To people complaining about Retris

Another retard who writes with his Classic Account :slight_smile:
If people want to take you serious write with your main and show us that you are experienced with PvP. But let me guess you are a another guy who only has a Step Into Arena Achievement and now you have full knowledge of PvP.

If people who are Glad or R1 struggle in Arena agianst MM Hunter, then i have no doubt that they are broken, since they are experienced and good enough to judge whats broken or not.

But you are all basing how Specs/Class perform in Random BG and Arena Skirmish, which is 0% competitive lol.

if you suck at arenas with your hunt l2p :clown_face:

The irony of telling someone to get good when you haven’t played above 1550 in Arena.

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I consistently get crit for 11-13k by hunters in arena.
Aimed shot usually hits ~5-6k on the opener.
Got oneshot out of stealth while sitting in a sap tonight in a skirmish.
Rogue didn’t leave stealth.
Probably should’ve trinketed sap and popped shieldwall + Port

Uhhh since when?? That’s news to me that i’ve never heard of before and can’t find any proof of.


Also why are you crying about people posting on a classic character when you are posting on an account that was created in shadowlands prepatch?


Who cares about random bg

You literally posted this in the Battleground forum you potato :joy:. Arena forums are that way >>>>

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Yesterday i landed a 26k oneshot with our Kyrian covenant spell, Divine Toll, and the Ringing Clarity conduit.

x4 Judgement crits for 6.5k each.

The chances to achieve this are:

  • 6,4% chance for the x4 judgement proc from the conduit (40% each extra judgement, so 0,4^3 = 0,064)
  • With my amazing 17% crit chance (xd) plus 20% crit chance from Avenging Wrath, thats 1,8% chance of x4 crit (37% crit chance each, so 0,37^4 = 0,018)
  • Now, if we combine the 6,4% chance of get a x4 judgement shot with the 1,8% chance of get a x4 crit, we have
 0,11% chance for x4 crit judgements, so barely, one of each 909 Divine Toll casts will be a 26k oneshot.

You only need a 186 paladin (actually, the most geared paladin in all Spain and top 30 more geared paladins in all EU :scream:) and a little bit of luck to oneshot people with our class.

And what do a MM hunter needs to do this kind of oneshots?

Press your Kyrian covenant spell, press Double Tap and then press Aimed Shot. 50% chances of delete anything with 22k or less HP.

Go being idiot in another topic if you can’t read and see people speak in this topic about overall pvp experience but its not my problem that you need to go back to elementary school.

Anyway its fun that this death knights spaming about paladins in every topic on this forum, being literally killer machine themself rn. But guess only couple spec can be good otherwise they couldnt brag about their ultra hard 2k rating lol.

Bro don’t bother they being killed in random bg or watched video montage so they know we op now xD. Yesterday i was killing rogue who literally jump into my consecration every time and try to restealth with hook on him or people standing happily in my burst
 Bet they will go on forum and cry too.

imagine thinking ret is op lol. yeah their damage is great with wings up but still lower than some other specs (marksman hunter, sub rogue for example) I believe rets counter warriors & rogues as well, but they have no magical defensives and their bubble and wings have long cds. I think what most rets ask for is more damage outside wings, more mobility and more survivability against casters, but less burst damage, which I think is valid.

Ret has always been scary with wings up but it’s easily countered, everything such as bop & freedom can be dispelled / purged, they are one of the most easiest specs to counter you just gotta know what you’re doing.


This. That is all.

The irony of mentioning arena rating in a debate about battlegrounds. Comprehension issues much???

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Hacker detected

Thats what ppl do when they run out of insults


ROFl mate, you have brain damage. Paladins and rogues have the highest melee burst in the game atm.

And you are skill capped when you can’t pump more burst and dmg with dk. Just stf u and maybe watch some yt videos that will help considering all you doing is whine because you can’t play your class properly mug

you are the one whining here brain damaged knobber.

Idiot who can only insult on Internet. Did your momma changed your diaper already whining toddler?

Watching Pika right now (3.4 expd ret) spamming 3v3 arena.

Its a 52% chance for killing ppl in 2 globals every 1 minute. All with instants. Quite a bit is aoe
so killing 2 ppl within the blind is possible too. He checked his meters on a lot of the kills. Doing 26k dmg in a single global during a blind on a holy pala and just 1 tapping him for example.

If you compare that to the other stuff you mentioned OP; they are either hardcasts or isolated burst abilities. DMG is high aswell
but there is at least limited time to react.

Well timed pala burst means you just get globaled with 0 time to react.

Define toll + final reckoning + seraph is the combo.

Ringing clarity conduit’s 3 hit just needs to get nerfed down to to 2 or 1 extra hit.


Just like other classes omg. Wait for resources pop cd and burst. Go back to watching streamers
 I would like to see 26k dmg from ret pls can you link. Yes 0 time to trinket The stun or get dispeled and just react like normal person. Idk this trolling make yall happy or you just really that limited. And i think you mean 3.4 rogue not ret. But its an rng chance
 Its not like you Press divine toll and delete people. Pala up literally used math for you to show you that. Try harder next time babe.

Lol im really reading this again what you come up with and i can’t belive how much of a wanna be troll or mad baby you must be to come up with this numbers like 26k dmg in one gcd. Never seen so stupid things in my Life lmao The exact game and him analyzing his dmg within the global after. In arena so no zerker buffs etc. Feel free to check the rest of the vod. Happens pretty much every game.

And no
ppl dont 1-2 tap on other classes. Not with instants and not 26k in 1 global.

Notice as well how its not just the pala that gets globalled. The hunter pretty much got cleaved down in the process. What other class can 2 shot 2-3 classes at the same time?

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