To All Who Championed the GDKP Ban... How’s the Economy Now?

If you are in any way implying I operate bots you should take a chill pill and apologise, because I do not

I’m lucky if I can get an hour of play time every other day at the moment

I just seem to have a different perspective to most

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Im not sure if you had a stroke or if I did.

What if there was no gold buying, what would be wrong with GDKP then?

What if I use gold I farmed my self in GDKP?

Social interaction and needing to form groups to play are a big part of why classic is still so much fun. GDKP actually add to that in a different way.

GDKP gave hardcore raid leaders and core raiders another way to keep the game fun.

When GDKP was available I leveled raid alts specifically to run raids and that was so much fun.

Have you been in a well organized GDKP? Its laughs and fun because it attracts top notch leadership and organization.

Blizzard could remove raid lockouts AND that would also give those hardcore raiders something to enjoy.

Absolutely nothing. If Blizzard hired GMs to ban bots before they turn a profit and any instance of buying gold would result in a 6 month ban and removal of gold for the buyer, followed by permanent ban of the whole Blizzard account for second offense, then yeah, GDKP would be a fun and viable loot distribution method. The problem is, hardly anyone would do it with no “buyers” to fleece and prices in the hundreds of gold like BoE epics.

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It has not even started yet. In three weeks we will see how bad things really are when people who never step outside of BGs will be freely using consumables previously only reserved to semi-hardcore raiding. And i am not talking about a FAP here and there. Welcome to flasks in BGs meta.

GDKPs are just a symptom.

Could you explain how? I’m seriously confused in how GDKP makes the game more fun to be fair. Does the gold gained improve your fun that much? I always hear about how great it is to gear alts but what about fresh Characters? Back in Wrath the prices in Gehennas and Golemagg were so high I couldn’t Imagine a fresh me ever getting the cash requires for low level entry GDKP.

GDKP gave hardcore raid leaders a way to get dollars from the game. As simple as that

Its called typo’s the keys on my phone are tiny.

Id also just gotten home after working to save peoples lives for 22 hrs when i posted the comment.

Honestly i"d not even bothered to spell check it b4 posting bc my eyes were falling out.

its been spell checked just for you mr spelling policeman…

Now you can’t cry about my typo’s anymore.

Whilst being pointless i think the name of your guild is offensive to mothers like myself.

Seeing as your in a guild even carrying that name i shouldn’t be suprised by your response in the frst place.

If your not gnna reply with a decent response the don’t bother at all ppl being sarcastic over writing is pathetic.

Maybe they’re using a chat bot to re use the same txt.

I think both of us are having one.

The tears from gold sellers and swipers is hilarious. Cope harder.

The conversation can be continued in this thread - thank you!