Today I will remind you

Do you have any official statement?
A tag is just an indication, a suggestion. “This is where you should go if you want X”, but others are as welcome to be there.

Do you have any official statement sir

As per Jalbert’s post I am invoking squatter’s rights on this server. If they (Blizzard Entertainment) don’t reply to this post within 65 days they are surrendering the property to me

Consider this my official ADV1 application

Argent Dawn


“Very dramatic, Uther.”

ok glad we have come to an agreement

me :handshake: you
re: non RPers are not worth keeping

I guess this OOCers vs RPers conflict will stoke the fires in the short term but I think that I will subside if the number of OOCers is successfully lowered over a longer time span. I guess most OOCers would leave rather than embark on a grief crusade against RPers.

The cost for those who have already settled in shouldn’t be talked down but keeping OOCers from outside of AD away should be the main goal here. The image of AD as roleplaying realm has to be reinforced.

OOCers would not have to move to a “dead server” and build everything from ground up. There are plenty of active realms for them to choose. I’d also argue that new RP communities are harder to nurture and start off.

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I thought community admin Morsteth already had control over Argent Dawn…
Can’t believe Perroy decided to overthrow the Baron’s throne. :disappointed:

The system isn’t the vague loophole bureaucracy you’re implying it to be.

Creating an immersive world that holds true to the base story line of the World of Warcraft is the driving motivation behind our Role Play Servers. While other servers allow you to play World of Warcraft, these servers are intended to let you live World of Warcraft. Within this environment you will embark on long-lasting adventures, foster enduring comradeships, and wage epic wars. Cultivating an environment that allows this level of immersion rests largely upon the shoulders of you, the player.

To assist you in this endeavor, we have laid out rules of conduct more stringent than those of other servers. Keep in mind that each section of this policy is in addition to the policies currently being enforced on all servers.

If you find another player acting in a manner that contradicts the spirit of the guidelines detailed below, you must first verbally request the offending player to discontinue his/her behavior. If the actions continue after this request, only then should a Game Master (GM) be contacted. Remember to be respectful of others’ Story Lines for we must all work together to keep the continuity of the Base Story Line. Good luck and safe journeys!

…we work reactively in response to players’ reports. Thus, if you observe players attempting to disrupt roleplaying events through the use of verbal, physical, or visual harassment, I would encourage you to submit an in-game petition…
…it is contrary to our stance of not “policing” realms in search of policy violations—which is, again, in line with the reactive nature of our investigation—and partly because it is simply not logistically feasible to offer such a service, given the resources it would require. We urge you, however, to report any wrongdoing you observe…

“Blizzard GMs do not go looking for RP violations. They address these issues entirely in response to player requests . It is up to the community on each RP server to establish the degree of policy enforcement they wish to see. Whereas one server’s community may take a very strict approach to naming, another may be relatively lax. Rather than Blizzard GMs deciding how far to take it, it’s up to the players themselves to “set the barometer” and determine what is acceptable or not. The GMs can then compare the infraction to the policy as worded, and apply disciplinary measures as required. Thus, it is up to players on RP servers to proactively support the enforcement of the official RP server policies by reporting infractionsto GMs.”

It’s entirely in the hands of roleplayers to defend and uphold the roleplaying community they need in the guidelines of Blizzard’s policy. You’re very fortunate we are not using the old ruleset which was even harsher:


Back when there were PvE and PvP realms, a lot of people on the PvP realms were complaining about getting ganked. Back then it was pointed out many, many times that PvP were to be expected on a PvP realm and people had to deal with the ganking and become involved in PvP or move realm. Consider words and the RPers way on ganking people. You can either get involved in RP or you can leave, but the “ganking” will not stop.

If you “gank” people with words that’s called harassment, and it’s against the TOS and common decency.

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Only if you use bad words.

That’s not true. Harassment is anything that seeks to demean/humiliate/embarass someone for a prolonged amount of time.

a.k.a. it looks very close to what you’re suggesting.

Exactly what I’ve been saying in my other posts in response to yours. Report the disrupters, the griefers and so on. That way we create an immersive surrounding.

I have to say though, I know the sources you linked and they’re pretty old. They were removed when the WoW/B-Net website was reworked. Not sure if the reporting system is still as 1:1 as it used to be. Hope it is.

But currently we seem to have only these rules (link down below) in place on RP servers (though don’t think I mean to say with this that I am against the “older” rules):

But yeah, that said. Report the violations. We can create a healthy RP environment without having to tell people to “get off this realm”.

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So what OOCers have been doing then?

Also, pointing out mistakes is not harassment. Being on a RP realm without the intention to RP is a mistake and people who’ve made that mistake have just been asked to comply or leave.

Telling people who don’t roleplay on a roleplay realm to look for a realm better suited for their gameplay needs is entirely in the guidelines of a community envisioned healthy roleplaying server.

Playing the silent witness got us into the state of a heavy OOC player-base to begin with. It is why zones that used to be popular to roleplay in are now not habitable. It is that passivity that has led to this imperial decay.

You are simply a witness to the Hegelian dialectic’s unleashed from roleplayers fed up.


I am gonna repeat it again, by typing what you are typing here you really aren’t doing any favors to yourself.

It is beyond ridiculous what some like Rainwatcher write.

Fruit Basket

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False. It is an unfair generalization to claim all full-time OOC players have been actively demeaning role-players. Griefers do: these guys should be reported and ignored. Those who haven’t done anything aren’t guilty and you shouldn’t deem them guilty.

Griefing is also an activity which is done by both OOC players and role-players alike: ever heard RP communities lamenting that other role-players have griefed them? Griefers can’t be reduced to full-time OOC players either.

As I said: they can be here just as you are. Not a single rule claims anything about it. They aren’t wrong - you are wrong, however, if you harass people because they do not RP.


I don’t think he cared about that guild too much tbh. He wasn’t a GM and I think he’s already called them bad and wannabe Method raiders tend not to get too attached to guilds.

On behalf of our guild, Hand on Deck, I apologise for the viewpoints of Athramus and Argent Dawn, as the server shall remain the sole haven for roleplay on EU.