Today I will remind you

It is a bit like a wash your hands sign. Sure it is more about guidance and suggestion but… ignoring it is kind of a scum move.


I’m a bit pissed off I didn’t come up with this comparison myself not gonna lie…

Neither are as a good as Queenstown’s very own, Ferg Burger.

Last time we were in New Zealand, with our American friends, we went down to Queenstown in the South Island and we ordered Ferg Burgers (online, because the queue down the street, yes, down the street, was not something we were willing to wait in.)

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I have never heard of it before, but it sounds interesting!


The guy is a master when it comes to creating the perfect burger, but its only something in Queenstown, New Zealand.
And the fact that people will queue for half an hour, to an hour, just to get a burger is something that unheard of.
Mind you - if they had any sense, they’d order it online. The scowls I received from people, when I picked up our order was quite funny.

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And the principle point is such signs exist to indicate washing hands in the area is heavily recommended if not required. They’re not there because they look nice.

Therefore those who ignore them are in the wrong, simple.

And those who say to them “you should wash your hands” or even “look, I don’t want you to eat here if you’re not going to wash your hands” are being perfectly reasonable.

But the counterargument is essentially that no coercive force is enforcing hand washing, therefore the individual has a right to ignore it and anyone who tries to pressure them into doing so is being douchy. Completely nonchalant about previously established precedent that the environment in question strongly advised/ requires you to wash your hands, and there are ten more restaurants just outside serving exactly the same food but don’t ask you to wash your hands.

You have a right a ignore it, sure. But that comes with the consequence of accepting you’re either being stupid by picking a locale unsuitable for your predilections or you’re just being a douchebag because you have a right to.

I have a right to call randoms on the street a spanner, tosspot or whatever. No policeman is gonna leap on me. But I shouldn’t be surprised if when doing so in a space where such language is strongly discouraged, someone clocks me in the face or acts hostile towards me, given there’s a whole host of places I get away with that and it’s the norm.

I hate this whole 21st century “I have a right…to be a tosser” groove. People choosing to flex their libertarianism for dummies only when it pertains to defending the most idiotic of behaviours, looking at issues devoid of all context such arguments were orginally drafted in (and it wasn’t to generate societies where people go about being Muppets to each other whenever they like), it was typically to generate inalienable rights a government cannot take from you to coerce you, not to guarantee safety when executing unsavoury behaviours in social situations because you have a greater right within that behaviour sphere against the goverment.
In fact many originally libertarian philosophies like Locke’s for example actually downplayed government in favour of general reason and social consensus. So the whole “I have a right to violate social more X suck it lol” libertarian often forgets it comes with a “and others have a right to react to that as they see fit provided they don’t violate any of my natural rights”. Last time I checked playing on AD is not such a right, so there is no reasoned argument as to how those who are hostile or cautious towards total OOCers are behaving unreasonably provided it doesnt pour into harassment or threats or other “against TOS” stuff.

You’re free to play here fully aware you’re breaking social norms and they’re free to make you feel like a turd for doing it and the weight is on the side of the RPers here given the server label indicates their social more is “correct”, so where the two conflict or may conflict, they gain right of way.

Issue is blizzard don’t do enough proactive reinforcement of this ethos, it’s all reactive, so it falls to players to advertise such.


It’s still a McDonalds Icecream btw not a tesco meal deal ice cream so your friend is in the right place unlike people who enter the last remaining McDonalds without the intention of ever making a purchase


As are people playing WoW on a WoW server, yeah.

A valid point, Mr. Athramus Shapiro … however -


I giggled at that.

I actually saw one guy try and go to McDonalds to buy cigarettes. Found it quite funny.

What was he hoping for? To borrow the grill, roll his own and hope for the best? :rofl:

He just thought they’ll sell him the cigarettes?

Either he was drunk or…the other things.

That’s not why people get annoyed.
It’s people who have no intention of RPing who come/stay here.
But I think free transfers to other realms for a while wouldn’t hurt.

If we have the same quote in mind, it was a WotLk-era source which as you stated yourself, it is also quite vague. It was removed during Cataclysm, therefore it isn’t in effect anymore.

I’ll trust you on that. I don’t suppose it was concrete enough to derive anything from it anyways.

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PCU: Second company, Federation of Evil division, known as KFC, standing for Kump Forum Club, is the only way and salvation.


KFC hasnt been the same ever since they got that new CEO. Kump I think it is?



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