Titanforging is here to stay

Absolutly agree with the max +10 arguments u make. Spot on.

Problem with +10 max is that the system would no longer function. It would cease to do what it was created for. So it’s not actually a solution.

Created for? Giving better gear to those that barely play?

If you work hard you might get a big rewared, but you also might get if you barely do any work.
Maybe you should take into consideration how many hours some put into the game. I would boldly call those loving TF for beeing extermly selfies:japanese_ogre:

I can only speak for myself, but my main has over 372 days played, and that’s only my main.

Also; people who play a lot will get a lot more TFs. So no. You’re statements are wrong.

When RNG is involved that’s not always the case.


I believe it’s more like “people who play a lot will have a higher chance to get more TFs”, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they will.
Also, out of curiosity, what purpose does TF serve that will cease to exist if it only got capped at +10/15 ilvls more?

You are just one more example that MVP shouldn’t be choosed like they are currently, with your opinion about titanforging in the game you don’t really represent majority of the players in the community here.

firstly, MVP doesnt mean she cant have her own opinion, and secondly MVPs arent supposed to represent majority of the community in terms of their opinions and thirdly majority of the playerbase doesnt like TF/WF so yeah.


You are wrong about what majority likes here, most players just play the game and don’t feel like coming to forums to whine about something which doesen’t bother them. What I see here on the forums is just small number of the same posters which are usually bothered with titanforge.

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Depends. I have a few associates who barely post on the forums at all, and their major gripe with the game is titanforging.
Unknown statistics are unknown.

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No, they don’t. They really don’t.

Blizzard have ALL the data on what happens. They have NO data on how people feel about it.

This struck me strongly when the raiders were revolting in 5.0, when they all had to do all the dailies, because each faction rewarded a different piece of starter raid gear, and nobody knew which slot wouldn’t drop for them, and they might have to fall back on the inferior but viable rep reward.

Any pure analytics bod with no context might have said that the dailies were wildly popular, because so many people were doing them. In fact, of course, the dailies were wildly unpopular, among the chattering classes at least, but they were “mandatory”.

So tell me: what data they collect from the game could possibly tell them how (un)popular TF is? Don’t bother: the answer is none. No data from the game can tell them that. They have to read forums and Reddit the same as we do, to get user responses.


You know, I would love to see Blizzard’s data on all the guilds who get stuck on progress, unable to down a boss despite having the best gear they can acquire

After all, that is their reasoning for titanforging existing in the first place. Do you know of any guilds that were in this situation?

You’re always very quick with the trolling accusations. Trolling and antagonizing are not the same thing.

In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive, messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, or blog with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional and normalizing tangential discussion, whether for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain.

Then again, anybody who disagrees with you is called a troll sooner or later.

More personal opinions?


I agree with this 100%, and I have nothing to add to it or criticize about it.

I would Like this to show my support, but due to having filled my Like quota of the day, I have to resort to commenting. :]

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That’s not the purpose of a MVP. They aren’t chosen for their opinions. There is a description of the MVP role posted as a sticky by Blizzard at the top of this forum(General Discussion). You should read that to understand their purpose better.


Would it?
If I take it from the original Quote from the Q&A:

With a maximum of +10 you have a little (but realistic) chance to get better gear than what was intended to drop from the boss, while you would control the impact of a single lucky drop (you would make it more steady because there would be no huge spike when you hit your one in a million chance for a huge titanforge).

They even said:

Why do we need those rare examples?

And it does not sound like Blizzard wants to give incentives to run outgeared content for that slim chance:

With the current system I run content below my level, when I want to help friends and guildmates.
I would do this without an off chance to get items and I will not run this content without anyone I know even if there is a slight chance to get items.

I think limiting the possible titanforging would take away the undeserved enormous lucky drops, while still maintaining a small chance to improve the gear even if you have all the base items the current raid tier has to offer and it would allow for more interesting trinket design, because it would be clear in what ranges the effect could occur without having to worry that any strange mechanic that works well in the current tier will break any boss in the following one when it drops with a +40 titanforge.

You think MVPs shouldn’t be entitled to their own opinions? You don’t actually know what the majority does or does not like. There are no statistics available.

I personally do not like titanforging, that is my opinion. All the MVPs are entitled to have their opinions. Just like you are entitled to think I shouldn’t be an MVP.

I was really honoured to be asked and excited to take on the greeness.


Punyelf I’m going by the logic what I stated before how the only few of the same posters spread the hate about the titanforging system on the forums, and those people are usually high end raiders, which do mythic raids and high level m+ keys, min-maxers and not the average players. And I haven’t stated how the MVP shouldn’t have their own opinions about the things in the game, but I would prefer if they would be elected in a more democratic way with the options for the players which post on the forum and which are active here to select them from the most notable forum contributors.

I think turning any role on the forums into a popularity contest would be wrong. But that’s just my view. Here is what the FAQ says :slight_smile:

Q. What does an MVP do?

A. MVPs promote constructive posting wherever they can. They contribute to the community and encourage polite discussion throughout the forums. When you see an MVP post, listen to what they have to say—they were also chosen for their knowledge of the game.

“A distinctive posting text color (green) is given to identified MVPs who answer other players’ questions consistently and accurately. It lends a note of credibility to what they post; it allows players seeking answers to take what they say at face value, and frees up Blizzard representatives so that they can focus on their primary responsibilities.”

Source; Welcome, Please Read! - #4 by Aerythlea-2611

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