Those who have ran many visions

World first healer does not agree.

Thats fine. We can have different opinions. Why is it OP? Compared to a DH its not OP.

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I’d say Fury warrior but I’m also biased. :smile:

Playing Resto/Feral, Warrior all specs as mains and Monk/Rogue as alts and from all roles/specs my Fury warrior just destroy everything.

One is a dps the other a healer?

Meanwhile others are having trouble as ranged specs.

Other +20 keypusher mythic raider ranged dps’ers? Or are we back on average joe again?

And is it fair that healers should fall far behind compared to dps specs in solo content?

One of the comments from the video:

“I can barely clear 2 areas on my 450 balance druid, is this a class thing or do I just suck xD”

While balance druids are INSANELY good in there. What about tettles?

I’m inclined to think its the skill. I struggle myself as 450 elemental, but that is purely my lack of skill and poor gear (basically my resto gear). I’m sure others with same ilvl and more skill can do alot better :blush:

It’s way more unfriendly to casters.

Druid heals can kitty weave, Holy Pala is melee.

Thanks for the info, i totally didnt know :crazy_face:

I have no idea who this is but;

Is that a no mask run??

Imo the problem with vision is that every single affix is way more annoying as a caster compared to a melee.

Also, a lot of ground effect that reduce sanity, found them way more annoying as a priest compared to my dk.

Balance Druid have it somewhat easier compared to others

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Yes i know :slight_smile: but wasnt there a shadow priest on this forum claiming doing it on 3 or 4 masks already?

I am not saying it is not possible. I am just saying you have it way worse compared to a dh or a rogue.

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Any melee class is good there, Fury > Rogue for this unless you plan to skip which is dumb. :smiley:

Well, there was some insinuating a balance druid is doing worse than healers (make that hpala).

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Do you have a balance Druid vid with a 2 mask clear?

You know my gripe is that caster have it rough compared to Melee and even 2 of the Healer classes.

Like me having or not having a video is the whole science :man_shrugging:

You didn’t mention masks in your original post though.