Today I will remind you

Well, obviously.

Sometimes not even that would work, at least for Die Aldor people won’t change servers because on a RP-Server they got no real competition. Or enjoy the vibes. Or… Tried RP, didn’t enjoy it and stayed full OOC once more.

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'ate me rp griefers
'ate me brainlet pvpers who struggle on actual pvp realms so have to come here
'ate me mammoth trains
'ate the train toy
'ate Athramus

'luv me rp


Yea, it’s awful. Welcome to the club.

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It’s still better than doing nothing, in my opinion. And alot more productive. Because even though I think when it comes to the geniuenly unpleasant people, we can show & or tell that they arent wanted, we cant force people to move.

But to approach new incoming OOCers to either get them into roleplay or perhaps understand the issue and look for servers more suitable for them, is much better than doing absolutley nothing at all.


enters a room full of paladins doing some roleplay “Greetings warriors of light! I seek the Ring of Elborn, do you happen to know its whereabouts ?” gets ignored and put on the ignored list

“Welp, back to goldshire it is”

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I don’t think we need to convince anyone that AD is a roleplay server. We shouldn’t harass people, but we don’t have to be welcoming to people who don’t have any intention to ever RP either. If they are better suited on a PvP or a PvE realm, then telling them so is not “propaganda” or a “witch hunt”. I mean, it may even help them.

The fault does not lie with the people who use this realm as for what it is meant to. The fault lies with the people who don’t.


And when dealing with decent people, it does.


I think this is a great solution. It’s fine to tell others “hey, i think this realm isn’t suited for your interests”, because that’s likely true. I have no issue with that. No one’s at a fault as long as we stay at this level of the discussion.

Repackaging the very benign act of saying “this server is not good for OOC players” as witch hunting is just a cheap piece of forum rhetoric repeated by players who can’t manage to stitch together an actual argument


But it often doesn’t because many people, not all, flip out when being called on their mistake, and, more often then not, don’t even admit it’s a mistake and they’re in the wrong. That’s the point.


Athramus being one of them “I’m trying to bring you to reason while telling you to stop complain ING about greifers who are nothing but an annoyance, why dont you listen?!” This every of his “arguments” summerized.

It’s not a mistake, however. And most likely they flip out because you assume they are a harmful presence and have no right to be on the server.

I’m sure you can see the difference between saying “I think this other place is better-suited for your interests” to a person that is asking for information and instead telling someone “you can’t stay in my server, I feel harmed by your presence/you have no right to be here, go away”.

Most bad cases on the forums have been exactly what Rainwatcher said though and along these lines:

“Hello, I am starting up X PvE guild!”

“Hello, do you have any interest in roleplay or trying it out? Otherwise, we could recommend servers more suitable.”

“Shut up nerds! You’re all low-iq and I :poop: in your shoes, haha xDDD”


Being on an RP realm without having any interest in RP is, without a doubt, a mistake. Which is FINE, it can happen, we all make mistakes. But, for someone to deny it and not take any action in order to at least ameliorate if not fullly correct it, is frankly insulting.


i go into mcdonalds but i’m not really interested in mcdonalds, i want a tescos meal deal


Oh my god, there was somebody who did this when i had a local mcdonalds.

They were complaining because the McD employees wouldn’t let them eat their KFC in the McD restaurant.

“Its not private property,”

Except, it is.

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Do you then:

A) Leave the McDonalds.
B) Take McDonalds anyway.
C) Run into the kitchen and start cooking your own food.
D) Walk up to the closest family, flip their table and spit on their food now in a mess on the floor. Then keep doing this anytime they try to order a new meal until they leave.

I have enough experience with food service to know that D is chosen a non-zero number of times


It’s your opinion. There isn’t any current, official source from Blizzard stating that you’re correct, so I’m afraid the server-tag is most likely just an advice you’re free to follow or not. The tag is there to help you make a decision, but there’s nothing wrong if you don’t follow it.

Ironically a vegetarian friend of mine goes to McDonald to buy an awful ice cream. I advice him otherwise, but there’s nothing morally wrong in that (unless, you know, we factor in that McDonald is a questionable place due to its terrible animal treatment, but that’s unrelated to the analogy).

I have been reading some of these conversations. In my opinion, discussions started due to condescending tones. Some role-players have defended this attitude as a way to ‘encourage’ people to leave the server. Let’s not pretend we behave in a perfect way on the forums.

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