Titanforging, masterloot, etc... Blizzard you're killing the game

I suppose it depends whether you count “end game” as “there are no superior steps higher than this” or “there are no more character levels higher than this”. I’m inclined to consider that once you reach max level, everything else is end game content, including dailies, LFR, heroic dungeons and whatever. It’s simply supposed to be tiered, and it’s not, which is something that sucks.

It never was. Endgame is what it says - the end of the game content.

I agree with you that the rewards are out of whack. I like the idea behind the WF/TF mechanic and even in it’s current state, which I also think is too extreme, that it really isn’t hurting anyone. The chances of a scrub like me walking around in full Mythic level gear without having done the content is so miniscual as to not be worth worrying about.

So you’re saying that anyone not Mythic raiding is not playing end game then? That will come as news to a lot of players.

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I myself don’t play the endgame, since I don’t kill the bosses when they are prenerfed. But that is another topic to discuss, as why are Activision making the endgame unreachable even to the majority of the mythic raiders on release of a raid?
As for how you spent your time in the game, I don’t care, all I care is that content should give relative rewards without the casino factor of Titanforging which is there for reasons unknown.

Yea, for me it’s not about what you get, I don’t care if you get good stuff. It’s about what I perceive the game wants me to do, which is based on what I get. For example, I got better pvp items from playing 1600 rated RBG (which I was doing 2-3 games per week for lulz) than I got from 2200+ arena (which I was doing a lot more and enjoy doing a lot more). I don’t want the game to force me to farm 1600 rated RBGs, that’s the thing. I don’t want to be driven to warfronts, I don’t particularly enjoy doing mythic+, or rather I would like to do them when I feel like it and not part of a mandatory weekly routine because I get 395 items from my random chest, I don’t like world quests but they are spiced up with high itemlevel azerite gear that is mandatory if I want to perform in content I actually like. I have to do all kinds of trivial crap I do not enjoy to get stuff that if I would choose to forego, I would be behind everyone else doing the content I actually enjoy doing. It’s not just titanforging, it’s doing island expeditions for AP, doing dailies, welfare warfronts and so on that make the game unenjoyable for me.

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which means lfr is ultimate endgame of each tier.

all above it are just hardmodes .

same with dungeons - hc dungeons are endgame activity - anything above is hardmodes

its not our fault you are mistaking endgame with hardmodes.


Exactly why LFR needs to be purged. It creates the illusion of end game and breeds laziness.

As for hard modes. I prefer the oldschool 10 man and 25 man rather than the diferent Normal-Flex-Hc-Mythic-Professional difficulties. Or at most 2 difficulties - normal and heroic.

I didn’t. I stated a fact.
If you deny that, then I’m afraid you have a distorted view of reality.
They are very literally endgame activities. That’s NOT an opinion. Fact.

There’s no such thing. When you have reached max level, you have entered endgame.

That ‘stuff’ is called leveling.

You are so biased it’s not even funny. Get those blinders off please.

YOU are the one not making sense.
I just want to play the content I enjoy. Weird huh? Playing a game for your enjoyment. And part of that enjoyment is getting character progression.

Luckily Blizzard knows better and provides several ways to progress while not being forced into one small corner of the game that you call endgame, but is in reality just one of various options of endgame content.


One thing we agree on. The problem is that the character progression in its current state is broken.

This mindset brought them 12m subs, the new mindset pushed people away. Devs come on stage and joke about kicking bad players that are “just absorbing loot”. Nowdays we have forced PL and Titanforging all sort of systems that protect to those players, instead of kicking them out xD.


That is way oversimplifying it.
The reason why WoW was a smash hit was numerous, but one of the main reasons was because they provided an MMORPG that was more accessible than any before it and of a Blizzard quality. That got people to play.
And for that time WoW WAS the most accesible MMORPG. However, the market changed. And with more and more people playing, Blizzard had to make WoW even more accesible or WoW would’ve lost more subs more quickly (basically like a fad dying out).

If they did that now, they’d be boo-ed off the stage and cause a media s*-storm. The world changed.

Those systems don’t exist for that reason and you know that very well.

Again something I was baned for, but still, no they wouldn’t, because gaming media is garbage, they would be heeled heroes if they did. Every company that goes against the politically corect culture and media is adored my the general public.

Is it? I guess we can just wait and see when classic rereleases.

What do you mean they don’t? Forced PL excists to protect bad players when joining a raiding guild.

Lol. You seriously think classic will get 12M subs? Right.

No it doesn’t. It exists to get raids in line with the loot system of EVERY OTHER system in the game. Raids were the only one still using the old ML option.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. That is why their major excuse was “her derp, trials don’t get loot, derp”.

It is right. It’s what they stated themselves almost literally.

I’m really confused, why should you’r character progress when you are doing content that isn’t progressing. If you are doing warfront you should get items that are good enough for you to do warfronts, about 300 ilevel. Same with LFR maybe you can progress to heroic dungeons after LFR, so what 300 ilevel.

We had like 5 ways to catch up in BFA even tho there was nothing to catch up. We don’t want catch up gear if there is nothing to catch up. This kind of system makes it so ppl are already overgeared for the upcoming content before it’s even out.

Because character progression is fun. And you should be able to keep progressing no matter what content you’re doing (there are of course a few exceptions). Granted, the amount we’re progressing atm is a bit over the top, but…

No. 300 is way too little. Are you kidding? You ding max level and you should already be very close, if not surpassing, that ilvl.
So yeah, agreed on the overdoing of ilvl, but they shouldn’t totally kill any progress either, which is what you’re suggesting here.

Speak for yourself.

Not even retail get this number

It should be in there for an option for progress guilds who want to manage their progress
I’ll agree that for pugs it can lead to power abuse because in a guild group its a team effort not Just today but yesterday and tomorrow as well but why would you join a pug with masterloot? The risk of foul play is a lot higher then

Meh. I have 390 ilvl on my hunter, just from doing Warfronts, assaults and emissary quests. I think I joined lfr once, to kill the King for the wf progress quest.

I am completely disincentivised to raid, as I get better guaranteed gear from far easier content. It was a mistake to remove templating from pvp though. I do a lot of pvp content and the gear gap is making the game toxic. A difference of 25 ilvl might as well be 100 ilvl. We got neckbeard russian teams roflstomping pugs in Mythic 10+ gear (why? I don’t understand these people, why would you overgear for content irrelevant to your gear lvl?) and a lot of matches are lopsided travesties due to max-geared players, who, with half a clue, are basically unkillable as healers. Trying to wq with wm on is an exercise in futility a lot of the time due to the gear gap between players. BFA is a massive fail in this regard.

It’s all turned into a bit of a joke tbh and I can’t see myself playing much longer.

This is the fifth week/reset and we predicted it would take a few weeks at tops before overgearing would be a problem again. Just keep at it, almost ready for mythic BoD!