Time to finally ban multiboxing

Those multiboxers won’t get their suspensions / bans til months later.

Remember the ban wave on classic bots? oh yeah that took over half a year to happend.

Blizz say it’s to watch the bots to be able to make it harder for them to return, by studying their program/methods.

They also need some evidence to work with because they want to be 100% sure it is a bot before they ban.

Yep, point simply is. It dosen’t matter if you reported them for ages until over said time has approached. It is first at any point after that, they will act.

So til then, you can keep reporting them, but nothing will happend til tons of months later.

It also takes more than one report for them to look into it.

Multiboxing has been a part of WoW for going on 14 years now. It’s never an issue until some whiner takes it upon himself to cry about it on the forums. How often do you come across these people? How much time and effort goes into making it work? Why can’t you simply get a group together and slay the head of the Hydra controlling the masses?

This is clearly a l2p issue.


Multiboxing is not going to be a target unless Blizz sees it makes them lose more money than they make off the multiple subs. Reality sucks, I know.

I don’t mind people that are annoyed with people playing 10 characters and all they do is empty nodes. Same with the ones that bot with throwaway accounts.

The type with barely any achievement points.

I just dislike people thinking that I am that type of boxer.

Really? Uhm no thanks. That would hurt you and me more then the multiboxers, and I make plenty enough gold to pay my sub with it and then some without multiboxing as it is now.

It is not only unrealistic, probably it has dubious legality. Blizzard not only has allowed multiboxing over the years, but it has also been profiting from them because multiboxers buy multiple expansions and pay multiple subscriptions. It Blizzard suddenly ban multiboxing they could have legal problems because someone who has bought multiple expansions could denounce Blizzard arguing that this ban make their purchase useless. Maybe it could be allowed in USA, but in Europe any judge would probably declare that Blizzard is not able ban existing multiboxers, the only thing Blizzard could do is to forbid multiboxing for new accounts.


well the amount of players who are not multiboxing is bigger than all this accounts of mutiboxing so more dmg is alowing bcs some players giving up from game bcs is broken economy and most of multiboxers bought everthing with tokens anyway

Well that’s Not true. All multi boxers use 3 rd party program to control multiple accounts at once. That gives bliz anytime reasons to ban all of them at once. Anytime they want.

Yeah, but your only problem with your argument is that Blizzard themselves do not agree with it, they have already affirmed that multiboxers are not against their rules and they have never banned multiboxers for using that type of 3rd party program. A judge would give the reason to multiboxers not Blizzard.

I dont think you should ban them.
Just make it impossible for them to farm.
I dont know how. I am not an expert
But if they cant farm they cant destroy the wow economy

Yeah they wont ban them, they enjoy the multiple subs.
It may seem something small but little actions like these are destroying the game slowly.

Again sooner or later there will be ban , and not directly but programs that allow to run multiple accounts will get blocked . I m happy about that to be fair.

It’s been 15 years allowed already.

multiboxing is what basically makes this game pay to win.

x2 , x3, x8 the potential power and impact of a single individual, depending on how much you are willing to pay for your sub.

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Not really as the more people in your party tagging mobs the more health it gets.

yes, but not double or triple the health. this is also the least important aspect.
the mining nodes are unaffected.
in battlegrounds it’s unaffected.

the only place it doesn’t work is instanced PVE.

Its time Blizz put up a statement and then shut down the forum trolls

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