Today I will remind you

It’s easy to think something is cool when you are entirely unaffected by it

This non-argument works for the reverse too. Maybe if the OOC community weren’t so heavily involved in disrupting what is ostensibly the core purpose of this server, people would love them just as much as you do

I think only somebody who learned how to socialise on Twitter thinks this is a cutting response


there are a lot of playgrounds in my neighborhood, more than enough for all kids. every group of kids has their own space, basically. as did i and the rest of the mini-me gang. it was a lot of fun. the playground we used to use even had a sandbox. we liked to build sandcastles in there.

anyway, one day, a bunch of other kids started using our playground. they were pushing us out, and before we knew it we couldn’t even use the sandbox anymore. some would even beat us up. and they didn’t even actually want to play in the sandbox. they just kicked the sand around and whatnot.

we told our parents how the other kids were bullying us at worst and pushing us out at best. we said it was stupid because they already had their own playground, and didn’t even care about the sandbox. we just wanted our small little playground, with its small little sandbox.

but then our parents told us we should actually be glad that the other kids were there, and that we should be fine with sharing the sandbox which they didn’t even play in, and that the bullying didn’t happen enough to actually be an issue, and were especially firm when they said we shouldn’t be so rude as to suggest any of this was somehow a problem.

like, can you imagine people being that comically stupid? the heck…

anyway, just a silly little story i wanted to share.


Yeah, your argument just assumes that there is such a thing as an “OOC community” which is responsible for disrupting RP.

Again, griefers and OOCers are two different things, let’s keep them divided. Besides, I think the majority of OOC players don’t have an opinion on RP, and mostly ignore it.

Either way, feel free to antagonize half of the population of the server. I’m sure they will totally listen to that and never punch back.

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Silly, but it gets the point across for people who have a heard time reading (
No offense to anyone, this just summs up the points made very well for anyone who for some reason has no clue what it is about.


No, no one ever said this and that is the danger: The OOCers do not need to “team up” to pose a threat

That is a big problem


Problem for a minority on the realm that keeps on barking at people who mind their own business.
I do not think it is supposed to work like this Morsteth.

Think they accidentally picked the wrong realm then


Call us griefers, will ya? [begins griefing you]

What an argument


It sums up only if you assume the same things mr orc does (there is no space left, these guys were not meant to stay in that area, they are a very cohesive group, only you are the victims, etc etc).

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I think the likes and activity in this thread tell a different tale


okay but thankfully we’re not after a political position/in a court case, that’d be halfway relevant if Blizz was the type to ever do anything useful when it comes to moderation.

Instead there’s just 1x demographic that isn’t welcome + gets confronted with that fact, which frustrates both the basket of fruit and the dragon as they belong to that demographic.

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So the trollers are victims to then. I really don’t follow. :roll_eyes:
Sorry Roleplayers, our fault we get trolled on a daily basis and are clearly not allowed to be everything but amused with this.


That’s bad parenting I have to say. I can see why some of those kids grew up to be bitter.

Have yet to see na intance of you “minding my own business.” Maybe pratice what you preach or stop saying stuff you don’t have any intention of doing.

How dare thee Roleplay on a Roleplaying Server :clown_face:

Have you ever seen me interacting with any roleplay ingame Zagkush?

I do not think you did, so what I said is 100/100.

Minding your own business = advertising mythic boosts in Stormwind /yell in this specific case

I’ve certainly seen that guild tag


Was never done by me or anyone in this guild. But I am open to changing my mind if you would present a screen of that.

Found another Peeve of mine then. Keep advertisement to the channels that were made for it. These yellers are filling up spots in my capped out ignore list :disappointed_relieved:

Okay, I’ll change the mog the next time I log onto Coldsháde, you bullies. :frowning:
It’s a nice headpiece, even if not something I would ever use IC!


sadly athramus has a dim view of minorities : (

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