Time to finally ban multiboxing

I think more people have quit due to multiboxing than the multiboxers pay, or the tokens other people buy that they buy with gold they make.

Shhhh… :stuck_out_tongue:
Im not multiboxing. I just pay for 1 account :wink:
Im a semi-multiboxer. Thats allowed :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you get free to play multiboxers in the low level BGs? I know you do quite a few low level BGS.

I suppose grouping up needs an active account.

If the leader did die we can swap in a second to another and it becomes the leader though. I don’t pvp I just use the method should my main fall.

After that I vanish and he need to ress his character:D
I’m thinking about playing rp and stalking/killing players for gold.

Lets not start that again. I just make a party-sync group , which is allowed in BfA. Lets not start this discussion again.

I’m not asking about you but others.

good luck with 10 Druids and instant rez!

But this make them angry :smiley:

Won’t happend as longests people either keep buying boosts or tokens.

The only way blizz would ban all multiboxers. Is to stop the supply and demand permanently that makes them effective.

And that will never ever happend.

I’m not sure, if they keep going at this rate it will be World of Multiboxers :rofl:

Thats good :smiley: I prefer to multibox rather than party with some guys in a raid group. Multiboxing all the way!

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I’d be happy to have a multiboxer only server - I was against this at first but I pay my subs with real cash and only box for the fun of it.

I know another boxer and we are going to team up for some pve in Shadowlands.


Thats a good idea. Multiboxer`s Only Realm. But they shouldnt be cross-realm with the other normal realms. The multiboxers shouldnt get the “flowers” of the normal nub players.

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Exactly, and if you get caught boxing on a non boxer realm it’s ban :hammer: time!

Hey Blizz you can pay me in honor points for this amazing idea :wink:

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No, no, no, no…!!!
Its OUR idea! We`ll share the honor points 50-50!

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Lets call the new realm…

The Hivemind!

After all they made that mount for us and everything.

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I’m not sure we’ll see multiboxing banned but I would like to see them take steps to break some of the practices that cause issues for the rest of the playerbase.

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Just putting this clip here aswell, someone linked in other post before.

Until people like him out there, no reason to stop multiboxing. Ezmoney.

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Seems like its a job for him.