Titanforging[Carryover from US forums]

feels like only people who like titanforging are people who’re hardstuck in LFR and arent mentally capable of doing anything “harder”


It’s not about needing it to do content. It’s about having one of the pillars of RPG games; character progression.

And I’m glad it is. It’s COOL to get an item higher than I could normally get doing the content I do. It’s FUN.
Knowing you can’t get any better gear doing the content you enjoy is boring and sucks. So yeah… I like this alternative way better.

But like I’ve mentioned plenty of times; doesn’t mean I’m not willing to admit that there’s things Blizzard could do with TF to make MORE people happy with the system. Like removing sockets from the proc. Like limiting the ilvl of a proc.

But all I get in return of stating such concessions is people going ‘it needs to be removed’. Well sorry, it won’t. Think of a FIX. Removing it is NOT a fix.

Yeah there was, because I’ve been in both situations and THIS ONE is way better.
The game is better for it.

Oh god they just need to modify so that one you cannot titanforge above the difficulty meter.

What is that a world quest you are doing? Awesome it cannot titanforge above normal raiding. Yes it can go to normal raiding.
What is that heroic gear? Most you can forge is mythic sorry but not above.

And then at the end mythic does not FORGE period. Make it so this stupid system does not create un-grindable items. If you can gain it through titan forge than it should already be gainable by other means. You can get lucky and get a mythic titanforge sword from your heroic i don’t care cause if i ain’t lucky i can use my skill to earn it fair and square and we are on the same field.

But this would mean that casuals need to understand that the content you are doing should reward you so much,why do you neeed a 425 ? it’s right you don’t if you really do then you could earn an heroic item that would forge to mythic.

Seriously i have no issue with titanforging if i can earn the bis in the end by doing the hardest content in the game. Also to stop all debacle with m-10 and mythic raiding.

Make a new affix rotation for +15 yes make the dungeons Sargeras domain every single time you step into them. And make it so at the end of the week you get insert currency insert choose of 3 items(whiecever you fiind more suitable) so every week if you finished an +15 you gain any Basic item you want from the dungeon pool(boots,writs,rings ) etc and currency for a trinket and or weapon.

Roughly you should be geared BIS if you can do +15 in the first week somewhere half in the season as mythic raiders to get geared up. And i would not have any problems with it although i don’t like mythic + i believe it was having 1 more super hard affix it should be somewhere on par with middle tier mythic bosses and should drop every week 1 bis item of the players choosing from the dungeon pool.

But meh this got strained away from the TF/WF debacle although i strongly believe the 2 are related. Removing or capping TF/WF and letting bis to exists and attainable by more direct progress and hard content would do wonders for the game in it’s current state.

Yeah it is a low probability but all it takes is for your next door neighbours cousins ex-gf’s supervisor to get it and the whole street are in the street with pitchforks and yellow jackets because everyone now ‘knows’ someone it happened to … even though only one of them actually does lol.

But yeah it just needs toning down and i reckon most would be happier.

some people need high ilvl gear so they dont feel bad about being utter dump. oh well… whatever keeps the spoiled kids happy, and gives them an illusion they’re worth a thing!

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sorry but… how am I gonna do LFR if titanforging gets toned down? -_-

Gearing beyond the content you do has never been part of an RPG.


Okay MR super pants

Since YOU are sooper dooper good enough to do high level content then why do you need MORE gear? You can already do it so what is the point?


I bet you were bullied in school.


Ah the ever lasting question why do the mythic players need gear from the mythic bosses? They defeated them anyway right?

Well yeah that’s why we want the gear WE want their gear to feel like them ,to feel like bosses and in that regards we earned that gear by killing mentioned boss. On the other hand the casual want’s gear he didn’t work for.

Never in these discussions have casuals been told no you cannot have Normal/heroic/mythic gear even if you kill the boss cause you are a casual , no the argument is you don’t deserve that gear by doing nothing. Come kill the damn boss and the gear is all yours.

Well most mythic raiders that aren’t WF race tend to need the gear from the bosses they kill on mythic to progress further into the raid. They do actually need the gear.

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True, that is also a part of the gear we need from initial bosses but i was refering also more specifically to Jaina/Ghun and the last tier bosses that there is nothing above them currently. And why it’s important to have good gear on them aswell.

That’s simply not true. Overgearing content has been a thing since forever.

No overgearing in the past was by doing the actual content that gave the rewards at the level you were doing it. Overgearing is a thing compared to the world first race type players, high end hardcore guilds that can do kills with very little gear from the raid they are clearing.

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Working for gear obviously has a different definition for you than it has for me.
I worked for all my gear. I don’t afk. I don’t leech. I did the work I had to do.

Nobody, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY, can get gear by doing NOTHING.
Stop. With. These. Idiotic. Hyperbole. Arguments.


That’s for THIS game. We were now talking about ‘RPGs’. There’s LOADS of them that allow overgearing.

But in this game I overgear all the time, because to me its fun when content is easy. And I’m SO happy I can. Why do you think I quit in WotLK? I was bored out of my mind. I couldn’t get any better stuff unless I stepped into content I HATED.


Do you think that only high end players ‘earn’ their rewards? Or feel a sense of accomplishment when they down a progression boss for the first time?
What about when a player finally clears a raid on Normal and is pumped to be able to try heroic mode now? Do you really think that their achievements are lesser than yours because you choose to do mythic?

Every player doing whatever type of content they do wants to progrees their character to some degree. Casual content doesn’t reward high level gear as a base level (with the exception of Warfront 400 debacle) and i certainly am not a fan of the WF/TF system as it is but trying to suggest that high end players are more important that any other player is just ignorant.


400 IQ!!
best players dont even need gear… should be playing gearless!!! :joy: :man_facepalming:

lmao, trying to offend me by stealing my lines? :joy:

you can afk in warfront or LFR and get FREE gear. LMAO

nah lad, LFRheros too feel a sense of accomplishement after they queue up and semi-afkingly kill 3 bosses!

I mean, yeah, pretty much. yes. :joy:

Even tough I agree about the base item level that is somewhat player’s mentality, I fell victuim to it back in Legion, 20 item levels is too high, even without sockets that is 1-3% (depending on the slot and stats for different classes) performance per item jsut because of the raw stats it presents. I do however am willing to compromise and completely removing sockets and warforging on the weapons, while increasing the chance of Titanforging everything but Azerite, Weapons and maybe Trinkets, as some trinkets are too powerful to have TF procs. I get that you would lose he excitment of upgrading those pieces, but for the sake of game balance I think it has to be done, if you want bette TF chance than what we have right now. That said, TF has to have lower cap tha +10 to Mythic, maybe +5 at most, if not mythic ilvl. 425 is way too high and since casuals like yourself, don’t do higher content, you rarely if ever even see a 425 forged items.