Today I will remind you

:raised_hand: stop right there criminal scum
this individual still rps, even if not so often
she has a legal [RP License]


looks up from squad car

License checks out, chief

We can get into the sociological history of why gender segregation of bathrooms has developed the way it has in the western world and whether thats right, or we could take the commonsense pill and realise that in today’s world a vast amount of bathrooms are gendered for the primary reason of ensuring privacy when doing your business, and to keep you safe from possible unwanted attention or vulnerability from members of the opposite sex (yes I know , but same sex, let’s defer to statistics of majority here) who might like to use a private location where individuals are exposed to get their jollies.

Most people run around with this idea in their head, like a green light. We don’t philosophise about why green means go, and whether that’s appropriate. We just respond. So with that in mind do the decent thing and respect people’s privacy using the system provided.

If you have a different opinion, enlightened on a cloud or whatever about whether people should just realise it’s all pee in the end, then go to whatever local authorities and talk to them. Stage a protest.

But don’t be a spanner and waltz into other people’s bathrooms and believe they “should” abandon their archaic understanding of the well-established norms of gendered bathrooms because you gaze beyond such mortal ideas. This isn’t about whether the system is good, it’s about give it’s in place, is it right to violate it?

And you have people here arguing yes, because of their lofty ideas. You wanna sell your version of a community United by pee, be my guest. But don’t expect random Jane to acquiesce to random bobs toilet stool philosophy when she was under the VERY CORRECT assumption that when she walked in there to pee, that came with an assumption a man wouldn’t be able to do the same.

Thank you very much.

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Damn it, Scrappy! We must shorten the breaktime allowed between roleplaying-session or else we’ll be swarmed by those darn oocers!

i begin shaking my head at broadblade

ah, u sweet summer child
u are but a fool
and that is okay

as long as someone still roleplays, irrelevant of how often, they are not an oocer, and still belong here

tears begin to swell in my eyes as i realize that i am finally able to take a break from roleplaying, even if just for an hour

ur welcome, my child

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100%. Not where I thought some people would take my analogy when I’ve first made it. Next time I’ll think of a less controversial take than ‘a man shouldn’t go into a women’s bathroom’, because some people will try and debate anything regardless of how creepy they’ll come off as.

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People willfully misinterpreted your clear as day analogy because

  1. they can’t resist being contrarian because apparently that’s a ticket for being a galaxy brain these days and how you “argue properly” and
  2. they know that being contrary with your analogy is creepy asf so they tried to slide a caricature of it past even though you were never in the business of passing it off as artwork.

I swear down internet arguing is dumb asf sometimes, people feel a wierd need to overcomplicate or philosophise even very basic or clear stuff because reasons, and it just comes across as an act of self pleasure that all too often doesn’t even result in a whoopie. Just dud after dud and too much scrolling through thesaurus for everyone else.


Trans rights


yes mate!!

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BFA is a trash expac with an awful story to be frank, writing is all over the place and we got more plotholes than a swiss cheese.
I do intent on RPing more come SL, all that good after life lore rubs hands

You cannot take my totally legal license away, lest thou wish to get dunked on again after trying to shame me in my own discord.

lol yeah that’s pretty true, i think my community is rly fortunate we got a rly sick outcome from it (three of our guilds getting a revamped goal as sylvanas loyalists and the rest of our horde guilds fighting them) but i can 100% see why people wouldn’t wanna rp in bfa

luckily with slands, since getting to the shadowlands is going to be insanely nonsensical for rpers, we’ll get a second wod where we can do pretty much whatever storylines we want… ah, it’ll be golden

Alliance been robbed of any decent lore and good development this expac smh, good to see you guys at least getting something cool out of it.

Gonna pass it off as some big fever dream IC or just stick to DK, they’d have -argueably- better lore reasons to go slands than anyone else and even that is stretch at best.
We’ll see what comes of it.

We assume.
Blizzard may do another WoD and start dumping portals everywhere and drag normals into it.

arhgfhghghgh no…
don’t do this to me ranko
my vulpera brother

I’m sorry, S, I need you to be prepared. It may not be what you want, but it means you’ll suffer less if it comes true.

the glass is half full the glass is half full!!!

The glass is only half full if it is being filled. It is half empty, as your hope drains.

think ur getting a bit heated there alt head