Time to remove the "Services" channel and ban boosters!

3k is nice round number, it means 22s to 24s, which is superb for evening chill with the bois. Has nice orange colors, along the way I get all achievements and portals. No frustration on my end whatsoever. I have maximum agency over the run, I have 0 waiting time in LFG, it is just nice.

Ad moving forward - the enjoyment is already top otherwise I would be playing other games. More RIO can be nice but it is inconsequential for me. When you get all BIS in 6/6 hero and some pieces 4/4 myth, then the only way forward is either Mythic raid or +20s vault. I can’t 100% decide on raid loot, so I focus on vault.

And when tier set pieces are all 4/4 myth, then the only way up is based on massive RNG. That is when moving upwards stops being feasible, because you would have to do massive effort for only small increase.

That is when I stop with M+ because the upgrades are too much effort for too little reward.

Now let’s say there wouldn’t be Great Vault. The moment I hit 3k RIO and BIS on 6/6 hero, I stop pugging other peoples keys as tank because I have nothing feasible to gain from it.
Raiding is different because one has less agency, that is why Vault is implemented to have a RNG failsafe that makes the cost worth it in my opinion. Cause I spend 2-3 hours reclearing Hc and mythic, then I get choice of something which may be BIS regardless of the results of Loot Council.

It is already bannable to buy from most sellers in service channel, even with gold. In practice you probably get away with it since Blizzard don’t really wanna ban people for this offense as it can drive players to do RMT; which is even harder for Blizzard to police.

You seem to think Blizzard is almighty and all knowing but thats not the case.

Isn’t the service channel for buying services with gold? The channel is exactly for that reason created :thinking: I am not sure why it is bannable, in your oppinion.

It is not my opinion that it is bannable. It is Blizzards. What I think should be bannable matters not.

I never heared something about buying a service for gold is bannable. You are the first to mention. Blizz has even explicit said buying a boost for gold is NOT a bannable offence. Multiple times.

Interesting view. Respect.

But I think that the way the system is build, which promotes the way you play, is flawed and needs to change.

Your journey to higher keys needs to be worth your time. Via titles, gear and cosmetics.

You cant rely on a “number” to motivate people to play more.

This is what I would change. Make more RIO actually consequential. More rio, more gear, titles, ect…

But there is a reason why blizz has not implemented something that is:

Raiders WANT to farm mythic gear in +20s. Because RNG and weekly lockouts are too severe in the raid. So change is needed in gear acquisition in the raid as well.

A person in the forums posted a neat suggestion: Make Raid gear ST focused, while M+ gear MT focused. That would be neat.

I just believe deep in my heart that many problems would solve themselves if the game was built to reward enjoyment. If you do M+, do it because you enjoy it. And stop doing it when you dont.

I agree with you except on having raids only ST and M+ only AoE. I am not sure how this would work, really.

For example I don’t have any difference between ST and AoE, maybe other specs as well, overall it would either break the system and gameplay, or force both raiders and M+ers to farm the other to have both options viable and ready, wouldn’t it?

Agree. Too much change to make something like that viable.

But one can dream I guess.

Im kind of biassed towards things like that. Because in RShamans case I am extremely disappointed that class balance of my spec in the Raid impacts me so much.

And I dont like it. My tier set is just the latest offense on that regard.

And I am wondering if there is benefit to being able to do both M+ and raids simultaneously.

You have PvE and two formats, big serious but easier to handle. And small, more agency, more creativity and higher octane.

I see, well it is fair enough reason. My tier set this season is for example leaning heavily to raid format, while they voted S2 one for fated which feels extremely M+ sided. But at least it is in line with whole bloodweaving concept.

Let’s hope maybe S4 will be better for you?

If you mean: trying to balance both Raids and M+… NONE.

If balancing specs were a complex algorithm. Where each spec and abilities is a set of variables… and you want to find the best solution…

Its hard, but complex.

If you add another “mirror” universe where you have to solve 2 complex algorithms at the same time…

You cant. It will never work.

waaaaaay too tl;dr

but my response is ‘no’.

Boosting is the best way to gear alts and easiest way to earn gold.

If you don’t wanna boost, leave services chat.


Yes most people like the topic creator and you doesnt know that it is bannable. Even with gold. I’m talking about service chat advertisers now on a normal server like yours and mine. If you buy a carry from there you will be breaking pretty much all rules in one transaction. You will breaking the following rules;

  1. Buying boost from boosting community. (always banned even with gold)
  2. Buying from crossrealm seller.
  3. Buying from a character not doing the actual boost.

This pretty much covers 100% of ads on my server which the biggest one. But I guess people on Kazzak would probably break one rule less :stuck_out_tongue:

Now you could of course setup a boost with people on your server that actually did the job and only pay them. Do a background check on them so they aren’t part of a boosting community etc. If you do all that you wont break any rules.

You should state your arguments more plainly.

You can’t use blanket terms to deceive the reader into assuming boosting of any kind is against the rules then later add some very specific examples of activity that could get you banned, it’s silly.

That’s like me saying “It’s legal for me to punch somebody in the face”.

Then later going on to describe how it requires us to be in a boxing ring with consent.

Exchanging gold for services is not against the rules, nor has it ever been except in the very specific circumstances where it is being carried out by an organization or other middle man.

All trade chat advertisers are done by characters that will not take part in the actual boost sold and thats against the rules. All boosts bought from a boosting community are against the rules. I can’t make it more plainly than that.

If you have trouble to find the rules I can help. Just ask.

I dont understand the whining.

LEAVE THE SERVICE CHAT it you dont like it. So easy !

The rules you mention are small print to have their asses covered in case they need to reign the hammer on people hiding “boost for gold” as “boosts for real money”.

In reality, this is the only rule that counts:

Individuals and guilds selling boost or assistance in raiding, dungeon, or PvP activities for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade Services chat channel.

[Taken from Blizzard Support page].

And as long as boosters charge gold for services, ONLY in the service channel… then everything is Gucci.

If you try to cheat your way into asking real money, they will rain down on you with fine-print rules and other things to make sure they can ban you for ever.

Stop making stuff up please.


I havent said I didn’t like or liked it. Im just saying what rules are. And they are pretty clear. Read the same article that in 2nd sentence outlines a full ban on any boost sold by boosting community especially crossrealm and including those paid with gold. I mean it can’t be anymore clear in my opinion.

Boosting communties allow guilds to find players who want to buy a boost for gold. Or presumably premade groups of boosters for M+ who would qualify under the rule change.

They changed the rules so that boosting communities can’t sell you the runs direct, another rule change would be required to change the way they currently work.

There is no rule to say you can’t buy a boost for gold from another realm. Players will not get into trouble for this.

The advertisers however should be based on the realm they are advertising on and it should be a character taking part in the run. You can report the low level boost sellers because they clearly aren’t going on any boost run with you.

They are usually hiding somewhere in Orgrimmar or suitable capital city, for example I often see them in the lowest portal room trying to hide out of sight.

It will be interesting to see how they handle the change to realms being less important going forward. Guilds will no longer be realm based in TWW and will work more like communities. The rules will need to adapt.

At the very least dont put people into the services channel automaticly. Or atleast make leaving the services channel account wide so we dont have to leave i again with every single char

Everytime i play a different character i have to leave the channel because its just spam spam spam spam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spamspam spam spam

Its extremely annoying. There is no need to copy paste the same message every 5 seconds. So yes the spammers should absolutely get banned. Even better ban the entire guild he is in to get all his boosting buddies.


This is the best option imo as MicroBlizzard definitely won’t be taking it out.

I can’t imagine it looks good to a new player to get into town after doing Exiles Reach and being smacked with 10 boosting ads every second.