To people complaining about Retris

Do you have by chance the Buffs from the MM Hunter that killed you? And can i have your armory to check you really have that much Vers. My Aimed Shot does 4k DMG non crit with on use PvP Trinket on a 18% Vers guy.

Ret paladins are fine, people complaining on forums just suck at kiting and cc.

You must enjoy being caught by a Ret with your pants down.

I eat ret paladins for breakfast. Learn to kite and cc, get good.

I’ll pay you real life money if you beat Savix. Stop trolling.

Lol Savix who? Vanguards was forced to go shaman for a reason. Like I said, get good please.

No I’m serious. I’ll contact him and make arrangements for a duel. I’ll make it more attractive for you I’ll pay you real life money if you beat him at least one in best of 3. Doesn’t count if he DC’s. I guarantee you I’ll put my money where my mouth is.

Sure I play on Outland EU, anytime you want :joy:

:rofl: :rofl:

(img) /a/yVYcsdI

That’s all you’re getting from me, as if its actually had to hit 17% versa in this game right now jesus christ. The hunter had 0 external buffs on them.

Talking about double mm only being viable in bgs because of unaware, it’s the same old garbage.

Acting like double tap and careful aim have 8 minute cooldowns or something instead of being passively active and 1 minute cooldown.
Don’t @ me again it’s actually tedious watching notifications pop up of you frantically trying to deny hunter dmg is broken by blaming everything but the hunter when there are clips everywhere of this crap. Even multiple clips of your beloved doing back to back 1v2 everyone in arena despite you saying it doesn’t work in arena.
“It OnLy WOrKs FoR bG aS OpEnEr” - talking about burst granted from an ability on literally a 1 minute cooldown that brokenly still awards 50% bonus dmg to aimed shots despite the first aimed shot taking people way below careful aims 80% threshold and a stealth that’s also on a 1 minute cooldown.


Ok I’ll message today, obviously we will clip it and post the video here if you lose. We all want to learn how to kite and cc and git gud. I’ll message you once I get a reply from him.

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I’ll wait your reply

Brilliant response, kudos.

Well i have to take your word that the Hunter had 0 external Buffs. Thats a lie, we can grp up immediatly and let me do my Aimed Shots without any external Buffs. Most R1 Players said they are not that afraid of MM Hunters. If its really that broken, then just nerf the Damage from Double Tap, that the Second Aimed Shot deals less Damage.

Its also funny that you talk you have no Defensive for every Double Tap, while SP has Fade with a 30 Sec CD that completly ruins MM Hunter opener.

What class will you be playing? He’ll want to know.

For your sake i even did Aimed Shot on a guy with no buffs, on a guy with 15% Vers. So dont give me that crap with 5k + nonCrit no external buffs. And im using mostly pve gear so my dmg should be higher than usual with Ilvl 178.

wNR5KKz imgur link.

Yall better chill or i will call best Arms Warrior called Asmongold and he will beat you all

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This is legitimately the final time i will ever reply to you, it’s actually an absolute joke now.

Your screenshot, you aimed shot a warlock who is very clearly BELOW the careful aim threshold.
Your aimed shot hit for 3519 damage. Careful aim increases aimed shots damage by 50%.

Let’s do some simple maths on this here, what is 3519 x 1.5?
Oh would you look at that, it’s 5278.5

I wonder why the warlock was below the threshold for this screenshot and the combat log was missing? Well ofcourse, it was because your first aimed shot hit for over 5k and that would totally undermine your bs.

Just gtfo :clown_face:

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Careful Aim is reduced in PvP it only does 20% more dmg in PvP, but hey good that you made your research with 0 clue. The first Aimed Shot i didnt include because he had a Shield and a huge part was absorbed. I can do 10 another Screenshoots while they have full HP if you really want that.

If you just give me your ingame name we could test it immediatly and i cant fake it that way. But you are probably afraid that people see your 1550 Achievement and take your credibility completly away from pvp.

People whispering me ingame is the dumbest excuse i ever heard for not writing with main. I never got a single whisper regarding a Forum Post so thats bs.

Either you can give me your ingame name and we duel right now or you are just a lier saying that MM Hunter does 5.5k Noncrit without any Buffs. If you are so confident that MM Hunter does that much DMG just duel me.

As i thought you lost all your credibility :clown_face:

lol huntard yes you do op damage don’t deny it.

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