Thoughts on the new Arachnophobia Mode in the war within?

Find it weird how people can’t differentiate between virtual and reality…

I got a real life fear of heights, it’s one of the most common fears out there, yet I literally have zero issues with heights in a bloody video game.

I remain impartial. Gut feeling is that the decision to implement it stems from someone high up in the development team having fear of spiders :smiley: And the filter allows for easier workdays

When they introduced JUMPING spiders in the new Uldaman dungeon I screamed and noped.

I am pretty sure I ate a spider a few days ago when I was picking berries

By the way, what happens with the spider mount? Does it become a lobster too?

Its not exclusively learnt.

Bit of a weird feature to add in TWW, but I guess it can make sense for people who have a really bad phobia of spiders, even in pixel form.

I can only really foresee this becoming a bit abused down the line by other phobias that people have and then start demanding things etc.

Anyway, again it’s a weird feature, and it’s not going to spoil the enjoyment of the game for anyone at the end of the day.

As a Botophobic person I hope one day blizzard will remove bots from the game.


First off, Arachnophobia is very real, this is not in question, with that said:

The psychology and Psychiatry professionals are among the professionals that disagree more fiercely with each other, they barely get to any consensus about anything really, but there is one thing that is absolute among these professionals: You should not shield someone from a fear or a phobia, instead - Voluntary and Safe confrontation of your phobia is the - only - thing that helps you strengthen and recover.

If anyone knows a better way to approach spiders than in a video game, safe behind a screen…let me know because I am curious.

That’s really interesting, Puny. I’m definitely in the situation box which almost doesn’t affect me ingame, except for vertigo (standing on the edge/walking down very high things) and there’s not a lot they can do about that. Oh, and probably being in confined areas, particularly underground.

I have no idea what Blossophobia is so will go and look it up.

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I have a friend that’s red-green colorblind.

He says the colorblind mode in WoW is useless, lol.

We had to change the way we called stuff on discord on king mechagon hardmode when we did it with him because the marks messed him up.

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Years ago when the N64 was a thing I would get vertigo from the high levels where you could fall down off great heights. It’s amazing how some things in games are fine and others aren’t.

Same as motion sickness. I get that not only in WoW (with the advent of dragon/skyriding) but I also suffer with it in things like Portal 2, Minecraft etc.

It’s no surprise to me that some are arachnaphobic in games. Fortunately Wow is cartoonish enough that they aren’t an issue for me but this has got to be a great feature for those that do suffer. Used to play with someone who would avoid all spider zones, she was triggered that badly by them being on screen.


I’'m not affected by motion sickness in WoW, but was really badly in Descent many years ago. Never managed to finish the game because of it :cry:

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I have a mild version of vertigo. I can’t look over the railing on a tall bridge without my legs starting to shiver. I actually feel slightly uncomfortable when climbing up on the very high cranes in GTA5 for example, but that’s also a testimony to a world well built.

I don’t experience even close to that feeling in WoW though, no matter how high I fly or climb, so how “real” the graphics look definitely has an effect.

Its good for alliance players😂

Ah the Good old days, one of the first 3D spaced games… so disorientating wondering where the heck the enemy was… using the arrow keys to look around instead of your mouse. :sweat_smile:

Think Duke Nukem 3D was the first FPS game I played with a mouse, how I was still using the arrow keys to move around. Wasn’t till Half-Life 2 that I switched over to AWSD. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we all got motion sickness and disorientation from Descent tbh.

Your argument is ridiculous. It’s like saying that players did fine for years without colour blind options so why bother adding them.

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To this day, Arcane Santuary in Diablo 2 still makes me sick.

What argument I asked people what they thought maybe learn to read.

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