Time to finally ban multiboxing

Dont ban it just disable /follow command,see how they get a hard time then.

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Basically this. Only way to fully stop it. If they can continue without problem after, then it is automation.

I don’t see why people multibox. Even if you harvest a node 10 times you still make as much as if you would do it once seeing as you have to pay for 10 accounts no? How is this profitable?

It is because if I will pick every of this node once I can easy get 200k per week. But they pick all of them.

Yea sure but they have to pay sub for 10 accounts so they aren’t profiting are they?

They pick 10 times mroe node so they get 2 000 000 gold, after they pay for each account they stay with 200000 gold. So this is still profit. And I do this only few hours per week.

Herbing is hardly profitable to make much money from it now though…

Indeed, just wait next xpac, where herb prices start around 70-80 gold /each herb.

If you are jealous, you can just buy 10 accounts and do it yourself. This is not something only a shadowy elite is allowed to do, everyone can have a part of it if they want to and are ready to pay. It’s like everything else in the free world.

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So because some abuse the system all must suffer for it ? no it should not be banned at all but should be better regulated .

Everything has taken a nose dive in value at the end of the expansion but that’s normal. It will be profitable again once we start SL.

Yep right until flying comes out. Can’t wait to see the sl herbs!

Make it that nobody can herb when mounted or in flight form and make it that there is no one zone only herb like in Najz .

How would they add new recipes with future patches then if they don’t add new herbs in the new zone? Also hands off my fly form herbing.

Well it worked from classic to wod .

Notice i am a druid aswell :stuck_out_tongue:

There has always been zone only herbs Classic starter zones: Peacebloom and Silverleaf. Then in next zones Mageroyal and Earthroot and so on.

It’s not the same and here is a difference

Botting:Uses third party software to automate gameplay and is highly detectable by their anti cheat system.

Multiboxing:that is running multiple accounts and is not automated it uses human input to play someone is playing it’s not automated.

1 button push 10 action (example). 1 action legit, 9 other copied by a softver without extra interraction. We can twist the words each side.

I am not going to sit here and row with you about this the point is nothing was as bad as Suramar/Starlight and Naz/Zin’anthid in the last 2 expacs i disagree with you deal with it and move on we shouldnt have zones like it in my view .

Is she don’t say anything they she don’t say no.