Time to finally ban multiboxing

The point of those is to have more difficult recipes to craft further along the expansion.

But you dont have to add new herbs just move existing ones into new zones .Golden Lotus for example in MoP was not a one zone only herb and that worked even with new recipes . I do not understand why you want a zone only herb but i wish you good day .

A bot can run itself 24/7 via scripts a multiboxing human needs to be there to do the strokes its totally different .

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Because if they would just be the same herb there is no reason to give new recipes either. And everyone would just use the stack of herbs they already farmed before instead of going out and gathering new herbs.

Edit: It would also make no sense at all to put say winters kiss in Nazjatar as the zone was always under water before we got there. The herbs are native. Like Icethorn in Icecrown.

What I always been neutral here I am on neither side I was just stating facts I am sorry if I triggered you :rofl: not my intention.

And in no way I am defending bad behavior because it’s still allowed until Blizz decides otherwise my stance will be neutral.

It triggered me because I know how multiboxing looks and how easy is to set up everything and make tons of gold by doing nothing. I was doing this for few months but I feel bad with this because it was like playing on autoplay mode.

I have no idea whats got into you today Tifa but the system has worked before and it could again why are you so wanting a new zone only herb ? how does it make the game exciteing ? how is it going to help curb botters ? how is it going to make a recipe harder ? .
Botters have been so bad in Legion and BFA due to 2 herbs being zone only and multi tapped .
If you want it to carry on that way so be it but i think it is completely silly to do so.

Like I edited

It would also make no sense at all to put say winters kiss in Nazjatar as the zone was always under water before we got there. The herbs are native. Like Icethorn in Icecrown.

Zone herbs have been a thing for years.

How does it make the game exciting to use the same herbs for an entire expansion?

I’ll admit it does feel like autoplay as said by other people aswel but still it’s legal only for the human input fact and trust me in BFA I did not like those herb and node stealing and zone distributing boxers 10 freaking druids stealing my herbs lol.

Also I have been told before by my school profesors back in the day of high school that I should be a lawyer or a Politician but I laughed at it because I didn’t think it was true at the time.

You are just being obtuse sorry you are rowing for rowing sake and giving no real logical answers at all .

how does adding a herb make it exciteing in the first place ? do you really sit there and go “yip ee new herb this patch i need to pick 3 million of before botters get here”

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Tell me how the herbs from LAND in bfa would survive in an UNDER WATER zone??

Tell me how a new herb is exciteing ? anyway have a good friday <3 from Daestra.

You aswell. We might disagree sometimes but still <3 you!

Don’t need it.

Not right now no… but they already made a ton of gold when it was and have paid subs and shadowlands with gold.

I’m seeing more in Warmode, which I think is unfair. In general I agree with the “anything goes in Warmode” attitude, but my feeling is that members of a gank squad should be controlled by separate players! I shouldn’t be unable to attack a player because there are 5 different versions of them in the same place at the same time.

Haha not really it has a learning curve.

Go do some mythic+ while playing 5 characters :wink:

Yea I was silly enough to take a break during the time herbs were worth a lot :frowning:


tries to read again



You’re trying to bend reality like a lawyer defending a p***phile. How about you accept that botting and multiboxing are not the same thing and that multiboxing is completely legal?
Now before you say anything, i am not a multiboxer. What i am however, is someone with more than 2 braincells unlike a certain someone else and i can separate reality from my own little world of self made up rules.

Edit, damn you autocorrect

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