Today I will remind you

I probably messed up the wording. My sentence structure is notoriously bad.

Do you think that desirable people to AD may be put off by the debate (and subsequently joining the server) due to how its presented on the forums?

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Sometimes yes.

I think there is too much focus on negative language surrounding the wrong people going away (which I get, and Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re wrong) rather than on giving people tips on being one of the right people.

Iā€™m not saying AD isnā€™t welcoming, far from it. But I think this debate is best presented as a ā€œwe need/wantā€¦and if you need help with this or want to tryā€¦go hereā€ rather than ā€œif you have no interest in X get lostā€.

Some of these people wonā€™t know if they have an interest or not, but a positive spin on it rather than a protectionist stance would work better. I get WHY the stance is protectionist and I donā€™t think that it should be abandoned, I just think you tend to attract more potential club members with a list of what you offer as opposed to a list of what you can do to get expelled.

The problem is also is whether ā€œnew bloodā€ is needed? I mean AD ticks over quite nicely and Iā€™d assume the RPer growth (totally new players to RP in wow) isnā€™t massive on a weekly basis. More of the growth is OoC. So the RPers see they only need to maintain what they have and protect it rather than recruit newbies. That would explain it

Seems plausible as the Rp scene is pretty healthy.


Also I think if someone wants to roleplay theyā€™re probably not likely to say ā€œaughh no I wonā€™t roleplay because these people donā€™t like being griefed enoughā€

If they do then maybe they were more interested in being a forum personality than a roleplayer


Sure, I guess some might be put off by what you describe as ā€œthe debateā€, especially when it goes for a fairly long time.

And thatā€™s why I still think it is important to have a clear and concise message, which in this case is that if someone has no intention to RP, they shouldnā€™t play on an RP realm.

Everything else is just forum fluff - dramaqueens, attention seeking, baits, memes and other shenanigans.


I asked a GM before and they said to use Cheating as the reason and then in the box type where, what time and what they were doing as they have no other options that fit.

OOClets are good for the server am I right.

They never grief or destroy rp.

Infact we need OOCers for raids ! And transmogs !



sorry doesnā€™t happen, I have never seen it and only my experiences are true, so much for the tolerant leftā€¦

  • Athramus, probably

Thanks for the reminder for the past 4 days, OOC is indeed not healthy for the one and only RP server.


What do you mean Megnarosh ? I have never seen RP being griefed so it does not happen ! And what would we poor rpers do without OOCers ? We wouldnt be able to pvpā€¦ or pveā€¦ we would not even be able to get our transmog !

Donā€™t think Iā€™ve had enough of this subject yet guys, think we should create another thread to remind the masses once more.

iā€™ll be sure to do that a bit later just for you


Huh all of this sounds like my Realm, back in Cataā€¦ Before many people quit/transferred to Argent D-ā€¦ Ah damn itā€¦ There you Elitists are! >:(

Aww my Post count doesnā€™t transfer over to the English Forums. :frowning:

Or unlock races for more rpā€¦ or lvl upā€¦ wait, I did that solo ever since stepping foot in this server and did just fine. What do oocers contrebute to the server again? Nothing.


What are you trying to say with this post exactly?

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shocking really that athramus ā€˜i am the most tolerant but also race is both real and hierarchicalā€™ dragonpants missed the mark here

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As much as you dislike what I am saying, it may contain more truth than this whole charade, which is just a pretext to spread more drama and negativity, something the people of AD have always been fond of.

All this crying about OOC=evil is grounded on a number of post hoc, ergo propter hoc considerations which have little reason to stand on by their own. The examples brought up are either irrelevant for Argent Dawn or isolated cases (like the communist march), or harmless events. Why? Well, because people have already decided that these full-time OOC players are the bad guys.

Yes. I do believe people are blowing this whole thing out of proportions. May I remind you that players accused others of disrupting and griefing RP because this or that guy made /yells in Stormwind? If this is the level of disruption people canā€™t tolerate (as if yells like ā€˜gunshotā€™ are much better for immersion) maybe these role-players are just too sensitive on the topic, and are willfully ignoring the positive effects of having full-time OOC players on the server; instead focusing and aggrandizing the negatives.

Those who express even light disagreement are quickly made fun of, accused, or forced to return into the ranks. The gloating that surrounds this entire attitude makes me think people are here just to celebrate their own love for drama. It always feels like a party for so many members of the community when they can accuse and demean other people. Itā€™s just sad - this is not a provocation, all I am doing is a wake-up call. Just donā€™t bend to peer pressure and think with your own head. Tbh, I thought you, Aerilen, were one of the guys who could think with his own head. But I am growing more skeptical by the day.

Iā€™m sorry, I donā€™t like this lack of tolerance for people that enjoy the game in a different way than you do. Perhaps I shouldnā€™t be so invested in this thing. After all, youā€™re just subscribing to an impossible dream, which will be dropped as an old trend in a couple of years. (But atleast by then, Iā€™ll have acquired bragging rights, and Iā€™ll be the smart guy gloating ā€œI told you, guysā€).


Can i get a short version written in English? I honestly donā€™t understand half of the things you are writing in your word salad.

Are you Athramus?

This text contains no argument

This text does also not contain any argument

Yelling OOC is detrimental to RP and we do not want that yeah

No argument made here folks

ā€œIf you donā€™t follow my opinion you canā€™t think for yourselfā€ is what you are saying to Aerilen lol

I can say ā€œI told you, guysā€ to DB and any other RP server


I am. If I use my iPad rather than my phone I am cloned into a different character, apparently.


Iā€™m not surprised you donā€™t find any arguments in my text.

He is, just jumping on diferent chars to harness attention because he refuses to be ignored, wonder which char he will jump next to keep his worthless argument further.