Today I will remind you

damn guys, Die Aldor was meant to be an article, not a command


Hah, I had a feeling you were from Die Aldor. :smiley:

I’m also an ex-Aldor member here on AD since roughly a year. There’s way less (forum-)drama and debates over there on our old server, for sure.

However, casual RP on Argent Dawn is very active, wheras on Die Aldor you often only really see lots of people in Stormwind when there’s an organised public event.

I missed those countless casual RP opportunities for a long time on Die Aldor and I thankfully can RP almost everywhere on AD.

(Btw, I liked the Stormwind market you had a few months back. Refreshing to see the community coming together in a healthy way).

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Witch-hunting is not that common though I’d say. Sure, it happens and there’s been alot of agression on the forums lately, but it has also not been uncalled for and most of it directed at 1 or 2 people who are geniuenly not appropriate to be in a public setting, let alone one that has people under certain ages.

I know I’ve had a bit more crude and blunt approach before on some topics and I am now trying to go back to be more as I am really and more open to discussions, but I can definatly understand why some people are fed up with some things & or people for various reasons. And sometimes it wears down and feels like a I waste of time, like the times I tried to initially be open to talks with a certain OOC troll who just went on the absolute extreme in rudeness until I just gave up as well.

Alot of people’s attitudes come from experience of the same issues over and over again, so they are less inclined to be more open to it due to all of theseb ad experiences.

As for peer pressure, I’ve actually not personally seen much of that.

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Jumping characters won’t boost your performance, lad.


RP is not a competition or a popularity contest. It is something a lot of people still get wrong. Although I am happy to see that there are far less people around now who try to control other roleplayers through IC or OOC means.


It’s not a competition because we already know that anyone who plays a gnome is automatically better at everything there is.


Ah yes, embrace the cold. <3

Got a character here too, although haven’t been online with her since last year… Also reading and communicating is fun with other people too. :woman_shrugging:

Just the worst people fled, not for their RP quality but for their behavior/opinion. Ofc meaning those that feel talked to.

Goldshire is a place that should be burned down.

Yeh… Not quite a lot of open world RP, sadly.

I agree.

Hah! Nice try.


I think his performance of “I’m right and your wrong, so stop complaing about being griefed and move along to another place.” has been spot on in every post, he doesn’t want the taken seriously, he just wants to gather as much attention as possible, and it’s working I guess.

An attempt was made!


i think he knows a lot of the forum posters ignore him so he’s levelled up a replica to carry on spouting.

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To me, the anti-OOC propaganda is just a huge witch hunt. I guess you don’t see it this way, so I suppose we’ll just agree to disagree here.

Your sarcasm detector is off.

This is likely the main reason that killed the other RP servers: AD offered more options and more RP so a lot of people moved here.

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I wonder the name of the next human mage he will lvl to keep the “I’m smart, look at me.”

Your ability to do damage is off.



Doesn’t matter how many times people put him on ignore, he WILL be heard!


And laughed at like the clown he is.

Yeah I suppose so. As I said, I think as its been lately with OOC discussions specifically, its generally more productive than doing nothing at all, since its been focused on approaching people to try and get them into roleplay, or if not, offer alternative places to go.

The agression in these cases so far has a majority of the time been from the OOCers themselves in a few cases.

So yeah, agree to disagree for now.

I am not trying to damage anyone, only to open your eyes. But I wouldn’t know about that statement, Morsteth looked quite salty.

Please stop

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I’m sure there is a group of 19 others that are even more salty.