Today I will remind you

Cared enough to make posts advertising them Astrograph

Glad to hear that that guild had all the success it deserved under your stewardship :astonished: :+1:


Advertised boost runs, there corrected it for you.
Yeah imagine taking a cut as booster and organizer being a bad thing.
Such a selfless act with zero personal gains.

The intense bullying of saying “you shouldn’t pick this server if you don’t RP”

Weird forum rhetoric to make a tired non-point

Business was so bad you had to advertise in /yell? Damn

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We report griefers and STRONGLY encourage OOCers to RP or move to another realm. That’s what I’ve been doing at least.

OOCers on Argent Dawn are the kind of people who would stock up on White Ace in Tesco then have pre-drinks in a library.

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I would build a temple to Him on their hewn corpses.

You are actually boring man…

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Apparently the guild you were organising thought similar about you

Maybe you should have done some epic recruitment yells, too

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Did you know that the number and volume of pollinating insects has plummeted in the recent years? We’re not certain if there’s been one massive cause for it or several (pollution, micro plastics, pesticides, habitat destruction, etc), but almost 1/3rd of world’s food sources are produced with the help of pollinating insects, such as the humble honeybee and the bright bumblebee.

As spring and summer are arriving, you can help our little six-legged friends very simply- Do nothing!

…That is, do not mow down your grass beside your driveway, or out in the yard. Let it grow and bloom dandelions and other great habitats, and you’re sure to beefriend our flying friends.

If you want to do more, you can also build insect hotels or leave stick piles and other plant material in hives to let the insects burrow into.

:honeybee: Save the pollinators! :honeybee:


What’s the difference here?

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Are you asking what the difference between bullying and saying “I don’t like loads of OOC players on this RP realm” is


It is more then reasonable to remind people that this is a RP server. And that there are dozen of other severs made for PvE and PvP

Using the word “bullying”?

Like what?

But that’s not for you to decide on a public server, is it? Even if you are a RPer, you are no more equal than other players. You’re the same costumer to Blizzard just like anyone else.

And again, how do you not know said “OOCer” (I don’t like the word because it implies they’re already rping and are out Out of Character) is/was a RPer? If they like the immersion and respect it, there’s nothing wrong with them.

Not everyone used to PvP on a PvP server. Not everyone did PvE on purely PvE server. Players are encouraged to do so & respect the server rules, but are not forced to.

And let’s be honest. WoW in itself was NEVER 100% RP-friendly. The limited use of toys already shows that.

Edit: spell-checking

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Actually, I have to admit something to you Perroy.
I admire you…fighting the good fight despite everything we have seen in the past on similar realms to Argent Dawn and what has been happening here also.

It is inevitable however but you still persevere some strength of will right there !


Yea, that is kind of the portion that would need to be taken into consideration.

It’s also why

probably why.

WoW has like phases. 1 is the normal world, 2 is WPvP and so forth. For each dungeon, there is a phase so that only 1 group will get instanced.

That is -impossible- to do in the open world.

I could swear I already saw this post… is it some sort of copypasta?

Oh, no! I wrote this on my own, why?

On an RP realm you totally are.

Yea, that guy who entered the women’s bathroom said the exact same thing when questioned about it.

And on that note, this will be my last response to someone who doesn’t see the problem here.

Seeing as people can’t read or use their tiny braincells to category their playstyle, I see little use of the type tags.
So long Blizzard won’t remove them I’ll hapilly keep saying: You don’t intent to RP on a RP realm? :point_right: :flight_departure: