Today I will remind you

Says it while keeping posting on the forums for attention. “I’m minding my own business while making fun at you, stop bullying me.”

The most important part to remember if you’re a raider:

  1. You must rp-walk to the instance.
  2. Tactics must be explained in /s, and call outs during fights must be expressed in /Y to keep the immersion of a tough battle. No ooc terms allowed.
  3. You may only toggle rp-walk off when charging or running away.
  4. If you die, you need to level up and gear up a new character to progress with. These rules apply especially to wipes.

No ooc will be allowed :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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One of your former members seems to recall it happening :flushed:


I believe you are misreading the situation Zagkush, I mean just sharing my views on the subject. Forums are a place for that after all.

That’s a 2 for your low effort. Come up with better baits :ok_hand:

Are you rating the post or the hairline behind it


Unironically I might be one of the most tolerant people on these forums (nice of you to assume I’m not a minority myself btw).

I’m can say with 100 certainy you are putting on the mask of saint, shall I fish previous posts of yours on this thread alone to prove it?

That’s the first genuinely funny thing you’ve said so far. Oof.


Man, I’m so insulted right now. Don’t you know this is like the 100th character I had to restart because of wipes?

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You’re a pretty bad at PvE too aren’t you?

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Sorry, didn’t realize I was in the presence of an elite 12/12 Mythic one-shot no-wipe player. Pardon me.

Karen Coldshade :flushed:


Unironically I too like to pet myself on the back when I’m in the wrong.

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No one else will do that for him (maybe except the griefer from Fruit Basket does) so he must do it himself.

Apology accepted. You see, I am somewhat of a tolerant person myself.

I’m still yet to reach this level though.


Thank you for your understanding.

A lot of people have a long way to go. The first step is to recognize it.