To people complaining about Retris

Lmao you right sorry xD But he said after killing him “the divine proc this time” its not like it can only happen one of milion times :slight_smile: Rng must be good for conduit to proc all times + it aslo must crit all times + wings.

And yes they do:
Look at moonkins spaming starsurge.
Rogues, Shamans with lucky procs(hmm ret?) killing with one lava burst
or ferals

Was kinda sxxt talking because of all this kids spaming you can hit 20k tvs all days etc so i thought you were one of them

Its a 52% chance …and ppl pretty much insta die when it happens. Check the other games. If he doenst 1 shot the first try… he kites and 1 shots someone 1 min later.

Its 52% chance for one not for all 3. You can shot 1 or 2 or 3 + you must have crit with those and wings. Without crit it would do 3x 3-4k with wings max

U wrote 12k ferocious bite i have checked the picture and it was 7,5k crit.

imgur. com/aY1cbSE.jpg is this rly 7k?

Watch the vod from the start. 1 shot happens half of the times…the other times it didnt proc and he waits a minute. Its not rare at all.

Keep in mind his build is different than yours. He plays aura of reckoning and Serephim.

seraphin only boost hp gains it doesnt change nothing(i think?) and reckoning boost holy dmg so he aslo get boost from it.
And its not like only rets are capable of it.
Other covenants are capable of doing 20k in one gcd aslo, there was a screenshot that i post here about the hunt from DH hitting for 20k somwhere. Idk mine happen to proc 1-2 tools and 3 are rare + you need to pray for crit on them… Aslo he cant do it every minute because wing have 2 min cd.

Ah it boost his crit,mastery and vers i thought it was that talent that boost holy power gain. So he basicly must put sera, wings and reckoning then he can pray for magic to happen

Watch the vod…every min. Doesnt need wings to one shot.

I know you want to keep playing this OP spec, I understand, but just get used to the thought that it will be nerfed pretty soon, no matter how hard ur trying to make it seem that Ret is okay, it is not, like some other specs, next reset you will def see some changes.

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i watched couple and he never 100 to 0 anyone with divine tool

Its about dying in a blind…2 globals. That happens every game.

Bro you literally can drop kyrian flag for 10k hp + dot and exe for 11k so its not that only ret doing dmg. That was my point doing this thread… Everyone speak about ret but no one seems to look at moonkins killing people with 2 globals, ferals biting cloth to 0 in opening, Dh killing with covenant, Shamans killing you from 100 to 0 if they got lucky procs or arcane deleting you with touch of magi and 2 insta ab with arcane power. There is many of this not only ret is capable of this.

You can say the same about other classes… If you dont pop defensive blabla you die in opener thats the point of this thread.
Aslo all of this matches seem evenly matched and he was doing same dmg as arms and other dpses in arena.
Aslo again if hp goes up to like 35k+ this is not that big. Dude got one proc in 3hr stream of crazy dmg i literally scrolled throught it

I just watch it and he just said by himself: IF YOU GET LUCKY AND PROC THIS :smiley: Literally only one action was the “lucky” proc in 4hr almost stream so… Without this super one of a milion proc it does same dmg like other covenants. Plus they are playing skrims, its different story when they play versus other r1 or glad team in ranked. Literally other arena skrims looks normal and you can’t see there any super dmg in his stream, every other “'fast” deaths was like 4-5 gcds.
Look how it looks when enemy know how to play around it and there is no lucky procs ^^

from the same stream 2:19:41 idk if it make time stamp good

And imo i agree ret dmg is crazy after watching some of this but its only every 1 min like he said he is basicly useless for 1 min without it lmao. Just nerf it in pvp and leave it in pve i don’t mind tbh but still it doesnot always procs in this skrims… Just nerf % chance to proc multiple judge on pvp and we gucci because its the only thing he is using to kill people, lol guy literally doing skrims and praying for procs to joink people and if he fail to get it he leave skrim :smiley:

He is aslo saying that good players will survive it(talks about his matches with other r1 and glads) and its very rng based. If Divine dont proc he kill someone with at least 3-4 gcds if he is lucky next so not so broken as every other spec can pump this. You can even see boomkin did more dmg and one shotted guy in one of the skrims xD

2:55:24 no proc no damage xD So its kinda good or meh and literally after watching like 1hr30min i only saw one big judges where you link and one on arms that was followed by 2 gcds more to kill him. But this matches are double dps skrims… Idk what to think about it imo xD Nerf divine in pvp to like 2 proc at max and i think it will be balanced then because we can really abuse it with seraphin now etc lmao just tried it myself xD

or just disable covenants in pvp and all people will be happy. PVP people and PVE people.

After watching this im 200% sure they should disable covenants in rated lmao

Most dps specs are allowed to do damage - retri is a spec that are not allowed to do damage because community wants ret to be bad in everything.

Just disable covenants in pvp and half of crazy bursts from classes will dissappear. I don’t want blizz to do some stupid nerfs to dmg or cov and left me with C tier spec in pve or pvp because people are abusing covenants…

Ret being a slow wheelchairspec whos burst even a monkey on drugs could kite blindfolded needs to have good burst and survivability. Without good burst damage ret is nothing, nada, in pvp.

In pve its already mediocre with mediocre utility.

You people scream “OP OMG NERF” every time ret is able to kill just about anyone or anything - While sub rogues an other specs are op in every aspect of the game including pvp “iz just suppoused to be laik thet omg Kekw raouges are like that git gud”

Ret will be nerfed for sure because blizz always listen to crybabies who want to keep THEIR op specs op.

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Maybe, but wheelchair gets used to much, undispellable freedoms, horse, and immunities, ranged stun, its not as bad as you all make it out to be, probably still the worst mobility as melee, altho DK aint great either, and besides, if the mobility was really such a problem, all Rets would go ardenweald, plenty of mobility there.

Ret damage as it is right now is just too much, there’s no denying that, unless you play the class and wanne stay OP then I guess you have a reason for denying it, not only that but the WoG instant heals are also way overtuned, a lot of it needs to be tuned, thats just the way it is, and changes will happen.

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All ret damage is divine tool as you can see on the stream. Out of wings and sera he do 4k tvs and 8k Full buffed reckoning with trinket on min cd. Every cd of ret is on big cd like 1min+ and bro you are playing arms, you ćan literally look at The screens from this topic and see that some random arms was popping 11k exes + 7k+ mortal strikes etc. You Aslo have bunch of dmg boost and utility + avatar is removing roots etc. You can dispel pala stun Aslo but can’t dispel storm bolt… horse is on 60sec cd… Now you act like the one blaming ret and not looking at your class lol. Take ret burst with wings and what we have? 600 crusader strikes and 1k blade of judgement? Literally arms will be The s tier spec in arena now and many people say that. So arms nerf when?

You can even shatter bubble now or bop…

Rogues are 1000x times worse than ret paladin, and I play holy so i don’t care if ret is good or bad.

11k Executes is obviously gonne be with buffs from bg’s and cds, plus you cant use it whenever you want, only on 20% hp or 35% talented, therefor Ret can do it when he wants and does 26k damage, theres a big difference.

So if you hit that much you insta think its with saltwater etc lmao you see how you act now? And no, warriors are popin 10k exes in arena Aslo + 10k kyrian cov. My healer in skrim was literally killed with 3gcd in arena. Throw flag, use ms and exe and he was dead. 26k dmg from 4 judgements from covenant that proc out of 50 skrims, now you just being an idiot… I said disable covenqnts in rated. Aslo You can spec talent that let you use exe anytime if it procs