Today I will remind you

The rules put in place by Blizzard.

Are you for real?

t. didnā€™t arrive on the battlefield at all on his main

It isnā€™t 100% false either, so why would we want any of them? If getting rid of 100% of OOC players meant decreasing the griefing on this server by even 20% it would be 100% worth it

I donā€™t want to get harassed by RP police my man.

Are they not?

Ahh come off it lol, what do you think people will do? Say ā€œI disagree with thatā€ towards you really fiercely?

twirls baton

letā€™s see your RP loisence

Worth for who tho?
Struggling minority that is on a endless barking crusade.

Reminder there are 10892 players on AD,


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Right now, Iā€™m just idling in the Valley of Strength. No /say chat spam. AFKā€™ing people? Yes. But nothing disruptive at all.

And as I have said. Those areas are busy because people are in the main capital city of their faction.
Thereā€™s other cities as well.
Thunder Bluff is empty. Whereā€™s the RP there? Ironforge?

Just roleplay.

Naming convention and reporting any Roleplay disruption. Exactly. Report those people then and move on.

I feel like some people in here would rather bully people off this server than acting reasonably.

Yes, I am. If it leads to no physical assaults, who cares? Itā€™s not a big deal to go to the other ā€œgenderedā€ bathroom if the other bathroom might be filled with people, is it?

It will never happen though. As perfect as that might sound for us RPers, the Blizzard servers are open for all. We have to cope with it. If I want a 100% super super OOC-free server, I could also just join a private RP server.


Literally so what? Plenty of good things will never happen - that doesnā€™t mean we should strive for them

This is the only bit of your post that matters. If you agree that what Iā€™m saying would be perfect for RPers, then there is simply nothing to argue about

If Blizzard provided an official option for this so would I

Reminder that 0 of them that are online are in Fruit Basket

Maybe youā€™re the one struggling (both with recruitment and with Nyalotha)


How would this work if you ignore someone midraid/pvp?

Why do it in silence when you can preach the good book.


Then the OOC problem is worse then I thought. When Iā€™ve joined AD I was like ā€œOh woow, look, this realm says Full! There must be Roleplay going around in every zone all the time! How awesome.ā€ And while itā€™s not a dead realm by any means, itā€™s was still a bit of a letdown. It didinā€™t take long to understand why. It mustā€™ve been somewhere in between the first mammoth spawning in my face and the first meme yelled in chat.

Again a poor and obvious strawman Perroy, to think I care about the ex trash guild I was in. Try again sweetie.

If you log out and then back in to the forums, you should no longer be associated to that old guildā€¦ perhaps you should do this to avoid that confusion?

Oh wow I am no longer in this guild dang.

Who is this death knight? Havent seen him type on forums before.

Right, then what? We report ANYONE who WE see as ā€œNon-RPerā€ simply because they are AFKā€™ing in the Valley of Strength/Trade District? Because they might not have a RP Addon? Where do we draw the line?

Iā€™d rather have a ā€œvanishā€ option for the ignore function than people bullying other people off the server simply because theyā€™re not 1:1 with each other. That isnā€™t healthy for this community. Which is, yes, the last functioning EU English RP community.

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You make it sound as if it is so unreasonable for RPers to see it that way. It is about self-interest of course and we donā€™t wanna have to take the chance that an OOCer ends up griefing. The potential harm a griefer can cause is out of proportion to the value they have to RPers if they behave themselves.

Letā€™s take the interests of the OOCers into account now: They do not stand to lose much if they have to play on a different server. There is an abundance of active PvE/PvP realms that will allow them to play the way they like. They will lose the ā€œimmersive feelā€ and the world may feel less ā€œaliveā€ but they didnā€™t contribute to these things on the RP server anyways and are therefore not entitled to it.

Argent Dawn is intended to be a roleplaying realm and it is the last one of its kind. There is no feasible alternative. Of course the interests of the RP community need to take precedence here.