TitanForging was it really bad?

I think they are wrong. :blush:

You have one side who wants mythic ilvl gear from normal raids and the other side who doesnt.

Pretty objective if you ask me.

No, your assessment is wrong.

The reason I liked TF was not because I “want mythic ilvl gear from normal raids”. I simply liked it that I could continue progressing my character’s power level doing the content I enjoy doing. That was cool. That added more longevity to this game.

As it stands now; in Shadowlands I’m going to be ‘done’ at some point. Whether or not the rest of the systems are compelling enough for me to want to continue without there being an actual power progress, remains to be seen. But I’m pessimistic in that regard.

So my fun got ruined because of other players’s whining. Not fair. Not right. Their fun is not more important than mine. Blizzard should just have fixed the biggest problem most of those vocal naysayers had with TF: They should have limited the maximum amount an item could TF a lot more. To about 20 ilvls.

But instead they just flat out removed it. Bad, bad call.

If you want better gear do harder content, the game has 4 difficulties of raiding and infinite difficulties of m+ for a reason.

Even then the game doesn’t just end when you get fully geared, theres a lot of content thats difficult even if youre fully geared, I subbed in for one of my guilds main healers on mythic N’zoth for a couple of pulls and got utterly demolished even though I’m almost fully geared.

I want to do content that I enjoy. Because I play a game for, you know… fun.

It’s not about content being difficult. I don’t want content to be difficult. That’s one of the reasons I don’t raid (beyond LFR) or don’t do M+.
But progressing in power level is fun. It’s a pillar of the mmorpg genre. And now I can’t. Hurray for elitists. :pensive:

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I understand that for people who generally only play one character, this is a problem. As someone who enjoys alts, I actually look forward to being ‘done’ and able to dedicate more time to alts and other activities (e.g. farming mounts, old achievements, levelling a ton of characters for all covenant sets). I expect that the playerbase is pretty divided between ‘main-ers’ and ‘alt-ers’ and of course we have no idea what the percentage is of each.

I don’t think it’s elitist to want rewards to be somewhat proportionate to difficulty, although I do agree that placing a limit on the amount gear could titanforge (e.g. your suggestion of +20 levels max) would have been a good compromise to keep both sides happy.

And obviously I do content that makes me miserable instead :slight_smile:

You’re going to have to accept that there will be a gearing wall if you refuse to go above the difficulty you’re currently doing especially if its the lowest difficulty in the game.

For me, removal of titanforging / corruptions was one of the big reasons to buy SL. If those things wouldn’t have been dealt with, I don’t think I would have bought it.

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I’m not claiming anything of the sort. But you tell me to do X or Y. Well, I don’t like X or Y. So your suggestion is useless to me.

I didn’t used to ‘have to do that’ at all. That’s my whole point.
My choice was taken away because of narrowminded, petty players who kept whining and whining. The only choice I have left now is; do I quit when I hit that wall?


Mythic raider here. For me, TF wasn’t really a bad thing.

It had some issues (some people in this thread have mentionned some of them). For example, if you got a TF item that’s useless for you but useful for a guildmate, then both of you were annoyed, because the game won’t allow you to trade. That’s objectively an issue that isn’t related to ego. But, that’s an issue regardless of TF being present or not. TF only made this already existing issue just a little bigger.

The super huge benefit of TF for me was that it gave me a reason to keep playing at lower levels. Not all my friends in game are mythic raiders. Some play at lower level. And while it’s always nice to help them, there’s just zero excitement about killing a boss on heroic difficulty when you farm it on mythic.
TF helped a little bit with that.

Another nice advantage - for me - was that: right now in BFA, there’s very little I can do to improve my character. There’s just 2 items in mythic nya that could improve it.
Other than that, it’s just tiny improvements from the random weekly chest of disappointment. Because maybe if I trade 45 haste for 45 versatility, my dps will increase by 0.1% Ok, anyone who has some background in statistics knows that this 0.1% is bullcrap.

So right now, in BFA I’m only looking forward shadowlands. Trying to push my M+ score a little bit if I feel like it. But I have no incentive to play.
Some may argue that having no reasons to play is good because you should not be forced to play if you don’t want to. That’s a fine argument, but at the same time I know that I miss the days when I still had something to do in the game.

I don’t care if TF makes a come back or not in the game. I just want something to do ENDGAME.
Right now, endgame in wow is like n’zoth world: void.


For the most part I liked titanforging. But I am not a hardcore min maxer either.

I think the corruption system is way worse.

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While I liked the additional buffs I was able to get, then I have to say I am completely and to the point of exhaustion fed up of my gear trying to kill me. And while the snare is not killing you, it is annoying. And no, I cannot run with 0 corruption because 3*azerite gear says I must be above 25 and then everyone expects you to dish out X amount of corrupted items and so on and so on.

While I am going to miss TD procs, I am never going to miss anything else - not the negatives, not the grind nor the odd blue tint my character was covered with.

use less than 40 corruption. No blue tint. And your gear won’t try to kill you as much.

Removing it was too far. All they had to do was make it not jump so much in item level… like a 5 ilvl cap or something.

Haha, until yesterday my fresh BDK alt was running with 65 corruption. The antithesis of a tank. Once I had 3 things from beyond stack on top of me :smiley:

But how else I make fancy logs :’(

jests aside, some point when resistance was lower, raid kind of expected me to have this, and that (like going without some TDs was no go as you wouldn’t be too good vs other tanks threat).

I am glad to be able to sit still for a while and run free as a wind without snare !

I have had 70+ on a guardian, that was not too bad, but for some reason, when my monk goes “there” - then she starts waving hands in the air screaming how she is way too sober for this [bleep].

TF and WF were bad. I do agree that loot should be paired with the type of content I’m doing.

This being said, I felt looting was a frustrating experience. Let’s imagine I’m looting my bis boots, without any proc . I’m not happy. Why? Because it’s quite a worse version than if I got it with more ilvl, more stats and a socket slot. Because TF/WF was a thing, I had to use raidbots, running a lot of Sims, only for determining if an item was an upgrade or a downgrade

Good riddance

Well, we’ll still have to run sims for any drop because of the secondary stats diminishing returns. It can be even worse, running sims for a very big set of items to optimize maximum secondary stat gain…

Nobody except delusional people truly believe it’s just “elitists” who disliked titanforging, it’s just some people on these forums believe that “elitists” are the root of all evil and everything that goes wrong in WoW is due to them. That’s why I say they’re delusional.

I don’t remember anybody complaining about thunderforging back in MoP. But if a system works, Activizzard can’t just keep it, they need to revamp it several times until it gets so bad that people either get an 860 arcanocrystal, which is a 5% dps increase, or a 920, from the very same mob, which is a 40% dps increase.

I’ve died more to the root than any other corruption effect. Especially as a tank who can’t just switch out of bear form at any given point in time. And since to even remotely do decent logs, I have to go to at least 40 corruption or above, it’s not a moderate or weak slow either, it’s anywhere from 40-99%

Outside of that I agree with you, except for the “missing TD proccs”. I hate not having any control over my own damage. I also hate simply TD critting, pulling aggro by doing so and dying or having to waste a deff CD on stuff I can’t control.

Hell I’ve died on Wrathion, after we were already 12/12, because I kept proccing TD and the other tank didn’t and he just couldn’t get the aggro back.

Corruptions would’ve been fine if it weren’t for the random proccs (see TD / IS), the negative effects as well as if the vendor was introduced from the very beginning.

You’d run sim regardless, this is the culture we have now. Most of the things said about titanforge had nothing to do with titanforge, and even though proven with numbers, people who want to hate titanforge for some reason will do so regardless of reality.

One popular argument back then was to point to someone who only did LFR and claim they have ilvl better than what it drops from HC, therefore titanforge is bad.
Guess what, we don’t have titanforge now but still have people who only did LFR with 460+ ilvl. Would this fact even give pause to any TF hater who propagated this obvious lie for years? ofc not