To those of you complaining about tanks

Yeah because two specs that can tank is looking for healing gear because that’s the role that will get them into raids. Healers are contributing to the shortage because they would rather wait then have competition with pally tank or druid tank (gl finding those).

So if you’re stuck looking for a tank your healer may be to blame because they would rather the rest of the group wait who are more than likely competing amongst themselves because the healer wanted a 100% chance at gear.

He is clearly different, seeing as he only wants a chance to roll on it!
Reading comprehension?


No? His MS is healer and he mentions it up front too. Every tank os has a change to need on tanking gear… and the healer gets to roll as well, of course. It’s not like he’s demanding all gear goes to him without rolling.

Man, I’m heavily on the ms>os and ‘nothing else’ but he tells you up front what the deal is and you can either agree with it and join the group or not agree with it and not join the group.

He’s just surprised that people are asking for tanks all over the place but they don’t accept someone like him, because they have a somewhat smaller chance to gear. Yet still a chance, which is more than not running the dungeon.


We love you <3

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