Today I will remind you

Hahaha yeah me neither man

Edit: This is like the episode when you responded to a chat bot’s writing here on the forum and agreed with the word salad


I do think personally that this is a bit of a weak counter-argument since it is not about a lack of tolerance. We’ve talked before how other people, myself included, who have been on AD or other RP servers for many years now, have had disruption and trolling & other negative experiences happen quite frequently.

I also do think that if a person’s enjoyment of the game is soley/or even partially, built on deliberatly making someone else’s enjoyment less fun, then that is just plain wrong and they’ve delinquished their right to enjoy the game, period. The enjoyment of the game goes both ways, and if someone’s enjoyment comes primarily by harming the other ones, then they really shouldnt be playing.

To clarify as well, I don’t consider all OOCer’s to be griefers, but as I’ve said before many times as well, they often tend to act quite reckless still or encourage other less pleasant individuals to join them and thus we get more trolls or geniuenly unpleasant people like the former remants of Fruit Basket.


I just assumed it was a regular name change since it’s the same mog and everything.

Also, will remind folk how being “tolerant” of oocers led to the death of rp servers, telling people to commit those very mistakes is not very productive, oocers add nothing to na rp server and I can name several servers where they are better suited for.


Doesn’t surprise me that the Paradox of Tolerance is on the list of things our scaly friend knows nothing about tbh


[Cringes] .


I do think personally the best way to approach OOCers coming here really is how it is normally done in the latest threads ive seen when new people have popped up:

Brief welcome, but also suggest that they try/pick out roleplay or otherwise perhaps offer another server alternative. One of three things will(or usually happen)

  1. The person asks more about roleplay and is willing to try it out, and is then often given pointers and helpful things to read and we got a new roleplayer on AD!
  2. The person understands that its mainly RP here and looks for another realm.
  3. The person becomes immediatly hostile, at which point we know what kind of player we are dealing with.

Most cases ive seen ends with either option 1 or 2,quite alot of time 2. So yeah, its more productive to just approach new OOCer’s and offer them/talk them into trying out RP or give ideas for other servers. It usually works out in most cases, and when it doesnt, its very easy to tell if it is a unpleasant individual anyway.

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hmmmm, no.


Indeed, people were friendly, and yes, I see all three happening, the rpers only grew a bit hostile when the thread owner showed no interest in rp but still stubbornly refused to look for another server. The second point is almost none existente but it also did happen.


See Fruit Basket recruitment thread, and that one guy a few months back who said that “I played here since wrath, so I can do whatever I want here to anyone, no matter what. I got every right to troll if I want too, shuddup”(Paraphrasing but yeah)

Are you honestly arguing that someone yelling an emote is comparable to OOC yells advertising mythic+ boosts

IDK if that’s a joke or a sincere belief (sadly probably the latter)

There is very little to find in general because it’s written like you’re using google translate to write it + trying to sound wordy and erudite when your reading level is very obviously stuck at key stage 3

Like man please master English first before moving on to Latin

You should honestly take the advice of your guildie who posted earlier apologising for you and maybe try to re-evaluate what kind of things you think are a good post


Well… “Die Aldor” was once similar to Argent Dawn in terms of the Forum… But since many players who were on high horses/think they are better than other RPers just quit or changed to Argent Dawn… It’s… It’s pretty chilled on that server. More enjoyable than during Cata.

Basically… This Thread reminded me of the old times. :woman_shrugging:

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Man’s out here posting paragraphs trying to seem intelligent, but infact is not because he parses below 25% on heroic.


So chill that the forum front page for that server has posts from over a month ago. It’s … a shame … that all your active roleplayers … came here … let’s hope they don’t let AD meet … the … the … same fate as Die Aldor (may it rest in peace)


Yeah alright, brag about your raiding skills first to look extra smart. You are in a PVE Raiding guild after all and not an RP one so surely you are a good raider.

Never scrolled that far down on mobile… Dunno when I’ll see the end of page 1.

The majority of those who switched should be the “I’m better than anyone, your RP is sh*t!”-Faction. But some gems switched too, that’s true.

Server is still pretty active in my opinion though. :woman_shrugging: I’m happy with what we have.

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Unlike what horror films might have you believe, a grave is actually a really chill place.


Not to sound catty or mean, but if you are happy with it, why are you on the AD forums posting passive-agressive comments about how everyone bad fled to here?

Also all ive heard from Die Aldor from people is that it was/is a worse place than we make Moon Guard out to be.


Die Aldor (DA) is in more than one way the inversion of Argent Dawn (AD)


I agree on this bit. Griefing and harassing role-players is bad. But I would add, witch-hunting is too.

I see a lot of people taking reasonable disagreement very seriously. Rather than discuss good points, they just belittle the person. And I am not speaking about me (as I am considered a troll by most), but even unaffiliated people who have just voiced their opinion were just peer pressured into retreating from the topic. Considering this attitude isn’t new, and often translates into many other elements of the game, this approach speaks a lot about a lack of tolerance.

Different characters with the same gear and achievements. Yeah.