Today I will remind you

do the world a favour and take this word out of your vocabulary


…is going to McDonalds and being interested in McDonalds


I’m not saying we’re all perfect on the forums. I’ve behaved poorly myself before, I know this and working on not doing that anymore to be more myself, but as I said earlier too, I know some people are more blunt and defensive because of past issues being so common that it gets tiresome to try and keep it up.

But still, from what I have seen personally, a majority of the conflicts have been escalated or started specifically by the thread posters/OOCers in question.

I also go to Mcdonalds for the fries and Ice cream, man, his capacity to argue is getting weaker.
Edit: Make use of the ignore function and have fall in the depths of darkness along with every one of his alts.

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Also for real, their McFlurries are pretty tasty, don’t diss them :frowning:

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I will diss anything sweet because I dont like it. But the icecream sold in McDs is a McDs product

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Burger King fries & Burgers.

McDonalds Mcflurries and Nuggets.

Much like players on AD are interested in WoW and play its content, even if it’s not the main attraction advertised in the server.

Either way, the point is the same: there’s nothing morally questionable in that.

In this discussion/analogy though, the server/RP as a whole is McDonalds. It’s not about the individual product/dishes.

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I… don’t have Burger King…

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Double Bacon King and chilli cheese bites. :drooling_face:

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I’m not gonna say anything, because we don’t have alot of stuff!

Sweden lacks things Ive heard people talk about, like KFC and Dominos.

We only got like McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut and like 2-3 specifically swedish brands.

LUCKY! Don’t have that either… Gods getting hungry again.

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No sign even in the history of signs has physically stopped anybody. What sort of argument is that? Just because the server blade is not going to grow legs and walk to your house to slap you over the hand, doesn’t make ignoring the tag right. :grimacing:

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You keep using this term but what’s the authority that makes it right? As I said, not Blizzard. So it’s just the sign in itself? It’s not a strong point really.

We used to have one of these locally, but that died years ago.

The only thing we got is KFC.

And KFC’s chips taste like cardboard.

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Took me like 2 seconds to make but I had too.


A royale with cheese…


Because Blizzard putting it there for people to ignore makes so much more sense.


The server tag is either a recommendation or an enforceable rule. Blizzard doesn’t enforce anything so the question is whether we are free to enforce it. A Blizzard source has been cited somewhere above to that effect but it’s rather vague.

In the end, I can only encourage OOCers to go to a different server because I find that they are detrimental to the RP community.