Timewalking over tuned to hell

They got more cheese than us brits and they eat sheep and goats cheese ontop of that. We brits still find the idea of cheese coming from a goat to be a way too posh. Especially in the North West where I come from.

Au contraire Rodney, au contraire.

Northerners unite

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I’m pretty sure that’s soup

This time next year, we’re gonna be millionaires!

Strange but :tea: : tea :

Why ofc! It’s green tea! My bad

Fixed for you

Fel-green tea

British people being demons confirmed?

Well, the secret is out… I guess no point to deny any more
Send in the legions
The Empire will rise again…

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Naughty boy.

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I’m all for timewalking to be difficult and have a consisted difficulty across the expansion. It’s not really fun to just be able to skip all boss mechanics because they barely deal any damage.

Though the rewards need to be adjusted appropriately

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Failure = unacceptable.
In the eyes of some people it seems anyway.

It’s ok to wipe guys. :slight_smile:


This needs to be highlighted. Current rewards aren’t worth the effort. Not even close.


I believe that Legion gear should be patched to stats sticks ,and Bfa power to be disabled in time walking.
And then polish numbers as this games deserves.


It used to reward HC gear before Legion I think (?)

Anyways the reward was more but it was more difficult.

Heroic Raiders complained for letting those lesser players get a good gear

LFD players complained the TW was too hard.

So blizzard nerfed both reward and difficulty.

Then the added corruption and retuned it, and now it is a mess.


Maybe with upcoming level squish borrowed powers will be less pronounced,and number tuning more condensed ?

this isn’t looking good. If they go this route with shadowlands it will be BFA 2.0 way overtuned boss’s and mobs with way too much health and will take 6 months+ to “fix” it.