Today I will remind you

You’ll get there - here’s a primer for you to help you along the way


Instanced content =/= The open world.

Your fail at being funny is quite cringe.

It kinda frustrates everyone when we see people go on the absolute offensive and the entire server suddenly gets labelled as being unwelcoming due to a few rotten apples.

Some people just attack but give no real substance to the argument, that’s when it belittles the entire thing. That’s why I responded the way I did as I read through this thread. I’ve seen only a few people actually want to discuss the topic without someone being all “OOC IS BAD REMOVE THEM ALL!”

I don’t even get why this has in recent months become such a hot topic for AD. We’ve had OOC since the start, but only now you’re all like “It’s war time!!!”

Less of the “this is our server kiddo” and the outright attacks on others would do it some good. Instead it just comes across as trolling. Literally the first post on this thread gives the entire premise any legs to stand on. It just comes across as a meme.


Bronze Tinted Sunglasses about to deliver hot takes

:heavy_plus_sign: :white_circle:

That is good by the way, I honestly wish all streamers would never talk about AD ever again


Yeah. If you pull a “some people are more equal than others”, you are the one making discriminations. I think it hides intolerance.

Unironically, that thread is a prime example of why I am against discrimination. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but half of the people in that thread that were calling me names turned out to be rooting for a totalitarian dictatorship in the communist parade thread, so right now I wonder what is your political alignment aswell.

Ah yes … “everyone”

The powerful invoking of the mysterious “everyone” on the side of noble Tyrenas

Come off it, really

I’m thinking we probably should be unwelcoming to players that aren’t interested in the server’s ruleset. If they’re desperate for an RP server with a more welcoming community, well - there’s already quite a few RP servers that have welcomed them with open arms

Rewriting an argument you don’t agree with as “IM SILLY” while presenting yourself as some chilled out / reasonable third party isn’t actually some high level argument technique - it just comes off like you’re a strangely defensive dude who don’t have much of a point to make

Your posts come off as a meme instead I think

Ahhh yes the civil rights issue of our time - the movement to end discrimination against “players who don’t like roleplay on world of warcraft roleplay servers”

You are a hero. Semper fi


I was unaware that you were everyone. One would almost think that this entire thread is proof that everyone is not in the same boat.

No, let’s have some more of that. Because, shockingly, the RP server is for RPers. OOCels can go to any of their 40+ Normal severs. Gatekeeping is good. I don’t try to get into Mythic Raids, because I’m a filthy casual, and they shouldn’t try and and run around the 1x functional RP server like loons, because they’re not RPers.

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And they’re dead :cry:

This in ten characters

No ooc is healthy on an RP realm.

There really is no talking to some of you. Your mindsets baffle me entirely.

The fact you want to come off unwelcoming is outright strange to me.

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Welcome to the mindset that has been caused by fellow non Roleplayers Better go complain at their door then here.


Nooo the person who has zero investment in role play and is detrimental to the role play community doesn’t like me ??? Ahhh !!!


I think it’s the RPers own mentality that stops them from being able to afford a lamborghini quite simply :pensive:


Are you going to teach us what political opinions are right to have? (aka yours)
Or were are you going with this.

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name 1 thing wrong with this

because evidently over a decade of ‘live and let live’ didn’t get very far


and failing to actually make it silly, ez

i was wearing it on my DID shaman for a while.

Swapped to crown of flame, don’t really like the huge gem.

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Keep posting in this thread OOClets, you will make it top of the day / week / month / quarter so everyone will be REMINDED by me


I only RP when I log into WoW now.

Your information is 3 years out of date.


As I said, I’m not the one calling people intolerant/names in this thread.