Today I will remind you

As much as I would prefer Argent Dawn only being populated by roleplayers, I think it’s impossible to ever reach that state (Or get anywhere near it infact). There’ll always be a lot of OOC’ers on the realm. It’s an issue we cannot realistically expect to do anything about; no matter how much we discuss it on forums.
What we -can- try to do is reduce the amount of griefing by making sure to report those, which intentionally disrupts RP.
I personally fear that the whole “Crusade against OOC’ers” will only bring about more griefers shortterms and, maybe, longterm as well. It’ll just fuel the fire.


That’s OK brother. Every guild has a few sour apples


Alright so reality check inc,
“OOCers” will not go anywhere they are here to stay. They have been playing on this realm for years just like you did.
There is nothing you can do about that, nothing and its a fact.

So instead of trying to out-muscle those “OOCers” perhaps listen to Athramus.
He is definitely one of the few sensible persons here.
What he says makes sense and is logical in every way.

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They weren’t here to stay in Fruit Basket

And? Guild was a meme anyways.

The ideal guild for you, one might say


I suppose it must have been given the state of the roster


fruit basketcase cope


[observes the roster]


Yeah loads of incapable players not performing. What can you do, I think i can draw a parallel between failure of fruit basket and Perroys attempt to keep RP scene alive tho.

A very pessimistic outlook.

Ours is to strive for the stars no matter how far away they seem.


now soviet, there’s a name you can set your watch to


I know of at least one

Just watch me

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So, let me get this straight… you ruined the guild’s opinion on AD (I can bet they wouldn’t get as much hate as they do rn if not for your posts, as their guild thread was fine before you appeared on the forum) and now you talk bad about them after the guild fell apart? To think that you said I’m the bad person here…


I am mostly indifferent toward non-griefing OOCers on AD (though I still would prefer if everyone here RPed) but I do not think you are helping their case as much as you think you are Laviolette

This is my proudest name to date.

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Remember sweetheart you were the one saying you are glad guild disbanded.
I am not bad talking them, stating facts people were not performing and those that did got tired of dead weight=leads to disband.

You type like you’d be some seductive woman irl but in reality you’re a sweaty neckbeard.

Edit: call me the akinator when referring to me.

I’m amazed by this differentiation. You don’t have to teabag RPers to be a griefer. Demeaning roleplay is much easier and common than you are suggesting.

If for anything else, they are guilty by the fact they’re playing on an RP realm.

Whataboutism. This is a meaningless paragraph in the context of this thread.

Never have I harassed them and claming so is disrespectful. I’m expecting an apology for this point you’ve made.

And because of people like you they’ll lose more and more good will.