To people complaining about Retris

Okay, well there you have it, even you agree that it’s OP then for you to say you want it disabled in rated, I’m fine with disabling covenants in rated.

They should do it because there is so many broken pvp covenants that boost your dmg or do insta 10-20k hp that is crazy, instead of nerfing character just disable conv and legendaries in rated and let people have Fun in skrims or random bg. If they are going to nerf covenants or characters it would be just stupid for pve players.

1 charge with horse if talented into shorter cds on defensives.

If you spec cavalier (horse) loh has 10 min cd, divine shield and blessing of protection 5 min, and shield of vengeance 2 min.

You can spec unbreakable spirit for 30% cd-reduction on these. And using them (Exept SoV) puts you into 30 second forbearance.

So its either shorter cd on defensives or some extra mobility, cant have both. Still mobility is bad and ret with these defensives on cd / in forbearance is easilly killed.

Ret has lower damage then a long list of specs. But rogues and mages and others are accepted to be op while ret are not accepted to be even mediocre.

Just take a list at pvp history above per say 2k rating, previously season and expacs, how many rets do you find? None of the abilities you list are new exept covenant abilities.

I know Ret mobility is bad, I did main a Ret for a while, but I do think that ‘‘wheelchair’’ is a bit overused, you still have decent mobility, just for example, when some1 is playing pillar, a Ret has a better chance of catching it then a warrior, I cant charge in LoS, or do much when I’m slowed behind a pillar, I could leap and charge, but that is also not always 100% success plus I use both my mobility abilities, a pala can immune slows and have a speed increase, I know it’s just a silly example.
In general war mobility is ofc a lot better, but in some cases you’d rather have what pala’s have.

But if Ret mobility was really so so so bad as you’re led to believe from ppl, then why didn’t all Rets go with ardenweald Cov? :slight_smile:

Also Ret has indeed been kinda meh overall for arena in history in general, but there we’re times Ret was also amazing, OP even, like the start of WotLK.

But can always fear, disarm etc. You have healing reduction etc. We don’t have any dmg out of burst window. I would rather have heroic leap that can jump to enemy healer, but what’s the point of classes in mmo when every class would have same tools to deal with enemy. You can even spec into double heroic leap, because undispelable hand take pvp talent aslo. Like why people don’t complain about ww that aslo have crazy burst, doing 10k kicks/fists can peel like crazy, selfheal, and have one of the biggest movement in the game… every streamer say ww will be s tier but nobody seem to Care.

You don’t even have defensive out of 5min cd bubble as pala because all can be easily purged or spell stealed. I take kyrian for pve and it would be fu@$#ng not fair if they nerf it because people abusing it in pvp.

Disable conv and leggo in rated and it’s win/win situation

Yeah I agree, there’s no point when every class can do the same thing, like me as Arms warrior, I have no way to heal myself, or have any immunities, but therefor I have better mobility, and an MS effect etc, that’s just the way it is and should be, you can’t have everything in one Class.

I do think that Divine Steed should have a cd reduction, from 45 sec to 35 sec atleast, maybe even 30 sec, but I also think that as of right now, Ret burst is a little to high, that’s with Kyrian Cov included,
I also think that Sub rogues and MM hunters are a bigger problem right now.

Aslo if they don’t disable leggos, arms can literally one shot with his legendary that do 2x mortal strikes on nearest target when bladestorming. Thanks for normal conversation. Need to finally get some sleep instead of forum talking lmao :smiley: bb :zzz:

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Hehe, yeah you and me both, gn :slight_smile:

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Only if you talent into Cavalier, wich means longer cooldowns on major defensive abilities/utility since unbreakable spirit talent in the same tier reduces cd on these with 30%.

1 charge with horse is not decent mobility. And 1 situational example doesnt change the fact that pala have the worst mobility after dk - But dks can grip and unlimited chains of ice, so pala is no doubt the most easily kited class in the game.

Well even tho mobility is nice to have everywhere its mostly nice in pvp, and only very few people are pvp-only players. Other covenants simply offer stronger stuff. Kyrian is good for both pvp raids and m+. Venthyr is good for raid/m+ and also offers that nice blink.

Tho its no point in choosing covenants because they are op etc cause these things will change.

I went with venthyr on my ret. Good mix of damage/healing and movement.

Ret atm has been nerfed already and are not very different from bfa in terms of strength or playstyle. Middle of the pack in both raid m+ and arena, so why the heck nerf the class to the ground in these three aspects because it dominates in random bgs?

He literally said how he played other rank 1’s and how even rank 1s cant manage in the end due to the 1 minute CD on his burst. He was talking about the comp that specific team of rank 1’s played; DH war holy pala.

They survived his first go without a problem. Since the second go was after 1 minute allready they didnt have their def CDs ready for the next so he two shot the DH + war 1 minute later. Since he plays aura of retribution the 2nd go is a 100% crit aswell. So they 100% die the 2nd time unless they saved major CDs after the first go (they whont or they will die the first go).

So even the best of the best will die in 1 minute max.

He calls his own spec OP and knows the nerfs are inc and they will be justified.


He only say divine toll is op stop spreading sh!t ok? But guess shixxing on palas is new meta. Lets nerf everything because guy abuse divine toll combo with 184 conduit and if ot not proc he leaves

I got crit 20k in one global from a unbuffed ret paladin.

How did this go live?


Never. Make. Paladins. Bm Hunters. Arcane Mages. Or. Demon Hunters. . Overpowered. In. PvP.

ScreenScreen or didnt happened i got hit by 30k unbuffed monk. How did it go live? Idiots who spam about 20k (11k was max with 183ilvl and reckoning + wings) tvs. Sxxt talking spergs comed back i see wow. I mean nerf all you want blizz and listen to cry babies that are literaly playing op specs that can pump 15k dps without covenants. I don’t need to play this lmao xD

Once they nerf all that damage this expansion will turn intro slow-paced BFA 2.0. When they nerf all that damage GL killing a tank or a healer! Oh, and Ashran will be “fun” again when you can’t even move one number of 150/150 down for 10 minutes because of healers that outheal all that tiny damage.

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Fast pace meta is fun for alot of people. But it’s one of the most requiring meta when it comes to balancing.

There’s a difference between fast paced gameplay…

And the “who can push the button first” gameplay we have currently. This isn’t a “fast gameplay meta” it’s a 1 button nuke show of random one shots.

Your susposed to be able to react to combat. Not get floored in 1 GCD.

The issue is, people espically classes with 1 specc have grown fearful of being nerfed because blizzard overnerf :rofl:

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He was saying divine toll is op not his spec , literally dude said wait 1 min till i be usefull all he is doing is spaming 3x proc of divine following with final reckoning. If not divine toll he can’t do it. But hey only certain classes can do dmg ok

Ringing clarity is the issue since thats what makes ppl die in 2 globals.

Divine toll makes it that the crazy burst gets spread to 2-3 other ppl.

The issue is that ppl die before they can react…not the spreading part. If the burst potentional is lower…the spreading part whont be an issue anymore.

His setup was blind in to burst before blind is over. Ppl whont trinket blind since the paladin still has HoJ. Blind doesnt break to holy dmg. So all classes that have no way to get out of HoJ or blind outside of trinket will 100% die if he sets it up correctly and Divine Toll procs.

Keep in mind that the part where he played with his friends his sole purpose was “triple blind and 2 shot their entire team” while the rest of his team does nothing untill after his burst.

But you even said it now conduit is the problem not the class lmao. Arms can do it too with legendary

This is not some ultra rare thing that occurs every 909 game he plays.
This literally is what happens EVERY SINGLE GAME he plays.

I know it will going to happen. Now instead crying and coming up with not real dmg, you come up with covenant. And be a mature boy and look again at all stream… only one one shot for this dmg happened rest and covenant followed by final reckoning and wog. Now after all this cry i hope blizz will not nerf it so you warlocks can taste how it feels to die in 3 sec like you all were doing and defending it in bfa. I don’t see any one shots every arena? Its covenant + 2 other gcd?