are probably seen as a waste in those type of content.

So you come with a dps number from a dungeon moment (not full dungeon dps number) with trinket and corruption sources as main dps, and then it is OP in horrific visions while i can show higher dps numbers of resto druid in dungeons and also link a full clear in the vision on that spec?

The hpala is already doing for multiple seasons exactly the same and it got not even invited in pugs in M+. Or it takes forever since all the names for healer got changed in ‘RDUDU’ when you apply as hpala. But now the hpala is OP out of nothing?

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You know if a world first healer says they are too strong that is good enough for me.

There you go.

I already claim for seasons hpala is insanely strong. But not because of dps trinkets and corruption that is available for everyone. But it stays the 2nd healer in the game after resto druid.

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Oh look more melee favouritism.

Yeah that needs a nerf too… although the dps isn’t as impressive.

I am only talking about visions here.

No you were talking about dungeons with dps numbers and screenshot from dungeons.

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Yes because you said: